Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 741 The test of fate

In an instant, Lu Yu's mind was spinning.

This mysterious casual cultivator appeared here so coincidentally, which meant that the chase by the will-o'-the-wisp spider just now must have something to do with him.

And judging from his attitude at this time, it doesn't look like he has any malice towards me...

Thinking back to his previous behavior of snatching the Feihong Sword, and what he just said - we finally meet.

Lu Yu could only think of one possibility...

"Are you the connector that my father asked me to find?"

He didn't think too much. It turned out that the contact person was not in Mingjian City, but in Jiuyou. No wonder he had been waiting at the headquarters of Mingjian Villa for so many days and still found no clues...


The mysterious casual cultivator smiled and seemed a little surprised by this title, and then sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that Lu Tianying's son is so old!"

This undoubtedly confirmed Lu Yu's suspicion that the person in front of him was indeed the person his father mentioned in his last letter who would help him. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the other party to mention his father's name for no reason.

Although he didn't know how the other party confirmed his identity or what kind of twists and turns occurred, there was no doubt that he finally found the person who could provide him with the details of what happened to his parents that year.

"Then what should I call you?" Lu Yu asked.

"The name is just a code name. It has no meaning in the long river of time. If you like, it's not bad to call me your contact person..." The mysterious casual cultivator replied calmly.

Then, seeing the embarrassed look on Lu Yu's face, he added: "If you want to ask about my relationship with Lu Tianying, many years ago, I had the honor to give him some advice..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

In his original impression, he had always thought that this mysterious contact was just a friend of his father, or at most a "comrade" who was more than a friend. Unexpectedly, he was actually his father's mentor.

However, I was not prepared to say that they were apprentices, because the two of them had not officially become apprentices before. They could only be regarded as teaching, but did not have the status of master and apprentice.

"Then I'd better call you senior... Junior Lu Yu, I've met senior!"

After saying that, Lu Yu bowed to him respectfully.

"Why are seniors here?" Lu Yu asked again.

The mysterious casual cultivator glanced at him and said with a smile: "Did Lu Tianying tell you to go to Mingjian City to find me? You didn't find me in Mingjian City, so you feel strange?"

Lu Yu admitted honestly: "My father did once say that after I succeed in cultivation, I will go to Mingjian City to find my senior..."

The mysterious casual cultivator sighed softly: "Back then, I did have such an agreement with Lu Tianying, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Our plan back then did not work. Therefore, I had to go deep into the Nine Netherworlds. Looking for other possibilities..."

"In addition, in fact, you are just an extra layer of insurance arranged by Lu Tianying just in case. We are not sure whether it will be effective in the end... Therefore, I never thought that you would actually find someone." One day..."

"However, since I saw the Feihong Sword in Youming Palace last time, I have realized that your father is the one who is better after all. His back-up move is likely to work, so I also started to pay attention to Mingming Palace. I know everything about the trends in Sword City, and in fact what you did in Mingjian City, and that’s why I came to find you..."

Listening to the mysterious casual cultivator in front of him, Lu Yu couldn't help but be filled with astonishment.

He didn't expect that there were so many secrets and twists hidden behind the whole thing.

In this way, it makes sense for Ling Yufei to return the mysterious cultivator after she met him in Youming Palace and was taken away by him.

However, this narrative from the mysterious cultivator only revealed some superficial aspects.

Lu Yu suddenly became more curious. What was going on behind this whole thing?

"Senior, my father told me in his last letter that as long as I look for you, I can find the answer... I want to know what is going on?"

"My did he die and where were his bones buried?"

"My mother...where is she imprisoned? Is she alive or dead at this time?"

"And the 'plan' you just mentioned... What on earth were you and my father planning back then?"

"Also, what is the origin of this Feihong Sword? What did you do to it when you were in Youming Palace last time?"

Lu Yu asked all the questions in his heart in one breath.

Then he looked at the mysterious cultivator in front of him with ardent eyes, looking forward to his answer.

"I'll tell you all about it..."

The mysterious cultivator smiled and suddenly changed his tone: "But, not now."

"Your father should have said that you must reach a certain level of cultivation before you can come into contact with the secrets. Therefore, you must pass my test to know the truth of all this..."

"Your previous performance in Bright Sword City was very conspicuous, which can be regarded as passing the first test; just breaking through the country of the will-o'-the-wisp spider can be regarded as passing the second test..."

"Next, I also designed a third test for you. Only by passing these three tests can you prove that you are ready to know all this!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Originally, he thought that his strength had already exceeded the limit required by his father, but he did not expect that in the eyes of the senior in front of him, it was still not enough...

This also shows from the side that the significance behind this matter may be far beyond his imagination.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and suppressed his restless mood.

"What is the third test? Senior, please tell me!"

The mysterious casual cultivator said: "The third test is in the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords. I know that you have two very powerful helpers by your side. It is indeed a right choice to make helpers. You will use them in the future." You need these helpers, but you still need to complete this test by yourself!”

"Senior, do you mean that you want me to enter the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords by myself?"

The mysterious casual cultivator nodded: "In this test, even if they accompany you into the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, they can't help you. This is your own test, and it is also a test of fate for you!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

A test of fate?

This title is too bluffing, is it so serious?

"I understand, I will complete this test alone... When do we start? Please tell me the specific content of the test!" Lu Yu said.

The mysterious casual cultivator smiled faintly.

"The test has officially begun now!"

"The content is very simple... you just need to find me again in the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords."

After saying that, the figure of the mysterious cultivator suddenly collapsed in front of Lu Yu and disappeared into the invisible.

Amidst the astonished look on Lu Yu's face, there was only one sound that echoed in his ears...

"If you want to know the answer to everything, come to me in the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords!"

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