Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 332 Earth Spirit Divine Weapon


The real strong man on the other side watched this scene helplessly and let out a painful roar.

Unfortunately, it was still unable to stop the stream of light from Da Luo's Holy Order from pouring down, and Jin Mang's real person died on the spot.

Lu Yu watched in horror, not even daring to take a breath.

He had no idea that this Great Luo Holy Order had such powerful power that even a real person could not compete with it.

For ordinary cultivators, a real person can be said to be no different from a god. But in just half an hour, powerful gods like gods have fallen one after another. This is really unbelievable. I can't help but Lu Yu had an unreal illusion like being in a dream.

This also further illustrates the secretiveness of Qin Yanzhen and Wei Zhihan. If real people are compared to gods, then they are god-killers who go against heaven!

Because Qin Yanzhen had deliberately concealed her identity before, the world did not know that a person like her existed, so her name was not on the Jinkui list. But after this battle, her identity could no longer be hidden. Your name will definitely shine on the golden sunflower list!

Of course, that's assuming she can survive today's situation...

"I will make you pay with your life! You will all die!"

The only remaining real strong man's eyes were split, and he roared hysterically.

With his roar, the air around him suddenly became hot. He suddenly accelerated the pace of his attacks and switched to a full-out attack, exchanging lives for lives. In the blink of an eye, violent surges were everywhere. The strong energy.

Wei Zhihan had just used the Great Sky Evolution Sword Technique three times in a row, and was already exhausted at this time. The Great Luo Holy Order in Qin Yanzhen's hand became dim after pouring out a stream of light that was enough to kill Jinmang Zhenren. It was obviously short-lived. It won't be used within the time limit.

Therefore, at this time, facing the real man's offensive to fight to the death, everyone could only dodge, not daring to use his edge.


Qin Yanzhen suddenly roared.

Immediately, the demon chief rushed over like a wild bull and slammed into the treasure gourd. Suddenly the gourd shook violently and the whole earth trembled.

The goals of these people are very clear. At this time, there is only the last real strong person in the Yuan family. They only need to entangle him and find another way to divide their forces to take away the treasure gourd. This will be considered a success.



Akun hit him twice again, until he was hit with stars in his eyes. Lu Yu and others also took the opportunity to rush over to help, pushing and pulling hard from the side, but the treasure gourd still remained motionless, showing no signs of moving away from its place. sign.

Not only did they not escape, but violent spiritual power fluctuations surged from the gourd mouth again, and at the same time, gurgling liquid vitality emerged...

This scene is exactly the same as the scene when Jin Mang's real person appeared before!

Could it be that... there is another real strong man hiding in the treasure gourd?

Everyone couldn't help but feel their scalps numb, and even Qin Yanzhen couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on her face.

According to the information she obtained, there are currently four real strong men in the Yuan family. Three of them are guarding here. The last one is also the strongest. He has been traveling around for a long time. How can he still be there? Appearing here, could it be that the information was wrong?

Jin Mang, the real person just now, spent so much effort to finally eliminate it. If another real person comes here, and he is the strongest one, it will be really hard!

Everyone immediately held their breath and watched the changes in the gourd mouth without blinking, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Suddenly, there was a blur in front of my eyes, and a hazy light and shadow flew out from the gourd mouth.

Everyone took a closer look and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a shining sword, not a real strong man.

However, this sword is not simple. It is suspended in mid-air, the sword body shakes slightly, and a huge force suddenly surges out.

Everyone was caught off guard and felt like they were struck by lightning. Even the real strong men of the Yuan family were no exception. They were so shocked that they took a few steps back, and the attack they were about to launch came to an abrupt end. This time, it turned out to be an indiscriminate all-out attack.


The tower, which was originally only half of the tower, completely fell apart and collapsed invisible under the destruction of this huge force.

Wei Zhihan, who was closest to the sword, spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But instead of getting angry, he actually showed a look of surprise on his face: "Everyone, how about you help me conquer this flying sword? I don't want my share of the Panwu Treasure, I only want this sword!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled, and looked at Feijian carefully, and found that this sword was unusual.

Not to mention the quality of the material, what is rare is that this is actually a spiritual-level sword, and there is a powerful aura from the sword that he has never seen before, even more powerful than the Hongluan Sword in Yang Chudie's hand. powerful!

The Hongluan Sword is a mysterious weapon at the Xuanling level. If calculated according to this standard, then this unknown flying sword is at least an Earth Spirit level treasure!

Lu Yu was not only stunned, he didn't expect that there was such a treasure hidden in this huge treasure gourd.

What's even more rare is that such a treasure of the Earth Spirit level is still in an ownerless state! The reason for this situation is mostly because it has just been cast. Perhaps the reason why it is in the treasure gourd is because it is warmed and tempered in it. Wei Zhihan obviously saw this, so he made such a request. After all, it is hard to say how effective this Panwu treasure is, and it is not necessarily safe to take it away from here, so it is better to take this Earth Spirit level magic weapon into his pocket. At least this magic weapon can make his strength improve immediately! But he can see this, and the other few people are not stupid, so they can see it a little bit. "Let's subdue it first!" Qin Yanzhen saw that this Earth Spirit level treasure was bred by the treasure gourd, and there is a close bond between the two. If the sword is not subdued first, it is probably difficult to subdue the treasure gourd, so he answered ambiguously, neither agreeing nor refusing. Wei Zhihan remained silent. He also knew that it was useless to say anything before he actually got the magic weapon.

So everyone surrounded the earth spirit-level flying sword, intending to gather everyone's strength to subdue the sword first.

At this moment, a sharp scream suddenly came from the surroundings.

Everyone turned their heads and found that it was a group of children of the Yuan royal family who appeared on the side. They were familiar with the overall layout of the Xishan Mausoleum, and naturally rushed here first, but they were blocked by the high tower and could not enter before. It was not until the earth spirit-level flying sword just now completely shattered the half-remaining high tower that they were able to come in.

At this time, it was the real strong man who rushed into the camp of the royal children and killed them randomly like cutting melons and vegetables.

Everyone could not help but look confused.

What is going on?

Could it be that this real strong man is crazy? He actually killed each other without distinguishing between enemies and friends?

The royal children were also puzzled, looking at the extremely respected family ancestor in bewilderment, wondering why he raised the butcher knife to his own people. Some older royal family members even asked directly: "Ancestor He Yan, why is this?"

The old ancestor He Yan ignored it and continued to raise the butcher knife without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yanzhen suddenly remembered an old legend, and her face suddenly changed.

"Not good, he intends to use the blood of the Yuan family as a sacrifice to summon the Yuan family Qiu Zu's Dharma body to come!"

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