Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 723 Everyone is crazy

The whole place was in dead silence.

The gamblers were all stunned, rubbing their eyes vigorously, unable to believe that what was happening before their eyes was true...

No one could have imagined that the battle between the two would end like this.

The first swordsman of the Pisces Club, one of the so-called dark horses of this sword trial competition, was defeated by an unknown Zhang Danian?

Moreover, it was a one-shot kill without any suspense, and Fu Leisheng didn't even have the slightest resistance...

This is simply unbelievable!

Even Lin Zhengtie, who took the initiative to invite Lu Yu to participate in the sword trial competition, had full confidence in Lu Yu, but he never thought that he would win in this way, and win so easily.

You have to know that in the Wind Dragon Battlefield, the pressure you have to face is not only from your opponent, but also from the cold and biting Yinxun Wind that contains the power of heaven and earth. Lu Yu was only on the Wind Cage Battlefield for the first time, but he was able to control the Yinxun Wind so skillfully, and even used the Yinxun Wind as an offensive to deal a fatal blow to Fu Leisheng. This shows that his understanding of the laws of Yinfeng has reached an extremely thorough level...

"What else is there next? Can we go?"

In silence, Lu Yu has returned to the camp of Mingjian Villa with the Feihong Sword covered by the rosy clouds.

Until then, everyone in Mingjian Villa came back to their senses and gave a thunderous cheer.

In sharp contrast to the cheers of the crowd, there was a gloomy atmosphere around...

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile faintly, raised the Feihong Sword in his hand high, and then gently wiped the blood off the sword in front of everyone. This action seemed to be a response to the ridicule of the crowd before, like a silent slap, slapping the faces of those gamblers hard.

The gamblers who had ridiculed before felt a burning sensation on their faces, and their hatred for Zhang Danian in their hearts became even deeper...

At the same time, everyone was deeply impressed by Zhang Danian and the colorful sword in his hand.

"Zhang, Master..."

Lin Zhengtie was speechless for a long time. It was not until he was on his way back to Mingjian Villa that he suddenly remembered what Lu Yu had said before. He asked cautiously, "Are you serious about what you said before?"

Lu Yu himself did not react for a moment and said blankly, "What?"

"It's about the arrangement of tomorrow's duel... Have you really decided to arrange ten matches at once tomorrow?"

The schedule of the sword trial competition is a challenge system. As long as a force occupies a place in Mingjian City and has a hall, it can challenge other forces at will. If it wins, it will gain points, and if it loses, it will lose points. In the end, the number of points will determine the ranking of the forces, and finally divide up the various resources in Mingjian City...

Therefore, in theory, as long as there are enough people, a force can challenge all other forces in the city at the same time. However, whether it is a challenge or a response, it is carried out in the name of the force, and it cannot directly specify a challenge to a certain person.

In previous sword contests, there have been cases where one faction challenged several factions at the same time, but that was only under the premise that the faction itself was strong. For Mingjian Villa, there is only one swordsman under its command, but it wants to challenge several factions at the same time. This is unprecedented in the past.

This also means that if this is done, it means that Lu Yu alone will challenge all the swordsmen of various factions at the same time, and all the offensive pressure will be concentrated on him alone.

If it was a quarter of an hour ago, Lin Zhengtie would never dare to believe that Lu Yu was serious about what he said at that time, and he would not believe that he would ask such a question...

But now he can't help but not believe it...

Lu Yu solved Fu Leisheng in the blink of an eye. Even if there are ten more battles like this, it doesn't seem to take much time...

"Of course I am serious."

Lu Yu said as a matter of course: "But it doesn't have to be limited to ten games. It's okay to arrange a few more games!"

It's okay to arrange a few more games...

This relaxed and casual tone made the eyes of the members of Mingjian Villa around him straighten.

According to the rules of the sword trial competition, if one force agrees to the challenge of another force, it can refuse more challenges, which ensures that one force can only be challenged by another force at most.

The reason for such a rule is to avoid the situation where a force is besieged by everyone at the same time.

Only other forces are trying every means to use this rule to avoid being besieged by many forces.

But this Mr. Zhang is so good that he actually wants to take the initiative to create opportunities for others to besiege him... This is simply crazy... Even if he wins this duel, it is only temporary. Winning one-on-one and winning one against ten are completely different concepts! But they didn't expect that Lin Zhengtie actually pointed seriously and suddenly asked one of his managers: "How many Mingjian Orders do we have?" The so-called Mingjian Order is a special token of the sword trial competition, which is equivalent to the points of the competition. Whether it is to challenge others or respond to others' challenges, it takes a Mingjian Order.

The steward was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Including the token we just won, we currently have a total of twelve tokens left..."


Lin Zhengtie gritted his teeth suddenly, with a fierce look on his face: "Send out all twelve tokens and challenge other forces!"


The look on the steward's face, like the others around him, was suddenly full of astonishment.

"Is the owner of the village sure you want to do this? If so, we will have no way out..."

"Just do as I say, and you don't need to think about other things so much!"

Lin Zhengtie's tone was decisive, and then he turned to look at Lu Yu, and his tone suddenly slowed down again: "In these twelve competitions, Mr. Zhang hopes to challenge those forces?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Of course they are the twelve branches listed in order from the strongest!"

Lin Zhengtie nodded obediently, and immediately gave an unquestionable order to the steward beside him: "Have you heard it? List the twelve strongest forces in order, and challenge them at the same time! Go and do it quickly!"

Including the steward, all the surrounding Sword Villa members were speechless.

At this time, everyone had only one thought in their minds:


Not only Mr. Zhang, but also their big owner, everyone went crazy this time...

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