Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 543 Leave the door open for you

After Young Master Ying Chen confirmed Concubine Hua's identity as the envoy of the Wuluo clan, the next thing became simple.

Lu Yu didn't have any special request. He just asked Concubine Hua to tell some details about the arrangement of the Wuluo clan in Dakong Mountain based on the actual situation.

These arrangements were nothing to Lu Yu, a person who had no specific impression of Dakong Mountain, but to Ying Chen Shaojun and other people who were familiar with the situation, they couldn't help but gasp.

Sure enough, everything was as Lu Yu expected. Many of Qin Yanzhen's arrangements for Dakong Mountain were specifically designed to suppress the Tianhe clan.

There was even a plan to kill the formation. After Concubine Hua said it, the faces of Ying Chen Shaojun and others turned pale, and there was even a slight sweat on their foreheads.

This shows how secretive and vicious this plan is. If it is caught off guard, the Tianhe clan will definitely suffer a big loss.

The reason why Lu Yu could expect this was from Qin Yanzhen's usual style of doing things.

It can be seen from her initial planning of the secret treasure of the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum that she was very scheming and had no plans left.

Now that she has arrived at Dakong Mountain, she has mastered more powerful power and larger resources, and she will make full use of this style.

"Everyone should have understood by now that the Tianhe Clan's layout in Dakong Mountain has already lagged behind the Wuluo Clan. Even compared to the Giant Spirit Clan, you do not have any advantage, because there are various signs that there are people behind the Giant Spirit Clan. Another backer, and this backer’s background is even much greater than that of the great sage!”

After everyone learned the truth from Concubine Hua, Lu Yu continued to add fuel to the flames.

"Therefore, compared to the fact that our Huangshan Army needs the help of the Tianhe Clan, it is you, the Tianhe Clan, who need our help more now. Only if we join the Dahuang Mountain, it is possible to help you break the situation!"

"But then again, I might as well tell you all that both the great sage in the Wuluo clan and the possible backer behind the Giant Spirit clan are my mortal enemies, so with Tianhe I am very happy for the clan to cooperate and jointly deal with them, otherwise even if I occupy Black Wind City, I will still have trouble sleeping and eating! "

"Young Master Ying Chen, now that all the facts are in front of you, what are your opinions?"

After hearing Lu Yu's words, Ying Chen Shaojun and others couldn't help but look at each other and did not respond for a long time.

A sharp light flashed in Young Master Ying Chen's eyes, and he asked suspiciously: "Shuai Ming just said that the great sage who was received by the Wuluo clan was originally a saint of Daluo?"


Lu Yu smiled and said: "I might as well tell you some more information. This great sage is not only the Saint of Daluo, but also the culprit who destroyed Qianwu City and destroyed the Dawu Dynasty in one fell swoop! These are all This Wu-Luo messenger has personal experience with everything. If you don’t believe me, just ask her!”

Suddenly, the hall couldn't help but burst into uproar again.

Concubine Hua stood quietly without speaking, acquiescing to Lu Yu's statement.

This can not help but increase the credibility of what Lu Yu said.

The eyes of Young Master Ying Chen became sharper and sharper, and he said: "Since the great sage is the Saint of Daluo, and you have always claimed to be her mortal enemy, then the identities of you and Miss Yang are not simple either. Well! I wonder what their identities are?"

Unexpectedly, what he cared about was not Qin Yanzhen's identity at all, but the identities of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie.

Lu Yu looked back at him, and the two of them looked back at each other for several breaths before they couldn't help but smile:

"My young lady comes from the Dali Sword Sect, and her status in the Dali Sword Sect is no less than that of the Daluo Saint in the Daluo Holy Land! There is only so much I can tell Young Master Ying Chen..."

After a pause, he continued: "You don't need to test the bottom line of the Huangshan Army anymore, and you don't need to worry about the authenticity of what I said... Let me tell you the truth, even without the help of the Tianhe clan, we The Huangshan Army will also break into the demon spirit world!"

"This is not a request, but a notice to you!"

"That's it for today. How to decide, please make your own decision! I am waiting for your final decision at any time!"

Now that everything has been said, Ying Chen Shaojun and others naturally have nothing to say.

However, such an important decision obviously cannot be made directly on the spot. They will definitely need to go back and inform Lord Tianhe before they can make a final decision.

So, Ying Chen and others got up and said goodbye.

Everyone had a worried look on their faces. Obviously, the result of this trip to Black Wind City was beyond their expectations.

Watching the figures of Young Master Ying Chen and others gradually disappearing, Lu Yu was about to turn back when suddenly Concubine Hua beside him suddenly said:

"you are lying!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused: "What did you say?"

Concubine Hua looked into Lu Yu's eyes, her eyes as cunning as a fox: "Your true purpose cannot be the northern part of Dakong Mountain. You must have other plans, so you must have lied to the Tianhe clan!"

"Why are you so sure?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "Since you have investigated me, you should know that the Jade Butterfly Peak where we are located is lacking in resources and our family is in ruins, while Dakong Mountain is rich in resources. Why can't we come here just for Dakong Mountain?"

Concubine Hua shook her head firmly: "Because of the timing, even if you are really here for resources, you would not choose to come at this time. Moreover, if it is just for resources, you must have better choices! "

"I will make a bold guess. You are here in such a hurry, and you are so determined to enter Dakong Mountain. You have only one purpose, and you should be here for the sacred object that is about to be born - Qifeng Wutong!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and did not respond directly.

It's not a big deal if she guesses their purpose...

"Enemy, look at how well-behaved I am, and I haven't tried to undermine you... Shouldn't you reward me well?" Concubine Hua said with a charming look on her face.

Lu Yu was unmoved and directly waved to the men on the side and ordered: "Take her back!"

Concubine Hua suddenly looked resentful again, her eyes pitiful.

"Friend, I'll go back first... Tonight, please don't let me stay alone in the empty boudoir again, okay? I will leave the door open for you..."

Before leaving, Concubine Hua cast another flirtatious look at Lu Yu.

That kind of seductive and provocative style couldn't help but make Lu Yu feel distraught. He was so frightened that he repeatedly urged his subordinates to take her away quickly.

But even if she really left, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a commotion in his heart, wondering if he should go to her room tonight and let her have a good taste of the whip candle, so as not to keep her coming. Harass yourself...

It was night in a blink of an eye.

Lu Yu still didn't go to Concubine Cheng Hua's room.

Not because he successfully convinced himself, but because an unexpected incident suddenly occurred in Black Wind City.

Once again, an assassin launched a sneak attack, and this time the target was Wu Zhuojun.

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