Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 541 Assassination Attack

"Lord, we are lucky to live up to our fate! Under the prestige and kindness of you and Miss Yang, the more than 400,000 tribesmen in Black Wind City are willing to follow you and Miss Yang from now on. From now on, you will be our master. No second thoughts!”

"From this moment on, you are the master of this place, the new Lord of Black Wind City!"

Marquis Kuang and Marquis Badger led a group of subordinates to kneel in front of Lu Yu and said respectfully.

At this time, the subordinates behind the two people also shouted: "See the new city lord! We are willing to serve the new lord from now on, devote all our efforts, and follow him to the death!"

Lu Yu's eyes swept over these people's faces one by one.

Some of these people were obviously injured, and it was obvious that they finally decided to surrender to Lu Yu after a brutal "exchange".

More than 400,000 tribesmen sound like a lot, but in fact they are only just over half of the original number of demon tribesmen in Black Wind City. In fact, there is still a lot of opposition in the surrounding areas outside the main city of Black Wind City. His forces, but these forces are no longer able to pose a real threat for the time being.

In order to consolidate the situation in Black Wind City as soon as possible, Lu Yu knew that blindly coercion was not the best way. It must be coordinated with appropriate comfort. A two-pronged approach could stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

Therefore, accepting everyone's worship and allegiance today is only one of his purposes. The other purpose is to reward these people based on their merits.

"On behalf of my lady, I accept your allegiance! My lady has other important matters today and is unable to be here in person, so I will announce your rewards on her behalf!"

With that said, Lu Yu gestured to Huang Yanqing who was standing aside.

Suddenly Huang Yanqing stood upright, stepped forward, unfolded a volume of documents in his hand, and began to recite loudly:

"The war in Black Wind City has been initially decided, and everything is waiting to be done! Now I am bestowing titles on the many people who have made contributions in this war. I hope you will work hard to encourage yourself, forge ahead, and create greater glory!"

"Sealing Heavenly Demon Wu Zhuojun as the third general of the Huangshan Army..."

"Confess the great demon Kuanghou as the fourth general of the Huangshan Army..."

"Confess the Great Demon Badger Marquis as the fifth general of the Huangshan Army..."

"Confess the great demon Woodpecker as a minor general of the Huangshan Army..."

Huang Yanqing began to reward everyone one by one.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that Wu Zhuojun has also become the recipient of the title, officially becoming a member of the Huangshan Army.

Although the subordinates he commands are still the original Karasuma clan, the meaning is completely different. The history of the entire Karasuma clan will be completely rewritten, and for him personally, it also means a whole new level.

From now on, the Karasuma clan is no longer a small tribe that lives in the land of Xichuan, but a huge fighting force that can compete in Black Wind City.

In the near future, they may even enter Dakong Mountain.

Therefore, when Wu Zhuojun accepted the reward, he was so excited that even his body could not stop trembling slightly.

In order to increase the sense of ceremony of this award ceremony, Lu Yu also invited the captives of the Wuluo clan and the Giant Spirit clan, including Concubine Hua, to the scene as guests of the ceremony. He even put the Huntian Hammer on the table.

This scene was naturally full of shock in the eyes of the unidentified demon spirits at the scene. They thought that Lu Yu's actions at this time really had the strong support of the two major clans, Wuluo and Jiling, and their attitude became more and more frightening. , and my heart became more and more desperate.

Concubine Hua and others naturally knew Lu Yu's intention of doing this, but unfortunately they were prisoners now and had no power to resist, so they could only act as his puppets.

Among them, Concubine Hua's eyes were as bright as gems, and she had been staring at Lu Yu quietly, not knowing what she was looking at.

While Lu Yu looked at this scene, he couldn't help but think in his heart that there was still one Tianhe clan left.

Otherwise, if the three top clans gather together, it will be perfect.

However, I think the messenger from the Tianhe clan should be arriving soon...

After the reward was over, everyone left happily.

Lu Yu waved to Tuwuwang and asked him, "How is the situation over at Hu Dali? How long will it take for the army headquarters to reach Black Wind City?"

Although the situation in Black Wind City has stabilized at this time, and everyone has sworn filial piety to him, Lu Yu also knows that Black Wind City does not have any combat effectiveness at this time and cannot withstand any changes. Only after the arrival of the army headquarters can we truly feel at ease.

Tuwuwang bowed and replied: "According to the message sent back by General Hu Zun when he set off this morning, it will take about three days for us to reach Black Wind City."

Lu Yu nodded and said nothing more.

This time was also within his expectation. It seemed that Hu Zun and others should have a smooth journey along the way, without any accidents.

Then, just wait with peace of mind for the rest of the time.

Ying Chen of the Tianhe clan...

Yang Chudie’s exploration of the mystery of Dakong Mountain’s Qi Dao...

And the upcoming Huangshan Army Headquarters...

Of these three, I don’t know which aspect of the news will come first.

But what Lu Yu didn't expect was that the first news that came was not any of the three!

At midnight that night, Tu Wuwang suddenly rushed into Lu Yu's residence in the city lord's mansion and said with a panic look on his face:

"Lord, something bad has happened! The Huangshan Army was attacked!"

"Under attack?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but shudder.

He immediately started thinking quickly in his mind, but after taking a careful inventory, he couldn't think of anyone who would dare to sneak attack the Huangshan Army at this juncture.

"Where was it attacked? Who was the enemy? What were the casualties of the Huangshan Army?" Lu Yu asked.

"The Huangshan Army was stationed at Baiyang Ridge tonight. After nightfall, they were suddenly attacked by the enemy. The number of enemies was not very large, but they used a false attack method to conduct a feint attack, which caused considerable damage to the main army. There was a huge chaos, and then they took advantage of the chaos and sent assassins to launch a sneak attack on the commander's camp. Now General Hu Zun is seriously injured and his life is hanging by a thread," Tu Wuwang replied!

Lu Yu felt even more incredible.

Unexpectedly, the real purpose of this sneak attack was to send an assassin to assassinate Hu Dali?

Who could have done this?

First, this excludes the three top clans.

If the three top clans take action, they will directly attack themselves or their master's aunt, instead of choosing Hu Dali, because simply assassinating one Hu Dali will not solve any problem.

But besides the three top clans, who else has the strength to attack Hu Dali? You must know that Hu Dali is now as powerful as a heavenly demon, and ordinary people can't do anything to him!

However, although this did not have a serious impact on the strength of the Huangshan Army, it completely disrupted Lu Yu's deployment.

Now he definitely can't leave Black Wind City, and Yang Chudie is not here at this time, so he is simply unable to do anything at all.

Who on earth could be causing trouble to the Huangshan Army at this juncture?

After thinking for a long time, still without any clue, Lu Yu couldn't help but rubbed the center of his eyebrows in pain, then took out a shining healing elixir from his arms and handed it to Tu Wuwang's hand.

"You and Xijiao go to Baiyang Ridge immediately, use this elixir to temporarily save Hu Dali's life, and bring him back to Black Wind City with the headquarters of the Huangshan Army..."

After thinking about it, he felt a little uneasy, so he took out another talisman with brilliant rays of light and gave it to Tu Wu Wang. It was the talisman of King Wu Tiangang Divine Wind Fist that he had seized from Concubine Hua.

"Be careful on the road. If something goes wrong, use this to greet the other person!"

Tuwuwang couldn't help but be startled, and took the elixir and talisman with slightly trembling hands.

"Yes, I humbly obey my orders!"

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