Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 589 Netherworld Ice and Fire

After a long time, Ye Weilan did not turn around again, nor did she pay attention to Lu Yu.

It wasn't until Lu Yu completed a new set of skills and taught them to her that the two finally resumed communication again.

In fact, Ye Weilan wanted to just ignore Lu Yu, but the sophistication of this new technique was beyond her imagination. As soon as she used it, she felt her inner breath surge, and it seemed that every fiber in her body The blood vessels, every cell, and every pore were mobilized, and the hearty feeling was something she had never experienced before...

"What kind of skill is this?" Ye Weilan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yu in surprise.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said:

"The power of the true phoenix was originally a fire attribute, the power of the Sun and the Strongest. But the phoenix that transferred the power to you was somehow contaminated with the power of darkness, and its attributes were completely transformed. Although it was also the same It belongs to fire, but it has become the most yin and fierce..."

"This is not consistent with the original power attribute in your body. It is for this reason that you have been unable to completely integrate it..."

"In order to completely integrate it, this situation must be changed. Therefore, in this set of exercises, I have specially designed a part of the feminine attributes for you, instead of the strong and fierce way... You can absorb the infinite The power of ice and snow is used to neutralize the power of the true phoenix in the body, thereby achieving the symbiosis of ice and fire, the alternation of light and darkness..."

"And after such improvements, it is obviously more reasonable. As the saying goes, 'Yin does not grow alone, and Yang does not grow alone'...Yin and yang complement each other, and hardness and softness are combined. This is the long-term way!"

Lu Yu talked eloquently and was quite smug.

Because of the Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique as the basis, his own skills are far more mysterious than ordinary skills. Therefore, he can draw inferences from one instance, draw parallels from analogies, and learn from the strengths of other experts...

What he just said was just a general direction, but in terms of specific details, this set of exercises not only specifically targeted Ye Weilan's personal physical condition, but also combined the advantages of many exercises. Even Chiyue Zun The master’s magic attack and Qin Yanzhen’s skills are also included...

This set of exercises can be regarded as the work of his painstaking efforts. He is naturally quite proud of it, and its power is extraordinary.

"As for the name of this set of exercises..."

Lu Yu continued: "Since it is designed for you, then it is up to you to name it! If it doesn't work, it is not impossible to call it 'Weilan Divine Art'!"

Ye Weilan rolled her eyes at him angrily, and then closed her eyes silently, feeling the smoothness of this set of exercises, feeling Peiran's power slowly flowing through her body, and involuntarily thinking about the underworld in Da Kong Mountain. The scene where Phoenix fought desperately...

After a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Lu Yu and said, "I want to call it 'Netherworld Ice and Fire Art', is that okay?"

"Netherworld Ice and Fire Technique..."

Lu Yu recited it silently twice and smiled: "It's quite catchy, so let's call it Netherworld Ice and Fire Technique!"

Ye Weilan immediately started practicing.

In an instant, the power of countless ice and snow was absorbed by her, and the frost condensed directly on her body. Her whole body was frozen in a huge ice block, like a lifelike ice sculpture.

This made Lu Yu, who was also sitting among the dragons in the snow, feel extremely uncomfortable. He felt that his bones were about to freeze. Fortunately, he had a warm talisman to use, but even so, he still felt unbearably cold, so Lu Yu simply covered himself with a thick blanket

He is not particularly worried about this. He knows that this is an inevitable process. At the beginning, Ye Weilan must first gather the power of ice and snow to attract and merge, and then he can achieve the mutual interplay of ice and fire, the exchange of light and darkness... By then , Ye Weilan will be able to directly absorb the power of ice and snow and convert it into fiery energy, and all the cold will be dispelled!

Because the Snow Dragon has a built-in induction array, it can automatically avoid obstacles, so even at night, it can still move forward without stopping, and the two of them do not need to stop and camp.

After three days of this day and night, the ice cubes condensed on Ye Weilan's body were so huge that even Lu Yu almost had no place to lie down.

At this moment, the ice finally began to melt, and it did not melt slowly bit by bit, but melted away rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

He knew that the first stage of this Netherworld Ice and Fire Technique was finally completed. Ye Weilan had finally fully integrated the power of the True Phoenix in her body, which would become an important factor in whether they could successfully pass through this endless ice field...

When the ice completely broke, Lu Yu couldn't wait and squeezed to Ye Weilan's side, right next to her.


Ye Weilan opened her eyes and saw Lu Yu with black lips and trembling body. She immediately understood that he was freezing...

She activated her inner energy and released warm power to drive away the cold for Lu Yu, while saying, "I prepared a warming charm for you before? Why don't you use it?"

"Nonsense! If there is still more, can I not use it? It has been used up long ago..." Lu Yu said with a hiss.

Only then did Ye Weilan realize that several days had passed...

Seeing Lu Yu frozen like this, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and said angrily: "Then why didn't you call me earlier?"

Lu Yu looked at him and suddenly smiled: "How can I still not understand the exercises I designed myself? If I interrupt you rashly, it will be equivalent to all your previous efforts being in vain, and you will have to start over again... So, Let’s forget it, can’t I bear it by gritting my teeth?”

Seeing the carefree smile on Lu Yu's face, Ye Weilan suddenly felt her heartstrings being plucked.

Suddenly, the previous dissatisfaction disappeared, and she no longer had any grudge against Lu Yu...

In the next few days, Ye Weilan continued to condense uninterruptedly.

As her strength increased day by day, the warm aura released from her body became stronger and stronger. Even if Lu Yu stayed nearby, he could resist the biting cold on the endless ice field without using the warming talisman.

As they continued heading north, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan both noticed a very strange phenomenon, that is, the days seemed to be getting shorter and shorter, while the nights were getting longer and longer...

On this day, after it got dark, it finally didn't light up again.

The two couldn't help but realize at the same time that they had entered the legendary so-called Demon God's Land...

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