Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 510: A plan to alienate each other

At this time, in the camp of the commander of the Huangshan Army in the distant Fang City, similar topics happened to be discussed in Commander Feng's camp.

I saw a piece of information placed on the desk of the head coach of the Huangshan Army, with the words Karasuma, Lishan, Qinglang, Tiebei, etc. clearly marked on it.

This is exactly the introduction of the largest clans in the area near Fang City.

The content includes the number of demon soldiers, the composition of high-level personnel, overall strength, customs and habits, specialties and hobbies, etc. The content is extremely detailed.

This information was obtained by Lord Tiger, who led a group of mistresses and demon generals, and interrogated the prisoners in Fang City.

At this time, several leaders of the Huangshan Army were conducting urgent consultations on this information.

"Which one of these major clans do you think is most likely to attack first?" Lu Yu asked.

When the mistresses and demon generals heard this, they looked at each other, but none of them answered.

They are not quite used to such an occasion.

In their opinion, Ming Shuai and Miss Yang, two gods-like figures, were present at the scene, so how could they have any say?

Moreover, as long as they have the guidance of these two people, they can just follow the instructions and there is no need to think about anything else.

When Lu Yu saw this scene, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

This is also a major problem of the Huangshan Army. The Huangshan Army is developing too fast. These mistresses and demon generals lack enough experience. At best, they can only be regarded as the leaders of the demon soldiers, but they are not real generals.

These problems may not seem important now, but in the future, if there is a division of troops and multiple forces advance, the Huangshan Army will lack generals who can truly take charge of their own affairs.

It seems that it will be a long and arduous task to inspire the military of these people and train them into excellent generals.

"General Tiger, tell me!"

Lu Yu had no choice but to call his name.


Hu Zun said cautiously: "Please forgive me for speaking frankly. No matter who comes first, I don't think it matters too much. I'm just afraid that they will suddenly attack at the same time..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he glanced at him approvingly.

Among these people, at least one Tiger Lord has some eyesight.

"If this happens, what do you think we should do?" Lu Yu asked again.

"Is this..."

Hu Zun pondered again.

The total strength of these four big clans together far exceeded that of the Huangshan Army, and their level of eliteness was far beyond that of the Huangshan Army. For a moment, Lord Tiger had no idea.

He frowned and thought carefully for a long time, and finally gave up helplessly.

"My subordinate is stupid and I really can't think of a way to solve it... I am willing to obey the command of the young lady and the handsome commander. I will fight wherever the young lady and the handsome commander tell me to fight!"

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled: "Then let me ask another question. Which of the four major clans do you think is most likely to be divided and won over by us?"

Hu Zun couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he immediately understood Lu Yu's intention.

However, it was still difficult for him to analyze the results based only on the information on paper.

There was silence in the commander's camp.

Although Lu Yu raised this question, he actually didn't have a definite answer in his heart, and was still thinking and weighing it in his heart.

"Of course it's the Karasuma clan..."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the camp and said coldly.

Everyone looked for the name and saw the man with a deer head and rat eyes and a long hairy face. He was clearly a rat monster.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he quickly shrank his head and lowered his head, even looking like a timid rat.

"Who are you? What's your name?" Lu Yu asked.

The man was submissive and did not dare to answer.

Hu Zun quickly explained to Lu Yu: "This person is not from our Huangshan Army. He was originally the scribe of Fang City. Most of the information on the four major clans was compiled by him. I think he is pretty good." Smart, I also thought that Ming Shuai might have doubts about this information, so don’t bring him here too.”

Then he turned his head again, glared at the rat monster, and said angrily: "Our commander-in-chief asked you, why didn't you answer honestly?"

Lu Yu suddenly realized that this person was a prisoner, no wonder he looked so restrained.

He smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. I won't eat you. Just say it with confidence!"

The rat monster spirit thought to himself, how could he not be afraid?

The scene of the day when Fang City was breached is still vivid in my mind. This is a guy who can control the power of the dragon at any time. He is simply more terrifying than any high-level demon spirit he has ever seen!

But at this moment, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Back to Mingshuai, the little one's name is Deerli..."

"Deer raccoon..."

Lu Yu muttered his name and said: "The purpose of calling everyone here today is to brainstorm. Although you are a prisoner, the speaker is not guilty. It doesn't matter even if you are wrong... If you say If you do well, I will reward you heavily!"

"Tell me, why do you think the Karasuma clan is the easiest to win over?"

The deer fox twisted around and summoned up the courage to say, "The Karasuma clan is greedy, brutal and murderous. Over the years, they have had many rifts with the other three major clans and have not gotten along well with each other."

"Especially their leader Wu Zhuojun, who is as lustful as life, debauched and immoral. He often allows his subordinates to rob female demon spirits from other ethnic groups for him. He has committed many outrageous things, which has attracted the anger of both humans and gods. The leaders of the other three major ethnic groups , they all looked down upon him very much..."

"On the other hand, the Huangshan Army has great Taoism and strong financial resources. If Mingshuai is willing to use money to clear the way and then grant Wu Zhuojun the territory of the other three tribes, I believe he will be willing to turn around and follow Mingshuai. Deal with the other three major clans."

"Is it?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly: "But have you ever thought that if the four major clans form an alliance, the Tianhe clan must be behind it. Will the Karasuma clan dare to risk offending the Tianhe clan and form an alliance with us?"

However, Zhanli said: "This is another reason why I assert that the Karasuma clan can be won over, because they are the only clan among the four major clans that is related to the Wuluo clan, so they will not They are particularly afraid of the Tianhe clan, which is why the other three major clans have always been unable to do anything against Wu Zhuojun. "

Lu Yu nodded lightly, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that there would be such an entanglement involved.

At this time, his mind has been moved by the words of the deer raccoon, and he is thinking about the final feasibility. What conditions should be offered to persuade the Karasuma clan to defect in battle?

Deerli carefully looked at the expression on Lu Yu's face, and suddenly felt a surge of happiness in his heart.

He suddenly gritted his teeth and looked completely prepared: "Young man, I have met Wu Zhuojun several times before, and you are familiar with him. If Mingshuai really wants to use this tactic to alienate you, I can do it for you." Thanks to Zhou Xuan’s recommendation, I hope I can make up for it!”

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

"General Tiger, why don't you show our little general the deer fox a seat!"

The deer raccoon suddenly trembled all over, and was so excited that the long hair on its face started flying.

"Thank you Mingshuai!" He knelt on the ground and said tremblingly.

The surrounding mistresses and demon generals couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw that just because of these few words, the deer raccoon was transformed from a prisoner to a guest, and was even made a junior general by Lu Yu.

I couldn't help but feel a rush of regret in my heart.

I didn't expect such a good thing to happen. If they had known it, they should have seized the opportunity to speak up!

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