Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 445: Hard to fly with wings

Each light sword shadow contained a powerful force, which blasted the islands within the entire Red Pearl Islands into pieces.

The terrifying and well-arranged skeletons on the islands were instantly shattered and scattered all over the ground.

"No! My baby! My hard work! I spent a thousand years to set up the white bone formation!"

The voice of the Thousand Hands King was almost wailing. Although the attack of the Great Linglong Sword Art did not hit the Thousand Hands King, the damage caused was deeper than that of hitting it.

Seeing its reaction, everyone immediately understood that it seemed that the skeletons on the surrounding islands were the real Achilles' heel of this terrible sea monster.

So without waiting for Yang Chudie to call, he immediately threw away the surrounding tentacles and "finished the work" on the skeletons on the islands, leaving no intact ones.

"You reptiles! You scum! You dare to destroy my thousand years of hard work! I want you dead! You all must die!"

The Thousand-Handed King roared angrily, and hundreds of tentacles danced wildly. The dense suction cups on the tentacles opened one by one, and countless thick black and rancid liquids were sprayed from them.

In a blink of an eye, the glow of the Red Pearl Islands disappeared without a trace, and the sky was full of splashing black raindrops.

Everyone hurriedly looked for shelter to hide.

However, these black liquids were extremely corrosive, and no shelter could resist its corrosion. Everyone was inevitably splashed by the black rain, and their skin was torn apart for a while, but they could only rely on their own cultivation to resist.

And on the sea, larger groups of fish turned up their white bellies, and in an instant, only bones were left.

Now, they finally knew where these skeletons came from.

As the one who controlled the exquisite sword formation, Yang Chudie received "special care" from the black rain. Countless black rain poured down on her from all directions. She resisted for a while with the protective qi, but in the end, her defense was broken. Suddenly, she could no longer support the exquisite sword formation and fell from midair.

Huge tentacles swept over, trying to sweep away Yang Chudie's body.

At the critical moment, the double-edged butterfly Shuangfei came and cut off the tentacles in an instant. At the same time, a red light descended and shone on Yang Chudie. It was the rainbow light technique performed by Lu Yu.

When Yang Chudie was illuminated by the red light, she felt warm all over and immediately recovered a little vitality. Flowers flashed on her body, and she dodged those tentacles.

Lu Yu immediately stepped forward to respond. The butterfly Shuangfei flew back and forth for a while, and the tentacles were cut off wherever they passed. In a short while, they finally broke the encirclement formed by dozens of tentacles.

"This monster has merged with the surrounding terrain. It used to rely on the formation of bones to resist your Star Sword Technique. If you attack it again, it will be hard for it to resist." Yang Chudie leaned against Lu Yu and said panting. Lu Yu immediately understood and raised his hand. Two consecutive red lights fell on Tu Wuwang and Xijiao. The two were struggling to hold on. At this time, they received Lu Yu's help. They were shocked and used their remaining strength to cut off a tentacle that was entangled with them. "Tu Wuwang, Xijiao, if you don't want to die, come and cover me!" Lu Yu ordered loudly. Even if one person and one monster were unwilling, they were grasshoppers on the same boat at this time. They didn't wait to work together. "Young Master, hurry up!" "We can't hold on for long!" Lu Yu ignored the two. His magic power began to surge, and the stars in the sky lit up again. "Damn reptile! You dare to resist! Hurry up and die!"

The Thousand Hands King felt threatened and began to fight back frantically, with various attacks emerging one after another.

Black liquid splashed out, huge tentacles rolled over, and some tentacles kept slapping the surrounding islands, shaking the broken bones on the islands away, and flew towards Lu Yu...

Tu Wuwang and Xijiao gritted their teeth and stood in front of Lu Yu, resisting all the attacks.

For this reason, Tu Wuwang even broke his hands and feet, relying only on his cultivation to resist, and Xijiao was even worse. The black liquid splashed on his chest, revealing a whole row of white ribs. Fortunately, he was a demon spirit with strong vitality. Even so, he did not fall down, and even the red heart could be seen beating inside the ribs.

Just when the two felt that their eyes were black and they were about to be unable to resist, the attack of the Star Sword Art was finally fully launched.

Twenty-eight shining in the sky, following a certain specific trajectory, suddenly fell.

The huge power of the stars bombarded the entire sea area, not only destroying all the tentacles nearby, but also pouring into the body of the Thousand Hands King.

"Damn reptile! You're dead! You're dead!"

"You can't possibly have the power to fight me! I am the incarnation of the gods in the sky, you are blaspheming the gods! It's a great disrespect!"

"Impossible! How could a tiny reptile master such a huge power!"



As the power of the stars poured in one by one, the wailing of the Thousand Hands King gradually became smaller, and finally there was no sound at all.

The huge body of the sea monster stirred up a huge wave. It was originally located in the place where the glow of the entire Red Pearl Islands was the brightest. At this time, as it fell, the last bit of glow disappeared.

At this time, the hull of the Tenglong giant ship finally appeared after the glow disappeared.

Lu Yu stared at the Tenglong giant ship from a distance and could clearly see a panicked Pei Ziju on top of the ship, anxiously urging his crew members to set sail immediately and escape from the place quickly.

Seeing that the huge ship gradually increased its speed, Lu Yu couldn't help but frown, and was planning to go all out and take advantage of the situation to sink the Tenglong ship as well.

However, at this moment, the sea water quickly receded, exposing large tracts of land.

It turns out that the Scarlet Pearl Islands area was originally a huge island. Later, because the Thousand-Armed King settled here and gathered the power of the tide, another large island here became an archipelago.

At this time, the Thousand-Armed King died, and the magic power disappeared. The tide gathered because of it naturally receded, and the place returned to its original appearance.

This scene changes rapidly, just like the vast ocean turns into a mulberry field in the blink of an eye, it's amazing.

As the tide receded, the Thousand-Armed King's body was finally fully revealed.

Only then did everyone realize how ferocious and terrifying the sea monster was. It turned out that its body had already completely grown on the island, and the two were completely integrated into one.

At this time, the tide receded, revealing its tentacles, which were like the roots of plants, deeply pierced into the rock. It looked shocking, no wonder there were thousands of tentacles.

Also revealed like the Thousand-Hand King was the hull of the Tenglong giant ship. Pei Ziju and others were stranded on the island before they could escape.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu gave up his plan to continue the offensive.

It seems that even God is on their side.

This time, Pei Ziju could hardly fly!

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