Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 759 Blood is raining down

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

"You bastard, save your life!"

"Today I have to peel off your muscles and boil your bones in oil! Only in this way can we comfort Taoist Brother Yuexia's soul in heaven!"

The roars of several real strong men came from all directions, thunderclouds gathered, and lightning flashed in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Jin Shengjie couldn't help but gasp.

The offensive power of a real strong man cannot be underestimated!

If Zhang Danian and his companions hadn't been caught off guard before, Yuexia Envoy would never have ended up like this...

Now, Zhang Danian can't escape no matter what, right?

Jin Shengjie thought silently in his heart.

Although the teleportation circle is close at hand, it will take time to complete the entire teleportation process. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the completion of the teleportation process cannot be faster than the offensive of several real people.

The only thing to worry about is the elusive sneak attack of that beautiful woman...

Her offensive is so mysterious...

However, as long as a few powerful real people don't act like the Yuexia Messenger in a daze, then the opponent will have no chance of making a comeback!

Since he could think of this problem, several real powerful people had naturally thought of it too.

Therefore, while attacking, several real strong men also guarded their surroundings tightly.

Seeing that there was no opportunity to take advantage of, the beautiful woman did not launch another sneak attack with magical powers. Instead, she once again activated the shadow of the fire phoenix, put on a defensive posture, and enveloped Zhang Danian.

She looked like an old hen protecting her young.

She seemed to think that she could guard against the attacks of five powerful men at the same time with just her own strength. It looked as ridiculous as a mantis trying to control a chariot.

But before Jin Shengjie had time to laugh...

At this moment, Zhang Danian, who had been rushing towards the teleportation circle, suddenly stopped and turned around.

A sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

Jin Shengjie couldn't help being instinctively startled, thinking to himself, could it be a scam?

However, just as this idea came to his mind, Zhang Danian in front of him suddenly swung his sword.

Jin Shengjie suddenly felt a heavy pressure coming from him.

Although the sword was not aimed at him, he was still knocked to the ground by the surging force. He lay prone in the dirt with his face, eating a mouthful of sand, but he couldn't stand it for a long time. Unable to struggle.

Now Jin Shengjie is 100% sure!

This attack must have been planned for a long time, otherwise it would not be possible to display such a powerful force in a sudden burst of force.

But, what kind of Taoist method is this move?

Jin Shengjie was just affected on the side, but he was under such huge pressure. You can imagine how powerful and domineering the real power of this Taoist technique is!

Finally, he adjusted the position of his head and looked up from the dirt to the prospect in the sky...

In an instant, Jin Shengjie felt that all the blood in his body had solidified.

I saw pitch black holes scattered in the sky, resembling star spheres, but far vaster, deeper, and more mysterious than the stars!

What on earth is this?

While Jin Shengjie's mind was filled with questions, he felt that his heart was instantly filled with fear.

For this unknown mysterious power in front of him, he had an urge to worship him.

Immediately afterwards, screams came one after another, all coming from those real strong men.

Originally, they had a chance to escape from the offensive range of this unknown mysterious force...

But because they were eager to prevent Zhang Danian from escaping from the teleportation array and pursued him too deeply, there was no room for escape at this time.

Blood rained down.

Blood flowers flew from the air and fell on Jin Shengjie's face.

Jin Shengjie crawled in the dirt, not daring to move, feeling the warm and moist blood on his face, and spent the longest period of his life.

Although this period of time only lasted a few breaths, it felt like a lifetime to him.

Because it includes life and death...

After a few breaths, the heavy pressure on his body slowly subsided, and Jin Shengjie finally raised his head completely.

I saw corpses strewn all around.

The powerful real people who were originally aloof all became corpses on the ground just like the messenger under the moon.

Jin Shengjie felt as if his heart was being squeezed tightly by an invisible hand, almost crushing his heart.

This scene is really incredible!

Was this really made by Zhang Danian?

The answer is obvious...

There were only three people left panting in the audience, him, Zhang Danian and the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman always maintained a defensive posture and did not move at all, indicating that all this could only be Zhang Danian's handiwork!

At this time, Zhang Danian across from him suddenly turned his head and glanced casually in his direction.

In an instant, Jin Shengjie felt that his heartbeat had stopped.

He just felt that he must be dead now...

However, that Zhang Danian did not take action against him. He just held the beautiful woman beside him and walked into the teleportation circle together, and the two of them disappeared into the teleportation circle.

Jin Shengjie couldn't help but be stunned.

Although it was a very happy thing to escape the disaster, he couldn't help but wonder why the other party let him go?

Do you think a character like yourself is not worthy of being shot?

But he always felt that the way the other person looked at him before leaving seemed to have profound meaning.

What's going on here?

Jin Shengjie was at a loss in his mind.

At this moment, several more rays of light suddenly descended from the sky, and at the same time, a huge pressure came over.

Jin Shengjie turned around and saw that it was Xue Zhentao, the master of Jixian Island, leading a group of real strong men from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, rushing over.

It suddenly dawned on him that the reason why the other party did not kill him was because he was worried about the arrival of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect members...

"How is this going?"

Xue Zhentao looked at the messy scene with deep fear in his eyes.

When the power of the dark stars took action, everyone on the floating battleship felt it.

At that time, Xue Zhentao felt that the situation was unusual, but now after seeing the scene, he realized that the severity of the situation was far beyond his imagination.

The other real strong men around him also had expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

"That Lu Yu did this? Where did he escape to?" Xue Zhentao asked Jin Shengjie.

"Lu Yu?" Jin Shengjie couldn't help but look confused.

"The Holy Envoy under the Moon asked you to help him hunt down the person!"

Jin Shengjie finally realized that Zhang Danian's real identity was Lu Yu, and he couldn't help but silently remember this name in his heart.

"He did it! He used a trick I had never seen before, directly killing five real people, and then left directly from there..."

As he spoke, Jin Shengjie pointed at the teleportation circle.

All the strong men present could not help but be shocked. They killed five real strong men in one move. Such combat power made them feel frightened.

At this time, one of the real strong men in purple robes came forward and checked the teleportation circle.

Although the entire magic circle has failed, there are still clues on it.

"It seems that he escaped to the west..." said the purple-robed strong man.

Xue Zhentao raised his head slightly and looked to the west. This direction was also the direction to the Dali Sword Sect.

"The Ice King Island Master once said that this child has become a force. If it is not eradicated as soon as possible, I am afraid it will become a big trouble for our Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Now it seems that it is indeed the case!"

"Island Master, what do you mean?" Zipao Zhenren asked.

A sharp look flashed in Xue Zhentao's eyes, and his voice suddenly became cold.

"Inform Lord Chiyue and ask him to come over and collect the corpses for his subordinates!"

"In addition, send someone to follow him immediately! This person must not be allowed to return to Dali Sword Sect alive again!"

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