Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 309 Promise yourself

The officials were in an uproar.

At the last moment when Baiguan was about to win a big victory, Qin Yanzhen actually said that she was willing to marry this Wang Tieyi?

Everyone couldn't help but be completely confused.

What is going on?

They tried their best, made every effort, and talked with each other until their mouths were dry, just to pull her out of the sea of ​​suffering, but why did she jump into the fire pit at the last moment?

Even Emperor Jia Ling was surprised by her behavior and couldn't believe his ears.

"Yanzhen Aiqing, what did you just say?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled calmly and said slowly: "I am willing to obey your majesty's arrangement and marry this young master Wang Tieyi!"

This time, everyone heard clearly, and there was no doubt that she was going to marry this evil and vulgar guy!

What is this... exactly about?

Emperor Jia Ling frowned and said, "This man has a despicable character. Aiqing has witnessed it with his own eyes just now. Why are you still willing to marry him?"

Qin Yanzhen replied calmly: "This person is indeed unruly, and there are many shortcomings in what he does, but it is undeniable that he does have his own uniqueness, and he can be called a piece of jade... Yanzhen is not talented, I would like to use my body to polish this person, hoping to make him change his mind and return to his right ways, so that we can add another useful person to the Great Wu Dynasty!"

There was silence.

No one could have imagined that Qin Yanzhen actually had such thoughts and planned to convert this sinful devil by sacrificing herself and feeding the tiger with her body!

Such sentiments and state of mind were clearly the behavior of a saint, and all the ministers in the palace could not help but feel insignificant.

It seems that this powerful female princess not only has superb cultivation, but also has godlike military and combat skills. Even her Taoist mind is far beyond ordinary people. No wonder she is so deeply supported by the people of the Wu Dynasty. Adored.

Emperor Jia Ling couldn't help but feel confused for a moment, wondering if he was too paranoid. From this point of view, Qin Yanzhen was obviously a person of noble character, and he and Wang Tieyi were completely opposite. How could such a person exist? Disobedience?

Only Lu Yu didn't believe Qin Yanzhen's nonsense at all. He didn't believe even a word or a punctuation. He knew that Qin Yanzhen had a profound background, and he had witnessed her and Concubine Hua in the Emperor's Palace that night at Shuhua Palace. How could such a person have good intentions when he was doing little tricks right under his nose?

However, Lu Yu couldn't figure out the purpose of Qin Yanzhen's move for a while. She was still asking him to give up his position as consort when they met in private last time, but now she took the initiative to say that she wanted to marry him, and she even gave up on him. Even if she couldn't drop it, Lu Yu couldn't figure out what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd...

"Let's just leave it at that!"

Emperor Jia Ling shook his hand and said.

"I think this person is probably stubborn and stubborn. Yan Zhen has already made great contributions to our Wu Dynasty. How can I just watch you jump into the fire pit? You can't do it for such a despicable person. Sacrifice your own lifelong happiness!”

Qin Yanzhen insisted: "Your Majesty, I have made up my mind. If Your Majesty is not willing to act as a matchmaker for the two of us, then I will have no choice but to wait until the court meeting is over before promoting this matter in my own name!"

"You are really stubborn!"

Emperor Jia Ling laughed angrily. In fact, he was not very firmly opposed to this matter in his heart. After all, even if Qin Yanzhen handed over the military power, her influence among the border troops would still be there. It is in his godson's interest that Qin Yanzhen be completely disarmed and return to the countryside.

Now that he saw Qin Yanzhen insisting so repeatedly, he simply went along with the flow and said: "Well, since you are so determined, I will not stop you. I hope everything will go as you wish, and really let this person change his ways and return to the right way, so that our Great Wu Dynasty can add another A great talent!”

Emperor Jia Ling paused and continued: "According to the original plan, I planned for you to personally test Wang Tieyi's skills during this court meeting. After all, Yan Zhen, you once said that you wanted to become Your husband must be better than you in the battle of force... Do you think it is necessary to continue the test now? "

Qin Yanzhen turned around, glanced at Lu Yu thoughtfully, and replied: "No, everyone has heard of Wang Lang's skills for a long time, but the scene he created on the Yulei River last night was unheard of. There is no need to compare.”


Emperor Jia Ling nodded and said: "Let this matter be left to the joint supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Etiquette! The wedding date should be determined as soon as possible. According to the national etiquette system, this wedding must be held for me with splendor and beauty!"

The ministers couldn't help but were stunned again. According to the specifications of the national ceremony, it was the standard for the emperor to establish a queen and the prince to choose his concubine. Unexpectedly, the Dawu Dynasty had not yet established a crown prince, but now it had to hold a wedding with the crown prince's specifications. Got it!

"My lord, thank you for your kindness!" Qin Yanzhen thanked him again.

"Your Majesty is benevolent, Your Majesty is wise..." All the officials also echoed, but their voices seemed to be dragging and weak.

Only Lu Yu was a little confused. Why was this matter decided so quickly? Was there no need to ask for his opinion at all?

The following court meeting became dull.

No one expected that this matter would end in this way. The officials who had stood up to impeach Lu Yu impassionedly became as listless as eggplants beaten by frost.

After discussing several issues related to local government affairs, this meeting ended.

Emperor Jia Ling retired from the court and returned to the palace, and the officials gradually began to disperse.

Zhou Zunian's face turned red and he cupped his hands with Qin Yanzhen and Lu Yu, smiling and saying: "Congratulations to Duke Gao for finding a good son-in-law, congratulations to Mr. Wang for finding a good wife, and congratulations to the two of you for getting married!"

Lu Yu curled his lips in disdain. No wonder the old guy was so happy. Originally, things were hopeless, but suddenly things took a turn for the worse. For Zhou Zunian, this was really an unexpected surprise.

Qin Yanzhen chuckled and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Zhou, but on the wedding day, please don't forget to send Mr. Zhou a gift of 80,000 taels of gold!"

Zhou Zunian couldn't help but be stunned.

When entering the city, in order for Lu Yu to take action to solve the problem of blocked post roads, he promised to give 80,000 taels of gold as a reward in the form of a wedding gift. Those who were present at the time who knew about this were all his cronies. Obviously it was impossible for Lu Yu to reveal the matter, because the two had just met until today...

So, how did Qin Yanzhen know about this?

Zhou Zunian couldn't help but fell into deep thought, his face gradually became serious, and even he seemed less happy that the long-planned plan finally succeeded.

Qin Yanzhen ignored him, turned to look at Lu Yu and said with a smile, "Wang Lang, can you come with me for a while?"

Lu Yu replied: "How dare you disobey the Duke's order?"

So the two of them walked out of Zhengde Palace together. After leaving the palace gate, they got on Qin Yanzhen's carriage together.

Originally, the two of them were getting married soon, so such behavior was inconsistent with etiquette, but since both of them were unconventional people, and they didn't care about other people's eyes, it was naturally harmless.

After getting on the carriage, there was finally no prying eyes from outsiders.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said helplessly, "Tell me, what are you trying to do this time?"

Qin Yanzhen sighed quietly, with a look of loneliness on her face: "Is this how you think of me in your heart? Am I just a woman with ulterior motives?"

Lu Yu didn't accept her behavior at all and said: "We are all not good men and women, so why do we need to show off here? If you have anything to do, please tell me directly!"

Qin Yanzhen smiled sweetly: "It seems that in terms of coquettishness, I am still not as good as my senior sister... Okay, then I will get straight to the point. What method did you use in the heavy fog on the Yulei River last night?"

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