Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 775 The Red Moon Comes to the World

Xue Zhentao had never seen Lord Chiyue before.

But the man in black in front of him gave him the same feeling as the previous messenger under the moon. He always had an indescribable and mysterious feeling.

There are some strikingly similar qualities between the two.

Therefore, Xue Zhentao boldly guessed that the person in front of him should be the legendary and mysterious Red Moon Lord who has never appeared before.

"Your Excellency...could it be Lord Chiyue?"

Xue Zhentao said hesitantly, while using his eyes to carefully look at the man in black in front of him.

However, even with his level of cultivation, he couldn't clearly see the true face of the person in front of him.

Although this person was standing in front of him alive, and his facial features and figure were all clearly visible to him, there was no clear image left in his mind.

This made Xue Zhentao extremely surprised.

At the same time, this also confirmed Xue Zhentao's idea that the person in front of him was indeed the real Lord Chiyue himself, and was definitely not an illusion like a clone or a phantom.

The man in black did not answer Xue Zhentao's question.

Instead, he lowered his head and looked at the messy Mingjian City at his feet, and said lightly: "It seems that there is no time to collect the corpses of my demons now!"

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but be stunned.

The other party's words undoubtedly acknowledged his identity as Lord Chiyue, because only Lord Chiyue has the ability to cultivate devils and dares to call the other party "my devil"...

Before, when the Yuexia envoy and several powerful real men under the command of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect died under Lu Yu's sword, Xue Zhentao had sent a summons to the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and rudely informed them to come and collect the corpses.

He didn't think that much at the time, he just simply felt that these subordinates of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect were too useless. Even so many people couldn't deal with one Lu Yu.

Now of course he no longer has such thoughts, but the situation has become a bit embarrassing.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. It is because of my dereliction of duty that I have caused Your Majesty to lose his beloved general..."

Xue Zhentao said bravely.

Lord Chiyue waved his hand lightly:

"Island Master Xue does not need to blame himself for this matter. Demon Son's mission is to devote himself to Chi Yue. Before Yuexia died, he had returned to me all the power he had cultivated for many years. He died a worthy death... "


Lord Chiyue paused, then suddenly changed his tone: "I'm still very surprised. Originally, I had very high expectations for Yuexia, but I didn't expect that he still failed to accomplish this in the end. This shows that Lu Yu's strength , has grown to a point far beyond our expectations!”

Xue Zhentao deeply agreed with this and nodded vigorously: "Yes, this son has already matured. If he is not eradicated as soon as possible, it will definitely affect our plans!"

Lord Chiyue smiled and looked at Xue Zhentao in front of him with interest.

"Master Xue, if you are given another chance, are you sure to eradicate this person?"

Xue Zhentao was startled and said, "What does the Lord mean by this?"

"Just answer truthfully!"

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but turn his head and glanced at the owner of Ice King Island next to him, but the other party didn't show any sign.

So he had no choice but to say: "This is the first time I have dealt with this guy. My estimate of him was seriously inadequate, which led to a huge deviation in my prediction. If you give me another chance, I will definitely not make the same mistake again." mistake!"

"It's a pity... Now that the tiger has returned to the mountain, the plan is over. This person has returned to the protection of the Dali Sword Sect. I'm afraid he will never have such a good opportunity again!"

Lord Chiyue shook his head and smiled faintly: "That's not necessarily true..."

Then he turned to look at the Ice King Island Master aside and said, "I can help you clean up this mess. I only have one request, and that is that Lu Yu must die!"

The Ice King Island Master smiled and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you take out the eye of the storm as soon as possible? This Lu Yu has caused heavy losses to our Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Naturally, we will not let him go easily... Your request, it can be said It’s consistent with us!”

Lord Chiyue said: "I can accomplish this little thing with just a raise of my hands. Instead of urging me, Lord Blue Island, why not hurry up and get your subordinates ready to receive the position of Eye of the Wind? As I know, to It is not an easy matter to fit such a big guy onto your battleship..."

While speaking, Lord Chiyue had already stepped forward.

In just three or two steps, he crossed a distance of several hundred feet and reached an open area unobstructed by floating battleships.

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Is this shrinking into an inch?

I didn’t expect that Lord Chiyue could actually possess such magical powers...

If he had mastered such a magical power during the previous battle, how could he be blocked by the power of the tide and be helpless against Lu Yu and others?

Looking at this posture now, Lord Chiyue wants to dig out the eye of the wind by himself...

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but be full of curiosity about this, wondering how he would do it?

The so-called eye of the wind is actually the special geographical location of Mingjian City, which is combined with the earth's veins of Jiuyou. It is a geomantic treasure land formed over time.

It is equivalent to a special "spiritual vein" buried deep underground.

Looking at Lord Chiyue's actions now, it seems that he has no intention of going deep underground, and is just flying over Mingjian City...

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but become more and more curious. He didn't know what he was going to do to dig out the eye of the storm buried deep in the ground in mid-air.

at this time……

Lord Chiyue suddenly raised his hand without warning and drew a circle in the void.

This circle is extremely huge, even several times larger than the Ice City Ancient Temple Wheel that Xue Zhentao used before!

There is some kind of strange law contained in the circle, which appears quickly as if it has substance, and blooms with strange brilliance.

This brilliance is red, as red as blood!

Xue Zhentao was suddenly startled, and a ridiculous idea suddenly came to his mind...

The red moon comes to the world...

The Red Moon Lord himself has the power to communicate with the heavens. He is using his body as a medium to summon the power of the Red Moon to come to the world!

The red moonlight shines down.

It's as rich as flowing blood!

Under the action of this strange force, the already in shambles of Mingjian City shook and the earth cracked open inch by inch.

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but be shocked.

The red moon in front of him was as weird and mysterious as the black hole that Lu Yu had used before.


The mysterious aura above this red moon is somewhat more powerful than a black hole!

Xue Zhentao's heart seemed to be trembling uncontrollably along with the ground beneath his feet.

Is this the power from heaven?

I really don’t know what will happen if such a force collides head-on with the black hole created by Lu Yu...

After a while...

Affected by the power of the red moon, the entire ground of Mingjian City completely fell apart. The eye of the wind buried deep underground naturally became invisible, like huge treasures, standing in front of everyone. in front of.

Everyone was so shocked by the scene in front of them that they couldn't breathe.

Lord Chiyue put away Red Moon at this moment, clapped his hands, turned around and said, "Okay, let the Jade Sea Immortal Sect handle the rest of the work yourself!"

"As expected of Lord Chiyue!"

The owner of Ice King Island was filled with excitement and was full of praise: "With your help, our Jade Sea Immortal Sect will be unstoppable, and the Great Li Sword Sect will not be a big deal!"

Lord Chiyue didn't care about this and just smiled indifferently.

"What? Is Master Blue Island satisfied now? In fact, I have prepared another big gift for you!"

The owner of Ice King Island couldn't help but be stunned and said in surprise: "What kind of gift is it?"

Lord Chiyue did not speak, just smiled faintly.

It wasn't until everyone's appetite was whetted that he said, "How about I ask Wuya Immortal Pavilion to join your formation for the next battle?"

This understatement made everyone's hearts suddenly surge...

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