Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 613 Why?

In the VIP club room, a blood-red crescent moon appeared on Ye Weilan's palm, and the condensed brilliance seemed to have substance.

"It's incredible!"

Lu Yu looked at the crescent moon and said in amazement: "You are already better than your predecessor. The blood moon eclipse you simulated is more realistic than the one I simulated!"

"Is this enough?" Ye Weilan was still a little unsure: "Can such a simple trick deceive the dignified Lord of Hailan City?"


Lu Yu shook his head; "This is not simple at all. I can guarantee you that unless the Red Moon Lord comes in person during this blood moon eclipse, others will not be able to tell the truth from the false. Even his demon subordinates will not be able to tell the truth from the false. I can’t tell at all…”

"It seems that the power of the demon you swallowed is indeed very magical. The evil in it is quite similar to the original power of Lord Red Moon. Even I, who have personally refined the blood moon eclipse, can I can’t be ashamed of myself!”

" this really okay?"

Ye Weilan was still not confident.

"Why do I always feel that your plan is unreliable? If the Lord of Hailan City doesn't know about the Blood Moon Eclipse at all, and has never even heard of Lord Red Moon, then how can you deceive him? "

Lu Yu said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, for a figure like Hailan City Lord, the information channels he has are beyond what you and I can imagine..."

"For other people, this may be a huge secret, but for a man with a big business like him, even if he has never heard of it, he must have many clues to deduce this matter... You You don’t have to worry about it anymore…”

"Taking a step back, even if my plan fails and we trick him, the worst he can do is just leave. With your current level of cultivation, if you really want to leave, unless the head of this Aquamarine City is so arrogant They are all willing to risk their lives, otherwise they would never want to keep us!"

"How can this be done!"

Ye Weilan glared, "If we leave directly, what will happen to Queen Wangyou?"

Lu Yu asked curiously: "Have you ever dealt with this Queen Wangyou before? Why are you so nice to her?"

"I have never seen her before, and I have never even heard of her..." Ye Weilan said in a low voice, "It's just that Her Majesty the Queen suddenly reminded me of the patriarch of the past... Maybe, the patriarch of the past had There are also unavoidable reasons, just like this Queen of Forgetfulness..."

Lu Yu understood immediately.

In the final analysis, it was Ye Weilan's guilt that caused the trouble. Her experiences over the past few days made her more and more able to understand how difficult it was for Mrs. Ye Hua back then.

"Since this is the case, then you should stop hesitating and have some confidence in yourself and me. We have gone through so many strong winds and waves along the way. How can we capsize in this small bay?" ?" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Ye Weilan had no choice but to calm down and force herself to stabilize her mood.

Soon, before nightfall, the lord of Hailan City, Lan Tianzhu, took the initiative to come over.

Due to a certain method of cultivation, Lan Tianzhu has been reclusive recently and handed over most of the affairs to his subordinates. But this time it involves such a huge amount of transactions, and the origin of the other party is mysterious, he has no choice but to Came forward in person.

"Lord Blue City, I have admired his name for a long time! Now I am finally lucky enough to meet him!"

"Young Master Ye, you're welcome. Your Excellency is a hero and a talented person. It's impressive!"

The two met on the top floor of the VIP club. As soon as they met, they looked at each other without blinking.

After exchanging a few polite words, the two sat down peacefully.

Although the main topic has not yet been discussed at this time, the sharpness of the words between these few sentences made Hailan City Lord feel slightly shocked. He only felt that this Young Master Ye was extremely sharp in his words and his words were impeccable. He was indeed not a simple person.

"Young Master Ye's performance at the auction can be said to be a blockbuster. After today, I'm afraid that Young Master Ye's reputation will be unknown to everyone in the seven seas... Young Master Ye is also the one who will be known to us after the establishment of Hailan City. , the most generous guest I have ever met, I wonder how you plan to pay this amount?”

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "Speaking of this, why not first talk about the things behind this matter... I wonder who this big customer who sells Queen Wangyou is?"

"Um... Mr. Ye, please forgive me, our Hailan City will never reveal the identity information of the seller. This is our rule..." Lan Tianzhu said solemnly.

"Is it possible that the big boss behind this is you, Hailan City?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said.

"Young Master is joking. How can we in Hailan City be so capable? Product No. 136 is indeed consigned and auctioned by someone else, but the other party asked to keep his identity secret... Young Master, you better not make it difficult for me!"

As Lan Tianzhu said this, his eyes gradually became stern, with a hint of warning in them.

But Lu Yu turned a deaf ear to this and said with a chuckle: "That's just Zheng to others. Since I have successfully photographed Queen Wangyou, it is only a matter of time before I know the identity of the person behind the scenes..."

"The reason why I asked Blue City Lord about this issue now is just to assess the risk. I can't spend a lot of money and end up with a lot of trouble... Blue City Lord is refusing to say anything now. Could it be that Do you want to make it difficult for me?”

Lan Tianzhu's face couldn't help but change, but he still insisted on the bottom line: "Young Master Ye said seriously, we naturally hope that everything will go as he wishes... Young Master later learned that it was an afterthought, but our Hailan City We can't break the rules because of this... Please understand our difficulties!"

"I see……"

Lu Yu nodded, and Lan Tianzhu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly, he suddenly changed his tone: "So, there are really huge hidden dangers in Queen Wangyou! She must have been at the end of her strength, and now she is just the remaining It’s just an empty shell of a golden elixir powerhouse!”

Lan Tianzhu was immediately stunned: "Young Master Ye...where did you start talking about this..."

Lu Yu's expression changed and he sneered: "Does City Lord Lan think that I, Mr. Ye, are easy to deceive? Isn't this an obvious thing?"

"I would like to ask, if there is no problem with Queen Wangyou's body, who will sell her? Even if she is not cultivated into a furnace, she can be accepted as a subordinate. Is the value of a subordinate in the Golden Core Realm? Isn’t it comparable to tens of millions of spiritual stones?”

"But now the Blue City Lord is keeping secret about the reasons behind this matter. Doesn't it make it clear that this matter is fraudulent?"

"This... Mr. Ye, you have misunderstood. In fact, there are clues to the reason behind this matter..."

Lan Tianzhu suddenly became anxious and wanted to take the initiative to tell the reason behind it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu directly intercepted him: "Lord Lan, there is no need to explain to me. I am not just relying on guesswork. When I saw Queen Wangyou today, I could tell just by observing the Qi around her body. The functions in her body are in chaos!"

"Even if she is not at the end of her life, she will still have to spend a lot of effort to nurse her back to health. Otherwise, it would be like just buying a Bodhisattva and offering it to her!"

Lan Tianzhu's face couldn't help but become solemn: "What do you mean when you say these words now? Are you planning to break the contract and give up?"


Lu Yu suddenly smiled: "I still want this person. Even though it's a little troublesome, I'm still confident that I can nurse her back to health... It's just that the price can no longer be the price at the previous auction... "

Lan Tianzhu remained silent for a moment, then asked in a deep voice: "Then how much do you plan to bid?"

Lu Yu said casually: "Twenty million!"

Lan Tianzhu couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Lu Yu in disbelief for a while.

"Master Ye, please forgive me, you are breaking your promise and breaking the contract... This price is actually a lot lower than the second place?"

Lu Yu smiled: "Then City Lord Lan might as well go to Zihe Lao Dao and ask him if he is still willing to spend 31 million spirit stones to continue taking over the deal? I believe that as long as I can reveal the actual situation of Queen Wangyou, If so, I’m afraid he won’t be willing to pay a penny!”

Master Zihe was the lean old man from the previous auction. Lu Yu also asked the waiter afterward, only to find out that he was a casual cultivator who had been in the overseas world for many years and had hundreds of people under his command. Families of all sizes worshiped him...

Lan Tianzhu slowly shook his head: "Your Excellency is too whimsical..."

"Is the vision open?" Lu Yu smiled contemptuously, "I believe that no one else has the ability to solve the problem of Queen Wangyou except me..."

Lan Tianzhu's face was stern, and he stared sharply at Lu Yu's face: "Who is your Excellency? Are you trying to make fun of our entire Hailan City? If Queen Wangyou is really as you said, she is at the end of her battle, how can you rely on your strength? How can you be so confident that you can cure her?"

Lu Yu smiled but did not answer, but turned to look at Ye Weilan aside.

"Weier, come and tell City Lord Lan, what do we rely on?"

Ye Weilan immediately understood and took a step forward unhurriedly.

It was just one step, but the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, and a huge pressure surged in like an overwhelming force.

In this step, Ye Weilan had already released the restrictions on his body and displayed his strength and aura without reservation.

Lan Tianzhu's face was suddenly filled with astonishment. Although he had known for a long time that there was a powerful woman beside Mr. Ye, he never expected that the other party was so powerful.

He had never seen such surging power in a strong man below the Golden Core realm before...

However, this was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the other party raised his hand, and suddenly an evil bloody crescent moon appeared in the other party's palm.

"This... this is the eclipse of the blood moon! You... are you from the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect?"

Lan Tianzhu was suddenly shaken and screamed.

Seeing his reaction like this, Lu Yu suddenly felt reassured.

It seems that he really knows the secret of the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult... This plan finally worked!

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