Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 353 Heavenly Prison Battlefield

The Hell Battlefield, as the name suggests, is a sinister battlefield that connects to the outer world and fights against extraterrestrial creatures, just like purgatory.

In today's world, there are nine heavens.

The Middle-earth world dominated by the Great Li Sword Sect is within the first heaven and is the largest continental plate. In addition, there are other worlds such as Dongsheng World, Nanzhou World, Xiqi World, Beiming World, etc., which are occupied by other major sects. They all belong to the first heaven.

To put it simply, only the first level of genius is suitable for human beings and all kinds of creatures to thrive, and the area within this is the main world that people are familiar with.

The remaining eight heavens are all above the first heaven. Although they are different in their own way, they are all empty places and full of dangers.

The location of the Heavenly Prison Battlefield is exactly where the first heaven and the second heaven meet and connect.

For some reason, a kind of "fallen energy" always breeds in the second heaven. Once this "fallen energy" flows into the first level, it will immediately turn into a terrifying demon and kill all living beings.

Some people say that this kind of fallen spirit is transformed by the evil thoughts of all living beings. No matter how much evil there is in the hearts of all living beings, it will be projected into the second heaven, thus producing fallen spirit. If the evil in the hearts of all living beings does not stop, the fallen spirit will never cease. calm.

However, these are just the opinions of certain sects, and there is no way to verify the facts.

Due to the invasion of fallen energy, all the worlds under the first level have been harmed repeatedly.

Later, after the Eight Immortal Sects became powerful, they made an agreement together. Every year, each sect would send a certain number of disciples to form a coalition to guard the intersection of the first heaven and the second heaven to prevent the invasion of fallen energy.

Over time, this place became the battlefield of Hell today.

Therefore, the Heavenly Prison battlefield is not unique to the Dali Sword Sect, but an area where the eight Immortal Sects jointly participate in the battle.

As time goes by, this place has become more than just a place to fight against the fallen creatures. It has also become a training ground for major sects and a resource plundering ground.

The fallen energy in the second heaven is originally just an invisible thing. After flowing into the first heaven, it will be combined with any material in the first heaven and transformed into tangible and terrifying creatures. When these creatures are killed, the original ones will be destroyed. The combined substances will be converted into a material called "original crystal".

This kind of "original crystal" has an extremely wide range of functions. It can not only be used to purify spiritual energy and accelerate cultivation, but also play an important role in alchemy, weapon refining, formations, talismans, etc., especially in high-end fields. This is indispensable and therefore an extremely scarce resource.

This kind of resource can only be produced on the battlefield of Heavenly Prison.

Therefore, in addition to completing tasks, elite disciples from various major sects come here to collect resources.

When Lu Yu came out of the first teleportation array, he had only reached the eastern area closest to the Heavenly Prison Battlefield. At this time, he was still thousands of miles away from the entrance of the Heavenly Prison Battlefield.

Fortunately, in order to quickly mobilize troops during war, the Dali Sword Sect built large-scale teleportation arrays along the way. Lu Yu only had to teleport step by step along the way.

Although there is a fee to use these teleportation circles during non-war times, and the price is quite high, it is better than wasting time on the road.

Lu Yu passed through twelve teleportation circles in a row. Since these teleportation arrays were not seamlessly connected, but were constructed according to the terrain, Lu Yu also spent a lot of time transferring between the arrays. After a full two hours, he finally arrived. The entrance to the Hell battlefield.

This place is indeed the most dangerous place. As far as the eye can see, elite disciples from all major sects are gathering.

Lu Yu's eyes were opened now. He had only met some ordinary disciples of other sects sporadically in Yuanjiangwei City before. This time he finally saw what the high-level disciples of other major sects looked like.

Lu Yu had no intention of making friends with these people and walked straight towards the teleportation array leading to the inside of the battlefield.

When these disciples from various major sects saw that Lu Yu was just a disciple at the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm, they didn't pay much attention to him. They just regarded him as a newcomer who simply wanted to see the battlefield of Heavenly Prison. Newcomers like this would fight every day. There are a lot of them, basically summed up in one word - cannon fodder.


Just when Lu Yu was about to step into the magic circle, he was suddenly stopped by two guards on the side. Both of them were wearing uniforms of the coalition forces, and their tone of voice was quite unkind. It was not clear which faction they were serving as disciples.

"What are you here for?"

Lu Yu thought to himself, isn't this nonsense? What else can I do here?

However, it seems that because of the uniforms they were wearing, they still answered truthfully: "I went in to do the task."

"Go away, go away! You can't go in without even looking at where this place is!" the guard said impatiently.

Lu Yu frowned and took out his identity badge: "I am a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect. This place is jointly maintained by the eight Immortal Sects and is open to all disciples of the Eight Immortal Sects. Why can't I go in?"

"I know you are a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect!"

One of the guards sneered: "But you have to see what your strength is, right? If you were a true disciple, I wouldn't stop you, but with your strength at the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm? Haha..."

Another guard knocked on a wooden sign behind him and saw it read: Dangerous place, enter with caution!

"Do you understand when entering with caution? Unless you are already a true disciple, you must travel together, and the number of companions must generally not be less than eight. You'd better find a team first!"

Lu Yu thought to himself that true disciples were nothing. Unless they were people on the Golden Kui List, in terms of true strength, he was not necessarily inferior to true disciples, and it was not like no true disciples had been defeated by him...

But the two guards obviously would not agree with this. This was obviously a rule set by the coalition forces of all factions. They only recognized the identity but not the person.

Lu Yu had no choice but to retreat. According to the regulations, he first found a team to accept him.

But after looking for him, he discovered that most of the disciples who came here had already prepared their teams in advance.

After entering the Heavenly Prison battlefield, what kind of goals are to be accomplished, what kind of work each person is responsible for, how to distribute benefits, etc. These matters have been agreed upon in advance. Temporary members like Lu Yu are rarely needed. .

Even if there is an occasional need for temporary members, with Lu Yu's cultivation at the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm, others are also interested in him, and there are more and better choices on the spot.

"Sorry, it's full!"

"Sorry, we are still waiting for people and we are not hiring at the moment."

"I'm sorry, we only have disciples from the Hunyuan Qi Sect..."

"I'm sorry, we only want female disciples..."

"Sorry, I don't bring cannon fodder..."

After searching around, Lu Yu felt quite angry.

Just a moment ago in Xuanhongtang, he was still unattainable with thick thighs, but now in the blink of an eye, he has become a sluggish person who others love to ignore. This retribution is coming too quickly...

At this time, Lu Yu deeply realized the shortcomings of Jade Butterfly Peak's development.

If he could gather a team within Jade Butterfly Peak that could fight in the Heavenly Prison Battlefield, he would not have the troubles at this time. Unfortunately, Jade Butterfly Peak did not have such conditions at all.

Although Qi Yunkai, Fang Qian, the Wen sisters and others were all brought in, they could barely meet the requirements of eight people, but if this would cause the affairs on Jade Butterfly Peak to become chaotic, the benefits they could gain here would It's not necessarily better than outside.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before Jade Butterfly Peak can truly develop and grow!

Lu Yu was filled with emotion.

He couldn't help but think of the girl Axia he met in Panshui City. She had successfully lifted the stone lion and met the requirements set by Lu Yu. Now she has officially become a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak, but it is a pity that she is so far away. It will still take a long time for her to truly grow up.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to introduce strong reinforcements, just like he is now recruiting alchemy disciples. Unfortunately, his reputation in the field of cultivation is far less than his reputation in the field of alchemy. Moreover, it is difficult to persuade disciples with advanced cultivation levels. In addition, The level with the Presbytery was not easy either.

Lu Yu was thinking randomly.

At this time, a woman wearing an emerald green robe suddenly walked up to him and asked: "Hey, this junior brother of Dali Sword Sect, do you know the healing technique?"

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