Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 329 Bloody Cold Night

Lu Yu had personally experienced the power of a real strong man and knew how earth-shattering power it was. It could be said that compared to ordinary practitioners, the power of a real strong man was simply impossible to resist. The previous gap between the two was about the same as an ant and an elephant. difference.

Originally, he had always thought that Qin Yanzhen had some insidious plot to lure away the real strong men of the Yuan family and steal Panwu's treasure while avoiding the most important thing.

I didn't expect that she would attack him head-on like this. This was not considered "stealing" at all, it was clearly a robbery!

However, can there really be enough ants to bite an elephant?

Lu Yu couldn't help but be skeptical about this, but the current situation was not subject to his will. He could only sit on the sidelines and wait for the development of the situation.

"I am the ancestor of the Qingjian sect of the Yuan family. This place is the altar of the Yuan ancestor. Anyone who intrudes will be punished!"

An extremely majestic voice echoed between heaven and earth, and the air exploded with the conduction of the sound.

Then a blurry figure gradually appeared and became clear in front of the tower. Countless air waves rolled, surged, and surged. With his body as the center, a violent spiritual power fluctuation was generated, just like the surface of the sea being swept away. It suddenly rose up, forming a huge tide that could destroy the world.

However, just when the tide was about to reach its peak and was about to completely sweep the entire world, the large coalition forces under the command of Qin Yanzhen took the lead in launching a formation offensive.

Countless lights and shadows kept spinning above the heads of tens of thousands of tribesmen, like a huge whirlpool, gathering the power of all people at one point, and finally turned into a shining light arrow, heading towards the green tower in front of the tower. Ancestor Jian flew away.

During the flight, the light arrow first gradually shrank and became smaller, and its power became more and more pure and sharp. However, when it arrived less than a hundred feet away from Patriarch Qingjian, it suddenly expanded and exploded.

A little light arrow turned into thousands of streams of light, and with the force of thousands of arrows, it instantly swallowed the body of Patriarch Qingjian.

The roaring continued, the earth trembled, and it was earth-shattering!

Lu Yu couldn't help but marvel at how a mortal body could form such a powerful offensive. Such a scene simply exceeded his cognition.

Patriarch Qingjian obviously did not expect that he would face such a situation as soon as he arrived, as if he had taken the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Bold rat, you dare..."

Thousands of arrows pierced through the heart!

The ancestor of the Yuan family, a dignified real person, could only let out an angry and unwilling roar, and then fell to the ground and died miserably on the spot!

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine and chills in his heart.

It turns out that too many ants can kill an elephant is not a legend. As long as the strategy is used properly, too many ants can really kill a living elephant!

The large coalition forces couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers, and everyone's face was full of joy. Such a feat was something they had never imagined.

After this offensive, the army of alien beasts completely died down, and they hid deep in the earth and never came out again.

When all the dust settled, all that was left between the heaven and the earth in the second realm was the smoke and devastation.


With a smile on her lips, Qin Yanzhen suddenly walked over and stood side by side with Lu Yu.

"We are about to see the so-called Panwu Treasure. What kind of treasure do you think it will be?"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said: "If I guessed correctly, the Qingjian ancestor should have passed all our information into the tower before he died. If he continues to move forward, maybe The killer move of a real strong person is waiting for us to come to you!"

"Not bad, are you scared?"

Qin Yanzhen turned her head and looked at him with interest.

Lu Yu did not speak, but turned to look at the surrounding coalition forces and asked: "What was the name of the offensive just now? Can we do it again?"

Qin Yanzhen shook her head and said: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you! Although the Zhuxian Formation is amazingly powerful, it consumes a lot of money. It consumes not only the strength of the formation members themselves, but also a lot of materials used to run the formation."

"It took several years for all parties to prepare the materials for this attack just now. Therefore, when we face real powerful people next time, we won't be able to count on them for the time being!"

The two were talking when suddenly the tower in front of them moved again.

I saw the body of the tower rising rapidly like a bamboo shoot after the rain. In the blink of an eye, it reached the skyline, punching a big hole in the sky.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Lu Yu sighed softly, looked back at Qin Yanzhen and said, "It doesn't matter whether you're afraid or not, there's no way out anyway!"

As the hole got bigger and bigger, the sky began to collapse and disintegrate rapidly, truly showing a picture of "the sky is falling".

Within a moment, the sky of the second realm completely collapsed and was replaced by another brand new world.

In this world, the sky is higher, there are even snowflakes falling, and fire is surging...

Snowflakes,, flames...

Wait, this scene seems a bit familiar!

Lu Yu couldn't help but stare at the sky. Sure enough, under the night sky, he saw two familiar figures fighting fiercely. Could it be that it was Lou Tinghai who had already started fighting when the wedding was held? With Master Qi Yang?

It turned out that with the evolution of the Imperial Tomb Formation, it had broken away from the original disguise of the illusion, allowing everyone to return to the real world and within the scope of the Xishan Imperial Tomb.

At this moment, the entire treasure-stealing plan was completely exposed, and there were no more secrets under the night sky.

A long alarm sounded in Qianwu City, completely overturning the originally restless night.

Countless rays of light rose from the direction of the Ouchi Imperial Palace. It was obvious that the masters of the Yuan royal family had learned about the attack on the imperial mausoleum, and they all used their means to rush to the rescue.

Fireworks also erupted in many surrounding areas, and it was obvious that the army of guards from various camps began to respond.

It can be foreseen that in a short time, the entire Xishan Imperial Tomb area will turn into a purgatory killing field!

"Child Jialing! Your Yuan family has been tyrannical and plundering. I have tolerated you for a long time! Today is the day when you have to pay the price. Give me your life!"

In the night sky, Lou Tinghai suddenly let out a loud roar, and the sound like rolling thunder covered the entire Qianwu City area.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding air became extremely cold, and snowflakes began to fall in layers from the sky. In the blink of an eye, the snow reached everyone's knees.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Many years ago, people had heard the legend of Lou Tinghai melting snow for dozens of miles with one sword. Now his skill has obviously taken a step further. He can not only melt snow, but also accumulate snow.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but have a feeling. Although he didn't know what Lou Tinghai's technique was, it was so powerful that it was probably no less powerful than the thirty-six magical techniques of the Dali Sword Sect.

No wonder he would dare to attack the Yuan family's Panwu treasure with his strength in the Return to the Sea Realm. He really has real abilities.

The Xishan Imperial Tomb here is probably no less than ten miles away from where Lou Tinghai is. It is already in this situation. I wonder what the scene will be like on the main battlefield? Has the Snow Mountain Sword Master succeeded in killing Emperor Jia Ling with this attack?

Everyone was speculating in their hearts, when suddenly a sword energy came from the west, and the sound was extremely terrifying.

However, Lou Tinghai and his men combined their swords and attacked straight away. With unstoppable momentum, they rushed directly into the tower that concealed Panwu's treasure.

Lu Yu was startled and then suddenly realized that Lou Tinghai was just trying to attack the east. His target was not the Jia Ling Emperor, it was clearly the Panwu treasure in the tower!

Qin Yanzhen beside her smiled happily.

"The people who opened the way have already entered, what are we waiting for?"

Suddenly, several figures rose into the sky, following the trajectory of Lou Tinghai's impact, and entered the mysterious tower.

Lu Yu glanced back in the direction of Qianwu City, and saw that under the heavy snow, this ancient and magnificent city was already ablaze with flames.

I don't know how many back-ups Qin Yanzhen has arranged. It seems that no matter what the final result will be in the tower, tonight in the capital is destined to be a long cold night of blood and fire.

Lu Yu gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, no longer hesitated, spread out his body skills and rushed towards the tower.

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