Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 547 The strong man arrives

Lu Yu didn't really fall asleep.

He lay on the bed with his eyes closed and fell asleep, and deliberately slowed down his breathing, pretending to have fallen asleep.

The purpose of doing this was to test Ye Weilan on the side.

See if she is really not sleepy and can really concentrate all the time. Even if she falls asleep, she will not take a nap?

But the result made Lu Yu feel a sense of despair. Two full hours had passed, and Ye Weilan had been concentrating on it without any signs of slacking off.

"I advise you to stop pretending."

Just when Lu Yu was struggling in his heart, hesitating whether to continue pretending, Ye Weilan suddenly spoke.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised, and secretly wondered how she could tell that he was pretending to sleep?

Under the control of the power of Red Lotus, he was confident that every detail of his body could be simulated perfectly, no different from actually sleeping. Naturally, this could not be because his acting skills were not up to par.

Could it be...that she was testing herself?

"After years of training, I have long been able to keep in tune with the target's spirit. Only when the opponent's spirit is distracted, I may occasionally relax... This ability is what we call 'synchronization'."

Ye Weilan continued speaking without thinking.

"Although you appear to be asleep on the surface, you are actually still focused. So, give up, you can't deceive me!"

Hearing Ye Weilan say this, Lu Yu finally opened his eyes.

"Synchrony? You have such a strange ability, no wonder..." He stopped mid-sentence, with a look of surprise on his face.

Ye Weilan asked curiously: "What's the wonder?"

Lu Yu smiled and stabbed her lightly: "No wonder your Yehua clan has declined so much. You waste a lot of time and energy on such flashy skills. How could you not be ignored by others?" Bully?"

Ye Weilan suddenly raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but gently raise the dagger in her hand: "Really? But now this 'flashy' trick is enough to kill you!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "No, if you have mastered other powerful techniques at this moment and completely subdued me in one go, why would you need to use this thankless 'synchronization'?"

"For example, there is one of my captives in the backyard of the city lord's mansion at the moment. She is the soul seal envoy of the Wuluo clan. Her strength is not inferior to yours, but she absolutely cannot escape my control. Even I don’t even need to bother to look after her, this is the role of superb methods!”

Ye Weilan was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, if she had any means to make Lu Yu temporarily lose the ability to resist, she would not need to stay awake like now.

This was not only because Lu Yu was too powerful, but also because the Ye Hua clan originally lacked such means, otherwise she would not have had to stab Wu Zhuojun and Hu Zun half to death.

Of course, she could also choose to stab Lu Yu half to death at this time, but in that case, the problem would be more troublesome. Without Lu Yu giving orders, how could she rescue the sisters in the clan, and how could she ensure that they left safely? ?

For a moment, the room became silent again.

Lu Yu moved but couldn't move, slept but couldn't sleep. Under the threat of the dagger, it was even more impossible for him to practice his skills. He couldn't help but feel bored for a while.

But fortunately, the woman in front of him was eye-catching enough. She was lying on her side next to him. Her skin was greasy as snow, her collarbones were delicate and charming, her chest was full of angry peaks, and there were waves of fragrance coming from her nose...

There is one thing Wu Zhuojun is not bragging about. This woman's beauty is indeed more outstanding than that of her tribe. Even among the many women Lu Yu has seen in his life, she is also among the top.

If you can ignore the cold touch on your neck, this is quite a wonderful experience.

"What are you looking at! If you look around again, I'll poke your eyes out!" Ye Weilan suddenly said sharply.

Lu Yu's gaze was unbridled and bold, without any awareness of being a prisoner. She couldn't help but feel as if she was being seen through by the other party, which was very unbearable.

"Sister, are you being too unreasonable? When I wasn't looking at you, you said I was pretending to be asleep. When I looked at you, you poked my eyes out again... What exactly do you want me to do?" Lu Yu Said dumbfounded.


Ye Weilan was speechless for a moment. In fact, she originally tried to have Lu Yu's back to her, but the pressure he put on her was too much. If his back was turned to her and she couldn't see his first reaction, she wouldn't be relieved at all. If it doesn't go down, the mental pressure will be even greater.

"Just close your eyes and stop pretending to sleep!" she finally said.

How could Lu Yu be willing to do this? The reason for pretending to sleep before was to test her, but now that he knew it was useless, how could he continue? This is boring enough as it is!

"You might as well just blind me!" Lu Yu said with a rogue expression.

Ye Weilan was immediately furious, but he didn't really blindly blind the other party like this.

"In order to spy out information, I lurked among your troops of the Huangshan Army for a long time. I observed that your subordinates were practicing a special set of boxing techniques every day. It is said that this set of boxing techniques was taught to them by you. And the Huangshan Army is invincible and has achieved such achievements, this boxing method is indispensable... What is the origin of this boxing method? "

The two of them kept looking at each other, feeling a little embarrassed, so Ye Weilan changed his mind and took the initiative to stir up the topic, intending to distract Lu Yu's attention in this way.

"What? Are you also interested in our Yang style boxing technique?" Lu Yu said.

Ye Weilan said calmly: "Anyway, there's nothing wrong with me, so it doesn't hurt to let you brag about it."

Lu Yu laughed: "If the girl doesn't mind, then I'll blow it hard..."

Then, Lu Yu explained to her the mysteries of Yang's boxing technique, from the initial conception to the specific effects and even the specific performance in actual combat.

The reason why he talked about it in such detail was just to pass the boring time. On the other hand, he also wanted to lure the other party into sharing the shadow possession method.

Anyway, this Yang style boxing technique was just an accidental creation on his whim, and no additional confidentiality work was done after it was passed down to the Huangshan Army. With Ye Weilan's ability, it would be easy to steal it.

Unexpectedly, after this, the atmosphere in the room was no longer boring and awkward.

Wherever Lu Yu is excited, he talks eloquently and wherever he goes.

Ye Weilan was secretly shocked when she heard this. Only then did she realize how profound and vast the knowledge of the human being in front of her was. In comparison, the cultivation methods passed down by the Ye Hua clan from generation to generation could be regarded as superficial.

Sure enough, is the human world the glorious avenue where Taoism and Ming are respected?

Unknowingly, Ye Weilan had a trace of yearning in her heart.

But she didn't know that the reason why Lu Yu was able to say something so in line with her state of mind was because he had the special vision of the medical stars and could specifically prescribe the right medicine for the demon spirit's physical condition.

Otherwise, the demon spirit world has been influenced and influenced by the Taoism of the human world for thousands of years. How could it always be so lacking in Taoism?

Half a day passed in a blink of an eye.

One of them spoke with great interest, and the other listened with great interest.

There was no longer a tense atmosphere in the room. If you left aside the sharp dagger around your neck, the scene would have been the same as when Lu Yu, as senior brother, was preaching and teaching at Jade Butterfly Peak.

"After talking for so long, my throat is about to smoke..." Lu Yu suddenly stopped and said, "Miss Weilan, I want to take a sip of water, right?"

"Okay... let's go!"

Ye Weilan nodded slightly and then escorted Lu Yu towards the teapot on the table.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't bother me, I have it in my Qiankun bag, I can just take it myself..."

With that said, he had to do it himself.


Ye Weilan immediately stopped drinking, pushed the dagger forward slightly, stopped Lu Yu's movement, and smiled coldly: "You'd better drink from the teapot! I'm afraid that the water in your Qiankun bag will become stale after being left out for a long time!"

She knew clearly that the Huangshan Army had just taken away the Huntian Hammer from the Black Widow not long ago. If Lu Yu were to open the Qiankun Bag, it would be hard to say what would be taken out...

Lu Yu was helpless. He didn't expect that after such a long and in-depth conversation, the other party still did not relax his vigilance and had no choice but to obey her arrangement.

"Okay then... now that you are the biggest, whatever you say will be yours!"

In fact, Lu Yu was not very thirsty. The reason why he continued to drink water was because he wanted to move, because he knew that only in this way could he find a chance to get rid of the other party.

So the two of them came to the table.

Ye Weilan didn't even let Lu Yu touch the teacup. She took the initiative to pick up the teacup and put it to his mouth, waiting for him to drink it.

Lu Yu looked at the slender hands that were as white and delicate as onions, with a calm expression on his face, enjoying her service with peace of mind, just like a rich man facing his concubine's service.

After drinking a glass of water, Ye Weilan put the glass back to its original place. Lu Yu was about to criticize the other party for not serving him well enough and not wiping off the top water stains for himself.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound outside the house, as powerful as thunder.

Ye Weilan frowned and said coldly: "What did you do? What is this sound?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused: "I don't know either! I've always been under your nose. I can't even drink water. What else can I do?"

Without saying a word, Ye Weilan led him straight to the window and pushed it open.

It was already dusk, and the red sunset was still shining on the horizon, but above their heads, there was already thick clouds rolling in, and black clouds were approaching over the city.

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned.

This scene is obviously a sign of the arrival of a strong man.

But who exactly is it that will come to Black Wind City at this time?

Lu Yu's thoughts were spinning, but he didn't see the reason for a moment. Ye Weilan turned around suddenly at this moment, looked at him with surprised eyes, and said sarcastically: "This is what you said, the Wuluo clan The soul seal envoy is completely under your control?"

After her reminder, Lu Yu suddenly realized that the center of the dense clouds in the sky corresponded to the palace where Concubine Hua was imprisoned.

PS: Happy Lantern Festival to everyone! I’ve finished writing this chapter today, so I’ll update it first, and I’ll wait until evening to see how much I can write on the rest.

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