Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 484 Three Thousand Years of Life

For a moment, everyone felt heavy-hearted.

"Master Master, what do you think we should do next?" Master Hailing asked.

Li Wangji raised his head and looked at the sea with low lead clouds and rising waves. He felt that the scene in front of him was just like the situation that the Dali Sword Sect was encountering now.

He pondered for a moment, thought for a moment, and said: "Next, we will divide our troops into three groups..."

"I will lead the way to visit the major sects, explain to the leaders what happened today, and exchange views with them on this matter, so as to cope with the chaos that may occur next... "

"The second route will be taken care of by Master Hailing. You and the elders of the Pavilion will return to Dali Sword Sect immediately, inform all the Masters in the sect about the matter, and tell everyone that the relationship between us and Jade Sea Immortal Sect has completely deteriorated. There is a possibility of war at any time, so everyone should be ready for battle at any time! The Council of Elders must be responsible for coordinating defense!"

"As for the third way..."

At this time, Li Wangji suddenly focused his attention on Lu Yu on the shuttle boat.

"The third party is responsible for protecting his safety. After this battle, I am afraid that the Red Moon Demon Lord has regarded him as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. If he rashly brings him back to the Dali Sword Sect, I am afraid that it will be easier for him to become his opponent. Therefore, he needs a group of people to hide around him and protect him secretly, at least until he grows in strength and has the ability to protect himself before he can withdraw..."

At this time, Yang Chudie had already woken up after being treated by Master Hailing using the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique. Hearing Li Wangji's arrangement, he couldn't help but frowned subconsciously.

But before she could speak, Fang Haoran on the side had already said, "According to what this brat said, a divine beast has been born in the oracle world. Don't we go and fight for it?"

Li Wangji said: "Now that the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is making trouble, and the world is changing, in this troubled year, it's better not to be distracted anymore!"

Fang Haoran couldn't help but shook his head with regret.

As a result, a group of real elders began to discuss the candidates responsible for each group. Among them, the candidates for the first and second groups were easy to determine, but the candidates for the third group to protect Lu Yu were not decided for a long time. Come down.

After all, the stakes are high at this time. Not only are they responsible for the ancestor of Yunxiao, but they are also facing a strange opponent like the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, so the real elders have to treat it with caution.

At this time, Yang Chudie finally couldn't help but said: "Master, now that the sect is hiring people, I don't think we need to waste our manpower on protecting Lu Yu! After he recovers from his injury, I just need to take him with me I go to a certain place to practice and hide my whereabouts during the process. I think this way the target is smaller, but it is safer than following a real strong person behind me..."

Li Wangji was slightly startled and remained silent.

Fang Haoran agreed: "Yes, this kid is very powerful. Why do you need to send people to protect him? The reason why he was chased and beaten this time was because he used too much force and never recovered..."

"Besides, Deacon Yang is no longer what he used to be, and these two guys have Xuanling Divine Weapons in their hands. Even if they are real strong men, as long as they are not first- and second-grade natal golden elixirs, it will be difficult for them to obtain them. Get good!”

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but turn their heads and look at Yang Chudie.

It is strange to say that Yang Chudie would have been panic-stricken in the past when faced with the questioning looks of so many powerful real people, but at this moment, he was calm and calm, without any discomfort.

"The chain of golden light is the foundation of heaven and earth! This is a sign that the elixir will become a first-grade pill!"

Li Wangji was the first to see Yang Chudie's extraordinary qualities, and couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

The other real elders soon saw the mystery and couldn't help but marvel.

"What a pure golden elixir seed!"

"In the past, there was Jade Butterfly, Zhenren Zhuyu, and now Deacon Yang is a late riser. It is a good story!"

"Based on such a foundation, if Deacon Yang succeeds in concluding the golden elixir, his future achievements will be even greater than those of Master Yudie!"

"It seems that within ten years at most, our Dali Sword Sect will have another real strong man with a first-level elixir!"

Li Wangji stroked his beard and smiled: "Actually, I was worried that being too protective of Lu Yu would cause him to lose his determination to cultivate and make progress, which would go against the original intention of Patriarch Yunxiao..."

"Forget it! Since Deacon Yang has the laws of heaven and earth as the foundation, I will not hinder your forge ahead in cultivation! I hope you can support each other and forge ahead. I believe this will not only be an opportunity for him, but also an opportunity for him. It will be a great opportunity for you!”

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward, and suddenly a burst of bright white light poured down, rushing into Lu Yu's body, and there was another Eternal Light Water Dividing Technique.

After doing all this, Li Wangji suddenly waved his hand, and the shuttle boat and Lu Yu suddenly rowed towards Yang Chudie, and they and the boat stopped just in front of her.

Then, Li Wangji turned around and confirmed the final candidates for the first and second routes with a group of real elders, and ignored Lu Yu and Yang Chudie again.

On the other side of the field, Jiang Feiyan, who was standing next to Master Maoye, finally got a clue from Li Wangji's words.

It turned out that the person who personally appointed Lu Yu to be an initiate was actually the ancestor of Yunxiao.

Unexpectedly, he is still alive in the world!

Jiang Feiyan silently recalled some records related to him and kept calculating in her hands. After a while, she finally came to an astonishing conclusion...

Ancestor Yunxiao has lived at least three thousand years to this day!

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