Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 450 The Invincible Fleet

Above the sky, there is the seventh heaven.

In the midst of nothingness, a "powerful being" with a tall stature and an extremely long breath stood proudly.

This "powerful being" has a green face and fangs, looks like a human but not a human, looks like a beast but not a beast, looks like a ghost but not a ghost. It is the Tiangang realm strongman who had a mind battle with Lu Yu before.

At this time, the face of this Tiangang Realm powerhouse was full of pain. He covered his right eye with a thick, furry palm, and red blood flowed from between his fingers.

"Who is this kid? He has such a powerful spiritual power. No wonder Xiao Ruan fell into his hands!"

While muttering to himself, he stretched out two fingers and forcefully pulled out the injured right eyeball.

Drenched with blood.

The strong man groaned slightly, then stuffed the bloody eyeball into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

While chewing slowly, he continued to talk to himself: "Lord Red Moon has reappeared in the world, the reincarnation of Yao Ji is looking for her way back, the Demon Dragon Clan is seeking to wake up, and now there is another person of unknown origin. Boy...the world below is really exciting!”

"However, no matter who you are, you can never influence me to cross the world, transcend tribulations, ascend, and pay homage to the great Demon God!"

The strong man snorted softly, suddenly stretched out his hand, and gently held it in the void. Suddenly, the entire sky was filled with wind and clouds, and thunder and lightning overflowed.

After a moment, he opened his palm, and an intact eyeball appeared on his palm.

The strong man put the brand new eyeball back into his empty eye socket, moved it twice, and it immediately returned to its original state.

The strong man was not in a hurry to check the effect of this new eyeball, but closed his eyes to rest.

"No matter what, my little softie can't die in vain..."

"Let me first let my former subordinates avenge Xiao Ruan and find out who this new guy is!"

After saying that, the strong man opened his eyes.

The newly born eyeball suddenly emitted a stream of red light, which contained the totem mark of the Devil's Eye, and flew towards the worlds below Tianyu.

The main reason why Huang Yanqing and others called Lu Yu the Oracle was because Lu Yu could easily manifest the strange characters of the laws of heaven and earth.

Lu Yu felt that this was really a wonderful misunderstanding. If this could be called an oracle, then at least half of all real powerful people should be oracles.

Even when Wei Zhihan was using the Heavenly Evolution Sword Technique, Lu Yu had witnessed it with his own eyes. He clearly manifested the characters of the laws of heaven and earth in his sword power. So he was also an oracle?

Moreover, in the final analysis, the characters of the laws of heaven and earth that Lu Yu mastered actually came from the strong man in the Tiangang realm above the sky. In this way, wouldn't he become the supreme god?

Therefore, Lu Yu felt that this was really nonsense.

However, Huang Yanqing and others were extremely stubborn. In any case, they were sure that Lu Yu was the so-called "god envoy". Lu Yu had no choice but to let them go.

Anyway, there is no harm in treating this divine envoy. On the contrary, it can make Huang Yanqing and others become pious and respectful towards him. Why not?

After leaving the cave, Lu Yu originally planned to set up a formation and stay in seclusion for a while with Yang Chudie, but then Huang Yanqing reported to him the news that the Jellyfish Fleet was likely to arrive soon, so he had to Plans for retreat were put on hold.

"Jellyfish Fleet?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully.

Huang Yanqing explained: "The Oracle World is surrounded by the sea. The Oracle Royal Court, which sits on this continent, has unique marine resources. In order to develop and protect these marine resources, the Oracle Royal Court uses various powerful spiritual beasts. Four huge maritime fleets were established, namely Sea Lion, Sea Dragon, Jellyfish and Hague..."

"One of the most outstanding features of the Jellyfish Fleet is that it has a large number of Jellyfish Spirit Beasts under its command. This is a spiritual beast that is similar in shape to a jellyfish. It is much larger than a jellyfish and is extremely powerful individually!"

"After special training by the fleet, these jellyfish aura beasts have not only become very brave and good at fighting, but have also become proficient in various formation changes. They can flexibly switch between various attack and defense formations in the sea, and their power is endless. Nothing goes wrong!”

"There have been several cases where powerful overseas real men wanted to get their hands on the resources of the Oracle Royal Court, but were defeated by the Jellyfish Fleet and fled..."

Hearing this, Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said, "Can a fleet composed of a group of jellyfish be so powerful?"

Huang Yanqing couldn't help showing a look of shame: "In the final analysis, I am still to blame for this matter. At that time, I did not know the identity of the Divine Envoy, or I personally sent a signal to the Royal Court for help... Now the arrow is on the string, and the Jellyfish Fleet is not safe and sound. His Royal Highness Prince Kang cannot return halfway..."

Lu Yu said: "You were just doing your duty for the Lord at that time. How can I blame you? Besides, this matter is not a big deal in the first place..."

"Well, you go and bring Pei Ziju over to me, and then you'll be responsible for repairing the Tenglong ship. You don't have to get used to the rest!"


Huang Yanqing went as he was told.

Lu Yu turned to Yang Chudie again with a bright smile: "How is Senior Sister recovering? How much power can she use the Great Exquisite Sword Technique at this time?"

"About 70%...what about you?"

"I'm about the same..."

Yang Chudie looked at him with a pair of impossibly beautiful water-cut eyes: "Then you can still show such confidence?"

"You must know that the reason why we were able to kill the Thousand-Hand King was because his bones formation was in a static state and could not move, so that we could break it. But if it were replaced by a well-trained and flexible army, then The result would be very different..."

"Could it be that this is to maintain your image as a tall and majestic divine envoy?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Lu Yu's face: "Sister, please stop making fun of me..."

Seeing the depressed look on Lu Yu's face, Yang Chudie felt more and more happy inside: "Then what are you going to do now?"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "Since this jellyfish fleet is so powerful and has defeated real warriors several times, then we cannot let them form a formation to attack us, so I plan to make two-pronged preparations... "

"On the one hand, we need to take the initiative and we can't let them get ready. On the other hand, if taking the initiative fails, we still have Pei Ziju as a hostage, don't we?"

The two were talking when Pei Ziju was brought there.

He had woken up and saw that he had been betrayed by his subordinates. He couldn't help but feel unwilling and angry. At this time, he saw Lu Yu and Yang Chudie, the culprits, and he was even more angry, all of which were aroused.

"Let me go!"

"Lu, what did you do to me? Why did all my cultivation disappear?"

"You are making enemies of the entire Oracle Royal Court! Do you know!"

"Our oracle royal court's invincible maritime fleet will arrive soon. You are on the verge of death, do you understand?"

"If you know what's going on, take the opportunity to release me quickly, otherwise you will surely taste the wrath of the Invincible Fleet!"

Pei Zijue was so excited that his whole body trembled and he roared angrily.

"Are you done?"

Seeing that Pei Ziju was almost done venting like a shrew, Lu Yu suddenly stepped forward and picked him up as if he were carrying a chicken.

"Since His Highness Prince Kang is so impatient, we will take you out to sea and meet your invincible fleet in person!"

After saying that, he directly carried Pei Ziju to the beach, and then Yang Chudie started the shuttle boat, and the three of them sailed towards the deep sea.

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