Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 563 Meeting the Sacred Heart Gourd Again

Next, the three of them walked in silence, no longer making any noise, and continued to move forward.

After the passage turned from bottom to top, it gradually became wider. The three of them were like going from the bottom of a funnel to the gap of the funnel. At the end, they suddenly became brighter, and their airway had become A huge air vortex, in which all the air waves swirled and rolled.

Lu Yu was not only stunned.

Such a turbulent air flow, like a sight like thousands of horses galloping, is obviously impossible to achieve with just this impact in the airway. There must be a greater driving force.

But what kind of power caused such a huge momentum? Lu Yu didn't have a clue for a while, so he could only find out if he went deep into it...

The last time Yang Chudie sneaked in alone, she didn't go any further after arriving here because she had a premonition of danger. At this moment, the three of them had already taken the Turtle Breath Meteor Pill and the Shenglong Explosive Yuan Pill. Naturally, they couldn't go any further. Same thing.

So, after the two exchanged glances with each other, they continued to move along the boundary of the "funnel".

After entering the vortex of the air flow, Lu Yu clearly felt a strong pulling force. It was the existence of this force that turned the air flow into an endless whirlpool.

At the same time, he was also clearly aware of the existence of a powerful aura, and this aura also gave him a somewhat familiar feeling, which was very similar to the feeling when he faced Qiuzu's Dharmakaya coming to the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum.

It seems that their guess was right!

The powerful presence holding the handle here is indeed Yuan Shiqiu!

However, compared to the Dharmakaya's arrival at Yuan's Imperial Mausoleum, the pressure brought by the physical arrival now is even greater.

Lu Yu couldn't help but get more energetic and cautious.

Suddenly, Lu Yu grabbed Yang Chudie's hand and stopped moving forward, showing a look of concentration and alertness.

Yang Chudie turned around, glanced at Lu Yu in surprise, and was about to ask.

At this moment, Lu Yu took her into his arms, lifted his feet off the ground at the same time, and "floated" along with the airflow.

After Yang Chudie was stunned for a short time, she immediately understood, gave up her resistance, and cooperated with Lu Yu to follow the trend.

At the same time, the inner energy of the two people surged wildly, and they cooperated with each other to continuously exhale cloud energy, making the surrounding air waves completely integrated with their bodies. The trajectory of the air flow became extremely smooth, and there was no longer any flaw.

Sure enough, as soon as they finished all this, a black figure emerged from the airflow.

The shape of the black shadow was unclear, but its aura was extremely powerful. It was Qiu Zu's aura that Lu Yugan sensed.

Qiu Zu opened his eyes, his sharp gaze like an owl in the dark night. He silently looked at the hiding place of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie for a while, but finally found nothing, and the figure disappeared again. into the air current.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that their estimate of Qiu Zu's strength was still somewhat inadequate. They didn't expect that his spiritual sense was so sharp. If it hadn't been for the Turtle Breath and Meteor Spirit Pill, I'm afraid it would have been exposed now.

The two hugged each other quietly and drifted along the air current for a while. Until they felt that the powerful aura was completely gone, they stopped pretending and revealed their figures again.

"Did he find us?" Yang Chudie asked.

Lu Yu felt the increasingly powerful traction force of the airflow and shook his head slightly: "Probably not, otherwise he wouldn't have let us enter here. This place should be almost at the end!"

At this time, Ye Weilan behind him heard that he was temporarily safe, and couldn't help but join in the chat.

"That person just now was Master Qiu Zu. His aura was so terrifying. Compared with him, Lord Wu Luo was not even qualified to carry his shoes... Why is such a powerful person hiding in Da Kong Mountain in our demon world? middle?"

Just hearing the voice was enough for Lu Yu to automatically picture the shocked expression on her face.

"Why are you here? We will soon reveal the answer!"

With that said, Lu Yu and Yang Chudie continued to explore forward.

The closer to the final destination, the greater the traction force and the faster the airflow.

It didn't take long for Lu Yu and Yang Chudie to enter the center of the whirlpool. The scenery in front of them suddenly changed rapidly, and it was clearly displayed in front of the three of them, just like the clouds were clearing and the sun was revealed.

But the scene he saw in front of him made Lu Yu feel very familiar again, so familiar that he couldn't help but be stunned again.

"Is this... the Sacred Heart Gourd?"

It turned out that the center of this air vortex corresponded to the bottom of the Sacred Heart Gourd. It was from this place that he was mercilessly thrown into the abyss by Qin Yanzhen in the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum.

The endless traction force comes from here.

At the top of the Sacred Heart Gourd, it is connected to another extremely vast world, where there is extremely pure power of the Extreme Wood. Lu Yu even detected an extremely lush root system that penetrated into the Sacred Heart Gourd. …

In an instant, Lu Yu understood everything.

The endless supply of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and even the excavation of the air channels, are actually completed by the Sacred Heart Gourd.

And it not only attracted an extremely large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but even the original power inside Dakong Mountain was affected by it. Several forces were reintegrated under its pulling and coordination, thus giving birth to Qifeng Wutong...

All mysterious and incredible events are ultimately realized through this sacred heart gourd, the legacy of Panwu Immortal Lord.

"Is this the Sacred Heart Gourd?" Yang Chudie couldn't help but look surprised, "Is this the treasure that almost cost you your life in Qianwucheng?"

Lu Yu nodded slowly, but had to think about a question silently in his heart:

The reason why Qin Yanzhen spent so much effort, even at the expense of destroying the entire Dawu Dynasty to snatch the Sacred Heart Gourd, was it not just for the Sacred Heart Gourd itself, but also for the layout of this moment?

So, what is her plot here?

"Such a shocking power is indeed worthy of being a treasure left by the immortals!" Yang Chudie said with emotion.

Ye Weilan couldn't help but poked her head out from behind Lu Yu, silently watching the scene in front of her, speechless for a long time.

The scene in front of her could be said to be completely beyond her cognition. Even though they were far apart, she could clearly feel the explosive power contained in the gourd. She had never even thought about it in the past. There is such a magical and mysterious treasure in the world.

"However, in this case, it is impossible to take Qifeng Wutong away without anyone noticing..." Yang Chudie frowned again and said.

Indeed, the root system of Qifeng Wutong is tightly attached to the upper part of the Sacred Heart Gourd, and some even extend from the mouth of the gourd into the inside of the inner gourd. The two have been closely combined, and their influence affects the whole body. It was simply impossible to separate without making any noise.

Outside the Qifeng Wutong, there is a vast valley basin. The Qifeng Wutong itself forms a unique barrier force field, rejecting the approach of all living creatures. Once any living creature approaches, it will be repelled by the huge force field. , if anyone dares to forcibly break this force field, then the Qifeng Wutong will destroy itself and wither to death...

Only when it is fully mature will this force field barrier be removed naturally.

It is precisely because of this restraining effect that the three top clans have stopped outside the valley, staying put and waiting patiently.

At this moment, although Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were under the ground, they could clearly sense that there were wisps of spiritual consciousness sweeping up above the surface. This meant that there were countless eyes around the valley staring closely at this phoenix plant. Wutong......

Therefore, it seems even more impossible to seize Qifeng Wutong from above.

They worked hard and finally got the opportunity to approach Qifeng Wutong first, but they didn't expect this to be the case...

Lu Yu looked up at the Sacred Heart Gourd and Qifeng Wutong above, pondering for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

“Since we can’t take it away, we can use it locally!”

Yang Chudie was startled and said thoughtfully: "Are you going to use Qifeng Wutong to practice directly here?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Anyway, our purpose is just to let me gather the power of the real wood, and we don't have to carry the entire tree away! On the surface, this place is in full view of everyone, and it seems to be full of danger..."

"But the wonderful thing is that no one will think that we have reached the roots of Qifeng Wutong, and no one will come to check the situation of Qifeng Wutong up close at this time!"

Before Yang Chudie had time to speak, Ye Weilan stuck her head out from behind her: "But, how can you get in touch with Qifeng Wutong?"

Lu Yu looked at the passage at the bottom of the Sacred Heart Gourd and said, "Is there any other way? Naturally, I can walk through this big gourd openly!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but be stunned.

She took a look and realized that the area ahead was pitch black, unfathomable, and full of unknown dangers.

"Are you crazy? Is this possible? Don't kill me!"

Lu Yu suddenly laughed: "I thought this way before. I had no experience when I went in last time... But this time it's different. Don't worry! I have experience this time!"

As he spoke, his fingertips suddenly shone with bright starlight.

He just bathed in the bright starlight and strolled into the interior of the Sacred Heart Gourd.

After a moment, the dark interior of the gourd suddenly became brighter, illuminating his image with a brilliant light...

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