Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 38 A sword coming from the west

It was getting dark.

On the sand table, the situation has been divided.

Those who should be promoted have been promoted, and the remaining ones who have not yet been promoted will forever lose their qualifications for promotion.

Among them, the most regrettable one is Gengzi Zero 26.

"What is Gengzi Zero 26 doing? After struggling for so long, he can't even get promoted?"

"I thought he was so powerful, but I didn't expect that he only ended up in the second area and couldn't even reach the third area!"

"What a silver-colored wax spear head, a guy who only looks good but doesn't use it!"

"You can't say that. After all, he was the one who killed Liu Qianjun, Ning Feng, and Hua Zhilan. If he thinks they are useless, then what are these three people?"

"What's the matter? They're counting! Don't mention these three people to me, they will cause me to lose miserably, wuwuwu..."

"Perhaps this Gengzi Zero 26 was not promoted to the third area because he killed three people and hurt both sides..."

"In this way, it will never be possible to know who this Gengzi Zero 26 is..."

Everyone was chatting, and soon Gengzi Zero-26 was gradually forgotten by people as the flag-capture game ended.

The topic changed to the outlook for the next situation.

"The third area, the competition! If nothing else happens, the champion of this competition should be Xiang Chen!"

"Without Liu Qianjun, without Hua Zhilan, and without Ning Feng, the first place this time will definitely be Xiang Chen!"

"There is no suspense at all!"

"Isn't it said that there is a man named Lu Yu who is also very powerful? With two treasures in his hands, doesn't he have a chance to defeat Xiang Chen?"

"Lu Yu? That's just a bait deliberately thrown out by the authorities to attract your bets! Do you see his name in the third area this time?"

"That's right! It's true that Lu Yu has two treasures, but his own strength is only at the seventh level of the physical realm, which is not enough!"

"Lu Yu was not promoted to the third region, and Gengzi Zero-26 was not promoted either... So, could this Gengzi Zero-26 be Lu Yu?"

"Lu Yu is Gengzi Zero 26? How is this possible! Lu Yu is only at the seventh level of the physical realm. A seventh level of the physical realm can kill three true essence realms?"

"Absolutely no such possibility!"

"Anyway, no one will be Xiang Chen's opponent..."

Tianjue Mountain.

The biggest difference between this place and Qushui Town is that it has a real view of the third area.

When they reached the third area, they no longer needed to gather around the sand table. As long as they looked up, they could see the contestants climbing the peaks one by one on top of the mountains.

After a night of catching and fighting, the situation on the peaks has become clear.

Xiang Chen stood at the highest peak without any suspense.

Among the peaks at his feet, some sporadic competitors climbed up at first to challenge him, but none of these people were his enemies, and none of them could pose a threat to him.

Seeing the huge gap, gradually no one dared to climb to the top of the mountain to compete with him.

Although there is no suspense about the result, the process is still very exciting.

Although Xiang Chen didn't take many shots, every time he made a move, the surrounding spectators would be amazed.

"Yes, this Xiang Chen can exert such combat power with only the third level of True Yuan Realm, which shows that his foundation is very solid! Our Iron Sword Sect will accept this person!"

Among the representatives of each faction, one of the old men commented seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately retorted.

"You, Iron Sword Sect, are putting money on your face, right? If you are willing to take someone in, you also have to ask if they are willing to go? Based on the conditions of your Iron Sword Sect, are you comparable to our Five Elements Sect?"

"What? Our Iron Sword Sect is not as good as your Five Elements Sect? Tell me, tell me, in what way is my mighty Iron Sword Sect inferior to your Five Elements Sect!"

"Hmph, what's the use of just talking? Why don't we show signs!"

"How brave! Just come! Could it be that I'm still afraid of you?"

Unexpectedly, the competition on top of the peaks has not ended yet. There are two hot-tempered people on the scene, and they are going to fight over the issue of apprenticeship.

"Stop arguing! The Dali Sword Sect hasn't spoken yet, so what are you trying to do here?"

Suddenly a loud shout rang out, interrupting the two people who were about to take action.

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but look at the envoy of Dali Sword Sect.

The envoy of the Dali Sword Sect is named Xu Du, an elder from Baiyun Peak. Judging from his appearance, he is about forty years old. He is tall and thin, with a straight waist and twinkling eyes.

Realizing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, he spoke calmly.

"This person, our Dali Sword Sect will directly accept him as an inner disciple."

Everyone was immediately disappointed.

If the Dali Sword Sect only accepts outer disciples, they may be able to increase their benefits to compete with the Dali Sword Sect.

But if they are inner disciples, then they can't compete at all, because the welfare of the inner disciples of Dali Sword Sect is far beyond their comparison.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiang!"

"It's true that a tiger's father has no dog's son!"

"Elder Xu of the Dali Sword Sect has made it clear that he will accept your son as an inner disciple! Your future prospects are bound to be limitless!"

Several county governors congratulated him one after another.

Although they each had their own little plans before, at this moment, everything was a foregone conclusion, so they still expressed their congratulations to Xiang Lijian very generously.

"Thank you sir, my Chen'er still has a long way to go in the future. You are all his uncles, and I still need your support!"

Xiang Lijian's mouth was modest, but his face was flushed, the corners of his mouth could not stop smiling, and the pride in his heart was beyond words.

After this, Liu Qianjun, Hua Zhilan, Ning Feng, Lu Yu and others were all capsized, and only the Xiang family was the final winner!

Moreover, he is still the only winner!

No wonder he was grinning from ear to ear.

All this will become a definite fact when the final bell rings.




A series of bells rang, which meant that the entire martial arts competition was officially over.

The Xiang family finally became the big winner of the entire behind-the-scenes operation!

Xiang Chen received the supreme honor!

The four-county martial arts champion, this glorious title will accompany him throughout his life.

Amid a flower salute, Xiang Chen walked down the peaks and arrived at the award ceremony.

Although there was joy all around, Xiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

After all, I still didn’t wait for Lu Yu...

I haven’t seen his Heavenly Star swordsmanship...

Where did that kid go? Why didn't you enter the competition?

Xiang Chen thought silently, feeling very worried about Lu Yu not finally showing up.

It wasn't until Guo Sixiang handed the medal symbolizing the first place honor to his hand that the haze in his heart was finally cleared away.

No matter what, the person standing here in the end is me, Xiang Chen!

I am the real number one genius!

The strongest person among the four counties in Jiangzuo!

Xiang Chen raised the medal in his hand high, feeling full of ambition and high spirits.

Just at this moment.

A sword coming from the west, dazzling!

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