Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 798 The cowhide has never been broken

Lu Yu returned to his residence through the underground passage and was about to unblock the formation in the room when he suddenly felt a warning sign.

He noticed that there seemed to be someone outside, intent on spying.

Judging from the other party's detailed actions, the hostility does not seem obvious.

Lu Yu thought for a moment and immediately guessed the identity of the person coming. There were not many people who could come here at this time. Who else could be there besides Fang Haoran?

Lu Yu didn't say anything, quietly threw out a puppet magic talisman, and floated behind the opponent silently.

The next moment, the talisman was activated, and the puppet transformed into a ghost, stretched out its bloody hand, and grabbed Fang Haoran's back.

At the same time, an eerie scream came out: "Fang Haoran! Give me your life!"

Fang Haoran focused all his attention on the front. He did not expect to be attacked from behind. He was startled and shouted "My mother", and his face turned pale in an instant.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Gu Bai couldn't help laughing, and then he removed the formation and revealed his figure.

"Hahaha! Old Fang, you really made me laugh to death. The dignified deacon of Wangyue Peak, a half-step golden elixir expert, can actually be scared by a ghost!"

Fang Haoran's face was grim. Under his subconscious counterattack, Li Gui had turned into an invalid talisman. At this time, he didn't know that he was being teased by Lu Yu, so he couldn't help but look depressed.

"You kid...are you afraid of ghosts? People are scary and can scare them to death. Have you ever heard of that?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "I think you have done too many things that are harmful to your heart, so you are so careless? Let's just talk about it. What do you want to do here?"

"What is Gui Gui Chong Chong?" Fang Haoran asked Qu, "I came to see you, okay, but you hid in there alone for a long time and didn't come out. It's so mysterious. I think Gui Gui Chong Chong is You are right!”

"I ignored you, naturally because I had something to do inside..." Lu Yu deliberately made a serious face, "If you barge in so recklessly, if you accidentally affect my practice and make my Taoist heart unstable, What should I do if I become possessed?”

Fang Haoran waved his hand: "Don't worry about this. This is impossible. I have been very careful just now because I was worried about you secretly practicing some Dafa inside!"

Lu Yu knew in his heart that what he said was the truth. Otherwise, with his strength, it would be a matter of minutes to violently break through the formation. However, he still could not encourage his behavior. He had deliberately scared him just now, just to beat him. .

"Anyway, this just won't work. I was just adjusting my breath normally, so it didn't have much impact. If I were refining the two top elixirs, the consequences would be disastrous. Maybe our Jade Die Half the top of the mountain will be blown away!"

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"This is not an exaggeration, this is the truth."

"Okay!" Fang Haoran showed a scared expression, "I didn't know that you kid is so dangerous now. I just won't spy on you randomly again!"

Lu Yu smiled and finally returned to the topic, asking: "How is the situation now? Is there any new trend in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?"

"We have been closely monitoring the Jiaohai area. There are no new developments at the moment. I think they are still gathering manpower. After all, the opponent is our Dali Sword Sect, and they certainly don't dare to blindly advance..."

As he spoke, Fang Haoran suddenly let out a long sigh: "But it is precisely because the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has no new movements, so many people do not believe the information you provided, and do not think that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has the ability to pull the In the Wuwang Mountain area, they think you are alarmist..."

Lu Yu shook his head: "It doesn't matter if they don't believe it. Anyway, time will eventually prove everything... But even if you don't believe that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will attack Wuwang Mountain, this does not conflict with the plan to refine the elixir. The materials on the elixir are What went wrong again?"

Fang Haoran said in surprise: "How do you know there is something wrong with the material of Danfang?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "Isn't this obvious? If the materials are ready, you can just send me a message and notify me. Is it necessary to come here in person?"

Fang Haoran was a little embarrassed: "You can't say that. I would also be happy to come over here in person. I can contact you by the way to build a relationship... However, you are right, I have found someone to gather the information on Danfang, but there is Some elders feel that this matter is too important to blindly listen to your words, and feel that they need to question you before handing over the materials to you..."


Lu Yu smiled and said, "Let me guess, is it Master Jin Xiang of Baoding Peak who proposed this opinion?"

Fang Haoran was surprised again: "You are a god... Could it be that one of the members of the Presbyterian Church has your informant?"

Lu Yu sneered and said: "What's so hard to guess? The ingredients listed on my pill prescription are all top-notch materials. Every point you use will be lost. If I use them all, Baoding Peak will lose their share... …”

"Furthermore, if I really master the two elixirs of Turtle Breath and Shenglong, and be able to resist the floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, then their status in Baoding Peak will be completely shaken, and they will no longer be a big player in the future. Li Jian Sect’s Alchemy Holy Land.”

"You talk about the overall situation being more important, but in the final analysis it's still about conflicts of interest!"

Fang Haoran sighed: "You see clearly, it seems you don't need me to persuade you anymore. Just tell me, what should I do now?"

"What else can we do? If they want to ask questions, then ask them. We can't be like them and turn a blind eye to foreign enemies just for the sake of intrigue... However, I will not share my refining techniques with them honestly. If you think I am greedy for the materials, then I will publicly refine these two elixirs in front of them!"

"Public refining?" Fang Haoran said in surprise.


Lu Yu nodded heavily.

"The location is decided to be at Wuwang Mountain!"

"I finally understand. With the Dali Sword Sect in such disarray, if we want to have a large-scale battle with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, the chance of winning is very slim... In this case, I don't intend to hide it. Well, I’ll just let the Jade Sea Immortal Sect know about the existence of the Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan and see if they have the guts to come and fight head-on!”

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs?

If the Dali Sword Sect cannot resist the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, then Jade Butterfly Peak will definitely die as well.

Seeing that the current situation was not good, Lu Yu changed his mind and planned to use Turtle Breath and Rising Dragon as a strategic deterrent to avoid an all-out war.

This is not to fear the enemy and avoid fighting, but to buy more time for the Dali Sword Sect to integrate the factions as soon as possible and twist the whole faction into one.

After hearing Lu Yu's plan, Fang Haoran was speechless for a moment.

He was sincerely impressed by Lu Yu's heart and courage...

However, if the plan is to be successful, all this is based on one foundation, that is, the Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan does have the power to rival floating battleships, so as to achieve the purpose of strategic deterrence.

But can the two pills of Turtle Breath and Shenglong really have such powerful effects?

Frankly speaking, Fang Haoran was doubtful about this...

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that so far, the bullshit that this kid Lu Yu has boasted has not been broken?

I hope this time will be no exception!

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