Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 633 Intuition

Lu Yu walked on the land surrounded by fireworks. The ground was surging with dark red magma. From time to time, bubbles bubbled out of the magma, and after bursting, they dissipated into strange white smoke.

This scene looked extremely dangerous, but in fact Lu Yu could not feel any heat, because this was originally an illusion constructed by the memory in Ye Weilan's mind.

"This is amazing!"

Ye Weilan poked a bubble in the magma with his finger and said in amazement: "It feels like the real thing. How did you do it?"

"This is not something I did, but something we did together." Lu Yu corrected, "How should I put it? I stabilized a space in my sea of ​​consciousness, and then your memory evolved in it. It's like I set up a stage and let you perform. So in fact, you deserve more credit!"

Ye Weilan shook his head: "If there is no stage, it would be useless even if you perform well... When did you become so powerful? Why didn't I notice it before? Did you become stronger after your true essence was sealed..."

Lu Yu spread his hands and said nothing.

He knew his own business. To some extent, Ye Weilan was right. After being cursed, the true essence in his body was sealed. He had no other choice but to rely on his spiritual power to resolve the problem. This stimulated the rapid growth of his spiritual power. He had clearly felt that his spiritual power had become stronger during this period of time, so there was such a scene in front of him.

It was like a blind person whose hearing and smell became stronger, and a person who lost his upper limbs whose lower limbs became more developed. If you don't use it, you will lose it. When potential is stimulated, God closes a door, but often opens another window.

The two of them wandered freely in this fantasy.

Not only the scenes that Ye Weilan had witnessed with her own eyes, but even the vague feelings that were only preserved in her impression would evolve clearly in the fantasy, so that every detail in the real world could be touched by Lu Yu, avoiding the lack of detailed description in language.

"The place in front is where Miss Long Qingxuan is imprisoned." Ye Weilan said as she led Lu Yu through the body of a giant earth-yellow dragon. In the real world, she would not be so careless, but here it doesn't matter, and there is no need to worry. Lu Yu followed Ye Weilan, passed through the body of the giant dragon, and flashed into a rock crack. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and couldn't help asking: "Have you asked her about the whereabouts of the master's sister?" "I asked." Ye Weilan replied, "But she was too weak and didn't answer. She just said inexplicably, 'You are finally here'. I'm not sure if it's nonsense... At the same time, I was worried that it would alarm the giant dragon next to me, so I didn't continue to investigate..." The two passed through the rock crack, and the front suddenly became clear. It looks like a cave here, and a dragon woman in a black shirt is trapped in it. The light and shadow on her body are illusory and intertwined, which keeps her firmly in place. Feeling someone coming, the dragon woman raised her head, revealing a charming face and a pair of extremely rare colorful horns. It was Long Qingxuan, who possessed the dragon-elephant mysterious spirit body.

Long Qingxuan suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, smiled miserably, and said: "You are finally here..."

Lu Yu knew that this sentence was not said to them, but to the actions of Long Qingxuan in Ye Weilan's memory. But at this moment, Long Qingxuan's demeanor and behavior fell vividly in his eyes, which suddenly gave him a strange feeling.

Suddenly, Lu Yu couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"I understand!" He said in astonishment.

Ye Weilan turned his head and looked at him in surprise, feeling confused: "What do you understand?"

Lu Yu did not answer, but turned around in the cave in a hurry, staring at the surrounding formation light and shadow without blinking, as if analyzing something.

Ye Weilan trotted after Lu Yu, following his gaze, but couldn't figure out what was going on. Finally, she couldn't help asking, "What did you find out? Can you please say something..."

Lu Yu paused, looking at the constantly changing light and shadow of the formation in front of him, his eyes sad, and said, "Back in Dakong Mountain, didn't Master tell you before we parted that the real reason why we came to Haixi was because here was the last step I needed to condense the five elements?"

Ye Weilan didn't know why he suddenly brought this up, but nodded, "Miss Yang, when That's exactly what she said." Lu Yu sighed softly, "We think we have found this place! This is where Master wants us to come!" Ye Weilan widened her eyes in surprise, "How is this possible! How do you know?" "Intuition!" Lu Yu said calmly, "Master has not been to Haixi for decades since she killed the evil dragon with Jade Butterfly True Man. How could she know where there is a place suitable for me to condense the power of real gold? Therefore, she probably got this news from the Long family, and it is very likely that she got it from Miss Long Er..."

"That's why Miss Long Er's reaction is so strange. The way she looked at you just now was as if she was seeing me. But in fact, the person she saw at that time was you... She may not know that we must be I will save her, but I know that I will definitely come to this place! Because this is the information revealed to her!"

"This is just your guess..." Ye Weilan still found it unbelievable, "There may be other explanations for these things..."

"It's an intuition, not a guess." Lu Yu emphasized, "If you want to verify whether my intuition is accurate, it's actually very simple. The light and shadow of these formations are intricate, but one of them gives me the feeling of connection. It contains extremely powerful extremely golden essence, just like the feeling of the World Tree in Dakong Mountain..."

"Have you ever gone in here to inquire? As long as you follow this road, you may be able to know whether my intuition is accurate..."

Lu Yu suddenly pointed at a ray of light and shadow in the formation and said. The ray of light and shadow was pale golden and ethereal, leading to a dark area where the cave branched off.

Ye Weilan shook her head. After finding Miss Long Er's whereabouts, she was overjoyed, and her body was about to reach its limit, so she naturally did not move forward.


Lu Yu turned his head and looked at her steadily: "Maybe you should take the time to take a rest. I need you to make one more trip to this place..."

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