Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 827 Dilemma

It is said that the Litian Sword Code was passed down by the founder of the Dali Sword Sect.

As for how the founding father obtained this treasure, there are many theories circulating...

Some say it was brought by meteorites from outer space...

Some say it was a gift from the gods...

Others say that this thing was personally refined by the founder of the mountain, and its original power was not that powerful. Until the moment when he was involved in creation and ascended to the sky, the founder suddenly looked back and saw that the mountains and rivers in his homeland were still full of demons, and the people of the world were still in dire straits... …

The founder of the mountain thought of the common people and could not bear the loss of life, so he resolutely gave up ascension, molded his body with essence and blood, and tempered his soul with his spiritual consciousness. This is how the Litian Sword Canon was created today.

Because it is so old, these claims cannot be verified.

Therefore, even whether the Founding Master successfully ascended that year is an unsolved mystery...

Nowadays, people only know that the Litian Sword Code is the aggregation of the essence of all the secrets of swordsmanship in the Dali Sword Sect.

Before the masters of the past dynasties passed away, they would donate their golden elixirs to complete the essence of the secrets in the Litian Sword Code.

As the generations of masters changed, this Litian Sword Code became thicker and thicker, and its power became more and more powerful. It was almost equivalent to all the swordsmanship inheritance of the entire Dali Sword Sect, and was contained in it.

This is equivalent to sealing countless sword techniques in it.

Once it is activated, every time you turn a page, hundreds of swordsmanship techniques will be instantly released!

With such power, naturally no one dares to confront Li Tian Jian Dian's edge head-on.

Even the Bixiao Palace, which has the longest inheritance and the deepest foundation, has to admit that in terms of attack power alone, the Litian Sword Code is the number one artifact in the world.

Such an artifact, just seeing it, has already made everyone's hearts swell.

At this moment, all the powerful real people present could not help but cast their pious and respectful eyes at this sword manual.

Li Wangji directly put the Litian Sword Code into his Qiankun bag, then turned to everyone and said:

"The warehouse is open today just to lend out the treasures in it to defeat powerful enemies. Please choose the magic weapons you have, and Mr. Zhu Ge will keep a record for everyone. After the matter is settled, all will be returned!"

Everyone just woke up from a dream and stepped forward to pick out the treasures that suited them.

Although the three most famous treasures among them have been taken away, the remaining treasures are still very powerful and are still a considerable complement to everyone.

After all the powerful real people had finished choosing, they opened two other treasure houses one after another and replenished the elixirs and talismans in turn.

At this time, Dali Sword Sect can be said to have spent a lot of money to arm all the real strong men.

When everyone is ready and the army is ready to go.

Li Wangji suddenly asked Ye Weilan, "Can the girl continue to take Lu Yu with her on the journey?"

At this time, Lu Yu had already entered a state of trance. He was pressing his hand on Master Tianmiao's Tianling Cap, and using his mind and consciousness to read the other person's memories.

Ye Weilan couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Does he want to set off with you now like this?"

It would undoubtedly be very difficult to escape light in such a state...

Li Wangji said: "Fighters are fleeting and we must race against time. Even if we still don't know the exact location of the enemy's main force at this moment, we must attack first. Even if we search everywhere on the sea, it is better than being here. Just wait..."

"Of course, everything must be based on Lu Yu's safety..."

"The magic weapon behind the girl's back is quite magical. When I came here just now, I saw that the girl was able to do it with ease and seemed to still have some strength left. Therefore, I took the liberty to ask if the girl could cast these two people together without affecting Lu Yu's spellcasting. And bring it?"

Ye Weilan thought for a moment: "It's okay, but I need the help of a spacious flying magic weapon..."

"What do you think of this?"

At this time, a female real person stood up. She was Caiwei Zhenren, who was born in Baiyun Peak. She was one of the few strong female real people in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

She threw out an emerald leaf, and the leaves spread out like a big umbrella above Lu Yu's head.

An invisible force field was generated, sucking Lu Yu and Tian Miao into the air.

Then the leaves turned downwards and automatically moved to Lu Yu's butt.

Ye Weilan's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "In this case, I can give it a try!"

As she spoke, she took off the wing-like black tail of the dragon fish from behind and spliced ​​it onto the emerald leaves.

Suddenly, the emerald leaves stretched again, spreading a pair of wings on both sides, and the original canoe instantly turned into a soaring eagle.

Ye Weilan jumped up and found that although the comfort level was not as good as Sister Die's Spring Conch, it was still just fine, so she happily replied: "No problem!"

The people around him saw it with envy.

Unexpectedly, her pair of wings was actually a magic weapon that could change its shape at will. Everyone suddenly felt that the treasures they had just taken from the Tiangong Treasure House no longer tasted good...

So, everyone set off.

Ye Weilan controlled the emerald leaves, and the emerald leaves carried Lu Yu and Tian Miao. Lu Yu and Tian Miao were surrounded by a group of strong real people...

The large army was vast, each controlling the escaping light, and flew quickly towards the corner sea area to the west.

After reaching the sea level, because the dragon fish's black tail has a huge growth bonus on the water, Ye Weilan can save more effort. He can even take off his hands and meditate like Lu Yu, but his speed is not slower than Feng.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel even more envious, and they were full of curiosity about the origin of this treasure...

Under the cover of night, everyone was speeding along.

In order to avoid leaking the news and alerting the enemy, Li Wangji did not adopt the strategy of splitting up operations. Instead, he joined forces and rushed straight to the area where the Golden Rooster Islands were located.

That's where the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating fleet was originally hiding. Although there is a high probability that the opponent has moved, even if they miss, you can still find some clues about the opponent's whereabouts.

The mist gradually became thicker, and the Golden Rooster Islands were approaching.

But at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Stop!" he said suddenly.

At the same time, Master Tianmiao lay down like a puddle of soft mud.

Everyone immediately stopped and turned their heads to look at him in surprise.

"Have you found any clues?" Li Wangji asked.

Lu Yu nodded slightly, looked around, and asked doubtfully: "Are we going to the Golden Rooster Islands?"


Master Maoye held the Hate Water Sword with a divine light in his eyes: "This place is about four hundred miles away from the Golden Rooster Islands... Is the floating fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect no longer in this position?"

"That's not necessarily the case..."

Lu Yu smiled bitterly and his expression became a little solemn.

"According to the memory in Tianmiao's head, he doesn't know the exact location of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect fleet. He just guesses that it will most likely be in the vicinity... However, we now have another more difficult problem!"

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Lu Yu frowned, his face full of confusion, and it seemed that even he was puzzled...

"In the impression of Mr. Tianmiao, the reason why Wuya Immortal Pavilion attacked our Dali Sword Sect was not to snatch our resources, nor out of hatred... Their only purpose was just to let us launch the Litian Sect. Sword Code..."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, Wuya Immortal Pavilion came to Litian Sword Code...

The power of the Litian Sword Code is infinite. Throughout the ages, practitioners all over the world have been afraid to avoid it, but what on earth is going on in Wuya Immortal Pavilion? You actually want to take the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun?


What benefit will the Litian Sword Code bring to Wuya Immortal Pavilion after it is activated?

At this time, everyone couldn't help but fell into a dilemma.

Originally, in their expectations, Litian Sword Code was an absolute killing move.

But now that this is the other party's request, even if they find the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating fleet, do they still need to launch the Litian Sword Code?

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