Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 416 Riding the Wind and Waves

Early the next morning, Lu Yu and Yang Chudie set off from Jade Butterfly Peak.

After planning for nearly two months, the trip finally took place. Lu Yu couldn't help but feel very excited. He didn't know how beautiful and magnificent the journey in the future would be, and what kind of rewards he would have... …

But regardless of the harvest, exploring the unknown world is itself a very fascinating thing.

What's more, the person accompanying her on this trip is Yang Chudie, a mentor, friend, dear relative, and a peerless and beautiful aunt. This trip has not even begun yet, and it is already worth the price of the ticket.

After the two of them went down the mountain, Lu Yu originally planned to go to the nearest ferry and first take a shuttle boat under the jurisdiction of the Elder Council to leave the area of ​​​​Dali Sword Sect along the Yuanjiang waterway.

But Yang Chudie refused the most. She led Lu Yu directly to the nearest bank of Yuanjiang River, and then took out a homemade shuttle boat from the Qiankun bag under Lu Yu's surprised eyes.

"Master aunt actually carries a shuttle boat with her?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

"This shuttle boat was originally created by Yudie to improve the efficiency of the Yuanjiang waterway in the Elder's House. I have one or two for my own use. What's so strange about it?" Yang Chudie asked in return.

Lu Yu thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, why don't Senior Sister prepare a few more? In this way, when we Jade Butterfly Peak disciples travel, we don't have to run to the ferry to send money to the Elders' House. And if we, Jade Butterfly Peak, Diefeng’s own exclusive ship seems to be more ranked!”

Yang Chudie said, "Do you think the materials are free? Don't look at the small size of this shuttle boat, but the cost is really not cheap. Mine was made by Yudie with leftover materials provided by the Presbytery. Even she couldn't bear to build it herself, because the cost of a lifetime of riding the shuttle boat at the ferry was far less than the cost of it! "

Lu Yu couldn't help but think silently, how could there be any comparison between the two?

Perhaps the cost of building a shuttle boat is indeed expensive, and perhaps the cost of riding a shuttle boat at the ferry is indeed not much, but the shuttle boat at the ferry can only be navigated within the territory of Dali Sword Sect. How can it be as convenient as owning a shuttle boat yourself? The reason why Master Yudie did not build a shuttle boat by herself is probably because her cultivation is deep enough and she no longer needs such a means of transportation to save her leg strength...

The two jumped on the boat.

Lu Yu watched Yang Chudie closing the Qiankun bag, and couldn't help but feel jealous for a moment. His eyes couldn't help but roll around, and said: "Sister, can you lend me your Qiankun bag?"

Yang Chudie glanced at him sideways: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Yu said with a salivating smile: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to take a look and gain some insights... In addition to the shuttle boat, Master Yudie must have left other treasures for you, right?"

Yang Chudie smiled: "Fang Haoran has been complaining to me some time ago, just because he lent you the Qiankun Bag for a look, and then he was completely drained! Do you think I will still be fooled?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yu took the Qiankun bag back to his waist and buckled it into a mechanism on his belt.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Can Fang Haoran be the same as her?

I have worked tirelessly and sacrificed my life for her, but she is not even willing to let me take a look at the Qiankun Bag... Really, is the most basic trust between people gone?

The two of them rode the wind and waves and sailed on the river. In less than two hours, they sailed out of the Dali Sword Sect's territory.

The two continued to go down the river. In less than half a day, they left the mainland of Middle-earth and arrived at the mouth of the Yuanjiang waterway.

Suddenly entering the vast sea from the river waterway, Lu Yu couldn't help feeling relaxed and happy, and there was a high-spirited feeling in his heart that "the sea is wide enough for fish to jump, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly".

According to rumors, Shengyun Mountain is an overseas fairy island far away from the ocean, hidden in this vast, deep, and vast sea.

Lu Yu was just thinking about how to determine the direction where Shengyun Mountain was sitting, when he saw Yang Chudie suddenly activated a formation on the shuttle boat, and a virtual map of light and shadow was immediately displayed on the in front of them.

Yang Chudie casually touched it a few times, and the shuttle boat immediately adjusted its direction and drove quickly towards the location of an island on the map.

"No wonder Senior Sister, you insisted that we don't need to buy mounts like Pegasus. It turns out that this shuttle boat actually has such a wonderful use..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"Is this also the formation that Master Yudie set up originally?"

Yang Chudie nodded: "Yes. Although the flying mount can ignore the obstacles of the terrain, it has limited leg strength and is difficult to take care of. In comparison, this shuttle boat is more convenient."

Lu Yu noticed that Yang Chudie was no longer controlling the course at this time and was completely letting the shuttle boat drive on its own. He couldn't help but feel miraculous. He looked left, right, and up and down at the formation that activated the map.

"How does it accurately determine its heading?"

"You should wait until you see Yudie before asking her about this. I can't explain it clearly... In short, it will have memories of the places it has been. As long as you give instructions, it can go there automatically." Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu felt even more incredible. In this way, wouldn't this shuttle boat seem to be a spiritual thing?

The wind and waves on the sea were several times more violent than the previous wind and waves on the Yuanjiang waterway. The salty and wet sea breeze blew in the face, whistling in the ears.

“Finally going to sea again!”

Yang Chudie suddenly said with infinite emotion.

"The last time I stood here, I was with Yudie decades ago, but the main purpose that time was to help her refine the rules of Taoism and forge the golden elixir. I didn't expect that this time it would be my turn!"

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw Yang Chudie standing pretty on the bow of the boat, with her clothes flowing and her body beautiful. There was an indescribable loneliness on her face, like a sad fairy in a painting.

Lu Yu has never seen such an expression appear on her face. It seems that although she has always acted strong, independent and confident, in fact, deep down in her heart, she is still inevitably indifferent to Master Yudie. The news is worrying.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and his heartbeat was ups and downs.

"Don't worry, we will definitely find her...I promise!"

Yang Chudie turned her head sideways and looked at him unblinkingly with her beautiful eyes. At this moment, she felt that they were connected with each other and everything was unspoken. This feeling was mysterious and mysterious.

She suddenly smiled gently and nodded gently.


Because the shuttle boat's formation method can automatically control its course, even under the faint starlight, the shuttle boat can still ride the wind and waves in the sea and shuttle non-stop.

The two of them sailed through the night effortlessly.

Early the next morning, when the sun rose above the sea level, a mountain shrouded in clouds and mist and floating in the void suddenly appeared in their sight.

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