Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 361 Hiding deeply

The red light blessed by Lu Yu seemed to possess some kind of magical power.

Ling Yufei regained her confidence immediately and raised her head to look Su Jianqiu in the eyes.

"Su, there has been no friendship between you and me for a long time, so there is no need to say more! It's useless to talk more, let's just see the truth!"

Su Jianqiu was stunned. He never expected Ling Yufei to react like this. He had never seen such a strange look on Ling Yufei's face.

Yu Qingya said: "I just like Sister Fei's free and easy temperament! Senior Brother Su, now that Sister Fei has spoken, we don't need to have any scruples anymore. Let's all act according to our abilities!"

After a pause, she continued: "I know that Sister Fei's Yanyang Sword Technique is powerful, but in the current situation, if you want to come out on top in this battle, you need to test not only your ability to attack, but also your ability to heal. The support competition... is it possible for you to win?"

She gently flicked her sleeves, and the long dress with blue background and white flowers suddenly moved automatically without wind. The gems on the face burst out with dazzling brilliance, forming light shields composed of inscribed characters around her body. .

Although Lu Yu didn't know the origin of this long skirt, he could tell at a glance that it had strong protective capabilities.

This means that she can resist the offensive of the possessed general head-on, provide continuous healing support to her teammates, and it can even be said that as long as she does not fall, her teammates will not fall.

"Then let's wait and see!"

Ling Yufei unsheathed her sword and shook her hand slightly. The sword suddenly ignited with dark red flames, and strings of inscription characters kept beating in the flames, facing each other tit for tat with Yu Qingya's blue treasure clothes.

Yu Qingya smiled softly, said nothing more, turned around and left in the direction of the Porcupine Demon General, but when he passed by Lu Yu, her eyes glanced at him vaguely.

Su Jianqiu hesitated to speak, but in the end he just shook his head, sighed and left.

Although neither of them said a word, Lu Yu was still keenly aware of the fear in their eyes from their subtle reactions.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He didn't know what the so-called Yanyang Sword Technique was. It seemed that Ling Yufei had not really used her full strength along the way.

"Ready to fight."

Ling Yufei held the long sword in her hand and shouted softly.

At this time, several more troops joined the battle, and the situation around the Porcupine Demon became increasingly tense. Ling Yufei had no time to feel sad anymore, so she immediately put away her emotions and returned to her original big sister appearance.

"Okay!" Ouyang Ting and others responded loudly.

They were also very happy to see Ling Yufei regaining her fighting spirit.

Ling Yufei looked at Lu Yu: "Although Yu Qingya's attitude is arrogant, she is right about one thing. This battle will be a competition for healing and backup. In addition to facing the demon general's bright spear, she also has to deal with You may have never experienced such a battle before from other competing teams, so I’ll tell you in advance and hope you can be mentally prepared!”

Ouyang Ting nodded in agreement: "Yes, I have told you a long time ago that you are the core of our entire team, and now it's finally time for you to show off! Although that bitch has a blue frost treasure suit for body protection, but you also Don’t worry too much, you have us as your cover, I will fight until my last breath to protect you from being knocked down!”

Lu Yu thought to himself, isn't it just that everyone is making trouble for each other in a friendly manner? I have experienced this a lot...

"I'll do my best," he replied calmly.


Ling Yufei's tone was somewhat solemn.

This "thank you" seemed to mean something else, but she didn't explain too much. After saying that, she immediately turned around and set off.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile, and followed quickly without saying anything else.

After taking a few steps, he was quickly blocked by the fallen demon. The eight-man team maintained a strong offensive, charging and killing all the way, and soon entered the hill where the Porcupine Demon General stood.

At this time, Lu Yu finally saw what Ling Yufei called the "hidden arrow."

From the moment he entered the hill range, five or six fallen demons pounced on him at the same time.

Naturally, these fallen demons cannot attack on their own initiative. They are all "sent" by other teams around them.

At this time, everything is still under the supervision of the coalition headquarters. No matter how fierce the competition between the various teams is, they will not take action directly. Otherwise, they will inevitably be subject to military law by the coalition headquarters. However, it is not necessarily possible to stumble secretly and quietly. .

Just like when Lu Yu and others fought against the tiger fallen devil, Yu Qingya only dared to push down a fallen devil transformed from a boulder from the hillside, and did not dare to make a sneak attack on her own, otherwise the incident would be fatal. The nature is completely different.

"Get the pretty boy out of the room first!"

"Hmph, you don't know how good the world is! You're only at the sixth level of the True Essence Realm, but you dare to come here and get your hands on the Demon General?"

"Let's teach him a lesson today!"

"Let us help this pretty boy recognize the reality! Let him know that this world is actually very dangerous!"

Because Lu Yu's cultivation level was obviously lower, he received extra "care" from other teams, and the entire team became in a difficult situation.

After all, the Porcupine Demon General has reached the end of his strength at this time. If a certain team can be eliminated as soon as possible, it will be equivalent to one less competitor.

There is no doubt that because of Lu Yu's presence, the eight-man team was unanimously regarded as the weakest one by the entire audience.

But after a period of continuous "care", everyone around them was surprised to find that this team, the weakest in the field, was actually extremely resilient. Although it was always in danger, it was not cleared out of the field.

Especially their backup person who was responsible for treatment, although he was only at the sixth level of the True Essence Realm, he was very slippery. No matter how other teams around him tried to trip him up, they could never really trip him up.

Sometimes it seemed like he was dead, but because of a sudden thought of his head, or a sudden step back, the fallen demon's attack was immediately ineffective, and the crisis was resolved invisibly.

Seeing this scene, everyone around him slapped their thighs.

Every time it was just a little bit close, but just by that little bit, the pretty boy still stayed on the field.

Until many people who had "taken care" of Lu Yu had to withdraw from the field early because they could not bear the double attack of the Demon General and the Fallen Demon, Lu Yu was still active on the field.

His hands kept waving, and red light kept emerging, continuously providing support for the entire team in their battle with the demon general.

"This guy……"

"How abominable!"

“Damn, what a piece of shit luck!”

"The pretty boy is so lucky!"

"I'm furious……"

A group of people who were forced to withdraw from the field were very angry. They couldn't figure out why they had to withdraw from the field first even though their cultivation level was much higher than that of the pretty boy and their equipment was far better than his. ?

However, there are still some people with sharp eyesight who can see the clues.

"Hmph! Is this a matter of luck?"

"Haha, if you have the ability, can one of you be lucky enough to show me?"

"This man has extremely good eyesight, and every move he makes has a purpose. You might think it's his good luck, but in fact, every step has already been planned by him!"

"Perhaps you can also try it. While performing two spells in a row, you have to complete a step back and turn at the same time."

"This person may not have high cultivation, but his control of Qi has reached the peak level! Otherwise, he would never be able to advance and retreat in such a chaotic situation with ease!"

"Alas! We all fell into the trap. This guy is actually a hidden master!"

As the battle continued, everyone gradually saw that this pretty boy was actually a hidden master.

Even the teammates around him were surprised by Lu Yu's performance.

Several times, even they themselves felt that they were about to die, but Lu Yu miraculously survived and continued to provide them with treatment support.

Everyone couldn't help but have a question in their minds: Where did Ouyang Ting find this guy? Is he really only at the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm?

Gradually, the Porcupine Demon continued to clear out the team around him, and finally only the eight-person team of Lu Yu and others remained, as well as Yu Qingya's team of four true disciples.

The final competition will finally begin between the two sides.

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