Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 487 From today on, you are my slave

The demon spirit world is located in the wild world.

The Great Wilderness World is an extremely vast continent, the two most important parts of which are the Demon Spirit World and the Great Wilderness Mountain.

Among them, Dahuang Mountain is rich in products, rich in all kinds of natural materials and treasures, and breeds all kinds of creatures. Rhinoceros is also born in this land.

The world of demon spirits is permeated by a demon mist, where demon tribes gather one after another, and the most powerful demon spirits in the entire world are entrenched here.

If we want to use metaphors to explain, the Great Wilderness Mountain is equivalent to a barbaric and uncivilized countryside, while the Demon Spirit Realm is equivalent to a lively and prosperous city-state. However, the order embodied by these "city-states" is very limited, and most of the time it is Let your fists do the talking.

In addition to these two areas, there are also many magical and unpredictable places in the wilderness world, but they are all dangerous and desperate places, and the living environment is so harsh that even powerful demon spirits cannot live in them for a long time. They can be called "demon spirits". "Inaccessible...

In short, this is a land that has given birth to countless demon spirits, a country where demons are rampant.

Although other worlds also have more or less demon clan territories, none of them can match the scale of this place. Even the demon spirit world can be called a holy place of worship for all demon clans in the world.

The Red Sand Sea is a sea area adjacent to the wilderness world.

This place got its name because of the rich red sand. Since red sand is a precious material for refining weapons, not only the local demon spirits, but also many cultivators from other worlds are attracted here to wash the sand. .

Therefore, this is a particularly lively sea area, full of vitality and the hope of getting rich overnight.

Because of this, after the ship entered the red sand sea, the quiet and peaceful training time of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie ended.

They had to restrain their aura, and even changed their attire and appearance to avoid revealing their identity - after all, the Red Moon Demon Lord's layout had spread all over the eight major sects, and there was no reason to let go of the demon world, so they had to be careful.

However, the two experienced a lot of intense discussions because of their identities after changing their disguises...

"Sister, I don't want to pretend to be your servant."

"Why? Will being my follower make you lose your status? Don't forget, we agreed before setting off on this trip that you will be my follower!"

"Having said that, it would be too easy for others to associate the two of us. Why don't we just change into a pair with a more subversive identity?"

"What else do you have in mind?"

"Why don't you... let me be the master this time, how about you being my servant? I am a rich and wealthy man, and you are my new 36th concubine and maidservant..."


"Can't you? How about the third concubine?"


"Isn't that okay? Then I'll let you be my first wife and the first wife, right?"


"Okay, okay...Sister, can you speak properly and don't use the Red Luan Sword at every turn? I can't resist your golden elixir seeds...I understand, you can't pretend to be a couple, so why don't you pretend to be a brother and sister?"


"Brothers and sisters can't do it either? Then brother and sister, okay! Brothers and sisters! This is my final bottom line. After all, I am also a disciple appointed by the majestic Yunxiao Ancestor. I am the future hope of the Dali Sword Sect. Deacon Yang, you have to give it to me. Save some face?"

"...Stop talking nonsense! I said that a servant is a servant. If I don't want to be verbose, I might as well dress you up as a maid! It just meets your subversive requirements!"

"...Okay, it's not impossible to let me be a servant, but Senior Sister, do you need to change your current image? You are so beautiful now, and you can easily be reminded of the Dali Sword Sect. The great beauty of Jade Butterfly Peak!”

"Then...what do you want me to become?"

"Well, well... do you still remember the Madam Ye Hua you met at Shengyun Mountain? How about you try dressing up like her?"


After a lot of bargaining, the two finally confirmed each other's identities.

Lu Yu finally escaped the fate of being a follower and became one of Yang Chudie's guards - the warrior A Ming.

And Yang Chudie transformed into the third lady from a large family named Yang in the Beifeng Dynasty, who was responsible for the family's procurement matters. Although her appearance has been discounted by seven or eight points, she still has outstanding temperament and charming style. A top-notch beauty.

After doing all this, the two set sail again and continued to move forward.

But since then, the two have focused on their new identities, playing their roles carefully and deliberately keeping a low profile.

From time to time, a beautiful mermaid girl swam to their boat and played, laughing like silver bells, which was beautiful and arousing people's imagination.

This made Lu Yu quite distressed for a while, wondering if his face was too handsome. For this reason, he also deliberately asked Yang Chudie for his opinion on whether he should pinch his face any more. Ugly...

Yang Chudie immediately rolled her eyes and said angrily: "No matter how ugly you are, you won't be able to look at me anymore! You can't really be so naive and think that these mermaid women are attracted by your charm, right?"

"Isn't it?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

"Nonsense... of course not!"

Yang Chudie held her forehead.

"The reason why these mermaid women do this is just to collect information about passing ships. Once they find that the ship is profitable, they will call their companions to come and plunder it..."

"If you don't believe it, just open the bag of spiritual stones on your body, pour out tens of thousands of spiritual stones and pile them on the deck... Hum, I guarantee that they will not only come to play during the day, but also come to give you a big surprise at night! "

Lu Yu was speechless for a moment, but he felt a little doubtful in his heart.

It wasn't until the next day that he saw with his own eyes a merchant ship that had been looted by the mermaid clan. Countless corpses were floating on the sea, attracting large shoals of scavenging fish. There were still mermaid clan members clearly left in the battle on the merchant ship. of falling scales.

Only then did he have a real understanding of the bloody cruelty of this sea area for the first time...

After that, when I see beautiful mermaid girls with hot bodies and beautiful faces, I no longer think they are beautiful and cute...

However, although these beautiful mermaid girls appeared and played around from time to time, they never attacked them. It was obvious that he saw that this dilapidated and old ship had no valuable cargo, and was not interested in them at all.

This is exactly the effect that Lu Yu and Yang Chudie are pursuing.

So, after sailing calmly on the red sand sea for several days, the two finally arrived at the end of their voyage - Dulong Port.

This is a port city where demon spirits gather, and it can be regarded as a gateway to the entire wild world. Although there are many practitioners and big businessmen from all worlds, it is mainly members of the demon clan.

Here, Lu Yu can fully experience what is called exotic customs, sexy and hot beauties with animal ears, muscular and naked monster men, and beautiful women with only key parts of their bodies covered with feathers...

Here, every element in the air, every particle in the breeze, is implicitly or explicitly carrying out some kind of hint, which makes Lu Yu can't help but think of a word - animal desire.

He felt like he had entered a grand garden. There were all kinds of strange monsters. The strange sights he saw at a glance were more than all the monsters he had seen in the past.

"Don't look around here!"

Yang Chudie was walking in front and suddenly turned back to remind.


Lu Yu responded while looking fiercely at a demon beauty in front of him.

Originally, he didn't want to take another look, but the appearance of the demon beauty was somewhat similar to Mrs. Ye Hua, who died in his hands before, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Yang Chudie shook his head: "You will know soon!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the demon woman who looked very similar to Mrs. Ye Hua strode towards Lu Yu.

Still on the way, she suddenly took out a leather whip, flicked it, pointed it at Lu Yu, and said with a smile: "You, male! From today on, you are my slave!"

Lu Yu was stunned and froze on the spot.

What the hell? Is the style here so tough?

Just because you looked twice, you want to take someone into slavery?

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