Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 829 Sword Technique Combo

Seeing Lu Yu re-entering the state of trance, everyone couldn't help but be quite speechless.

I didn't expect that after he gave such a crackling command, he would betray it again at the last moment.

But there was no way. By the end of the day, Lu Yu had established absolute authority among the real people. As soon as he opened his eyes, he could bring key information. Therefore, after he solemnly warned everyone, everyone I really didn't dare to disturb him anymore.

"Master Master, what do you think we should do about this?"

Everyone had no choice but to ask Li Wangji.

Li Wangji pondered for a moment, but then looked at Maoye Zhenren beside him: "According to Lu Yu, this Turtle Breath and Meteor Pill also has the effect of hiding cultivation and hiding traces. If this is the case, it is better for the two of us to do it next. How about taking the lead, with other real people assisting us, and starting a carpet-like search of this area?"

Master Maoye happily agreed: "It should be so!"

Li Wangji turned to Ye Weilan and said, "Can the girl handle it alone here? Do you need me to leave a few more helpers?"

Ye Weilan nodded lightly: "You real people, please go find the thief's location as soon as possible! It's enough for me to guard him here. If you really encounter danger, no one on the sea can match our dragon's speed." Fish black tail!”

Li Wangji was slightly startled.

The reason why he was relieved to leave Ye Weilan here alone was because he had seen the method she used to capture Tian Miao before and knew that her strength was extraordinary. However, he did not expect that the dragon fish black tail was the opponent's biggest support.

Silently reciting the name "Arowana Black Tail" in his mind, Li Wangji nodded and said, "In that case, I can safely leave Lu Yu's safety to the girl!"

With that said, Li Wangji turned and left.

The rest of the real masters also followed suit, falling like a meteor shower into the thick fog ahead.

In the blink of an eye, all the powerful real people around him disappeared without a trace.

On the huge sea area, only Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were left sitting on the emerald leaves, with only the sea breeze chasing them, and the tides rising and falling.

In such an atmosphere, Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu.

In a daze, she felt as if she had returned to the days when she and Lu Yu fled to sea together and were inseparable...

Although that period was dangerous and embarrassing, looking back now, what I feel most deeply is the sweetness.

"what are you thinking about?"

She didn't know how much time had passed, but Lu Yu's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Ah... you're awake?"

Ye Weilan was startled, her pretty face turned red, and she lowered her head silently: "I...I'm sorry..."

Lu Yu asked doubtfully: "Well, why do you say sorry?"

"I... was originally going to protect your safety, but I seemed to have been distracted just now. This was my dereliction of duty..." Ye Weilan said softly.


Lu Yu couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. He held her hand and pulled her into his arms.

"What's there to apologize for? You are a person, not a machine in a workshop. Even if you are a machine in a workshop, it still needs to be shut down for maintenance..."

"However, I am quite curious, what were you thinking about just now?"

Lu Yu said as he stretched out his hand.

Ye Weilan's face turned crimson, but she still couldn't bear to go against his will, and said slightly out of breath: "It's nothing, I just remembered our past... When the two of us escaped at sea, it was... Like now..."

"Like now?"

Lu Yu said: "Do I remember? Where did we do such a thing at that time?"

"That's not what I said!"

Ye Weilan's eyes were watery, as if they were about to overflow: "What I'm saying is that at that time, just like now, there were only two of us in the whole world, and we didn't have to think about any troubles..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's just that you don't have to worry about anything, okay? I'm always using my brain... But, what you said, is it possible that you have something to worry about now?"

Ye Weilan didn't say anything, and silently adjusted her posture, snuggling Lu Yu closer.

Lu Yu lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead and said, "What happened? Wasn't it fine before..."

"I am afraid……"

"afraid of what?"

"I heard you mention Tiangang Realm and sect ancestors before, and I feel scared just thinking about it... Do you really want to personally fight against those enemies? There are so many capable people and strangers in Dali Sword Sect, leave these matters to me Can you give it to them?" Ye Weilan said quietly.

"Fool... Think about it when we were in the polar night world, we even dealt with demons from outside the world. What's so scary about the ancestors of the Tiangang Realm?" Lu Yu comforted.

"Besides, think about my mother... Compared to the enemy we will face in the end, what is the Tiangang Realm?"

Ye Weilan was a little downcast: "I understand everything you said...but I can't help but worry, and I don't know why it is like this..."

Lu Yu felt his heart soften, as if his whole heart had turned into a soft marshmallow.

Ye Weilan didn't want to understand the reason, but he understood it instantly. In fact, it boiled down to four words: caring leads to chaos...

He gently lifted her chin, which was as smooth as snow, without saying anything, and then kissed her deeply...

After a long time.

The sea breeze stops...

The sound of the tide dissipates...

Suddenly, everything became silent.

Ye Weilan opened her eyes suddenly, and found that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

This was no longer the vast sea, but a quiet grassland under the bright starry sky.

"Why did you bring me to the mind illusion?" Ye Weilan said with a look of surprise.

Lu Yu looked into her eyes and smiled faintly: "Aren't you worried that I would be in danger? So I brought you in to see the tricks I prepared, so that you can rest assured..."

As he spoke, a burst of light flashed in the air, and a huge stone slab suddenly appeared, almost covering the entire starry sky, like a floating city of Shengyun Mountain.

"Li Tian Sword Classic?" Ye Weilan exclaimed.

Although the appearance was magnified many times, from the outline, it was the shape of the Li Tian Sword Classic. She didn't expect Lu Yu to deduce the Li Tian Sword Classic in the mind illusion.

"It's just a facade..." Lu Yu said helplessly, "After all, I just took a look at it, and I only know a little bit about it..." "But even this little bit of knowledge has consumed almost all of my thoughts, which shows how powerful the entity of this Li Tian Sword Classic will be. I have never encountered something that cannot be deduced by the illusion of thoughts..." "What are you going to do with it?" Ye Weilan asked. Lu Yu smiled and said, "The most powerful thing about this Li Tian Sword Classic is not that it contains countless sword secrets, but that its powerful secret essence is gathered, making the sword secrets in it perfectly match each other..." "That is to say, when the sword secrets sealed in the sword classic are activated at the same time, the effect is one plus one greater than two." "Therefore, I plan to learn from the theory above and imitate a set of sword secret combos with secret essences that match each other, and then I will work with the real people to complete it, so as to achieve some of the effects when the Li Tian Sword Classic is activated..." Ye Weilan was surprised: "Is it possible?" Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Before I saw the Li Tian Sword Classic, I never thought it could be possible. It was the Li Tian Sword Classic that gave me this idea..." "Haha, how about it? Are you relieved now? I said there is a strategy, and I am sure of it. It is not just blindly doing it..." Ye Weilan couldn't help but admire: "This is indeed a masterpiece!" Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Since you are relieved, then complete the deduction with me! Frankly speaking, it is really difficult for me to complete this deduction process with my own thoughts and consciousness..."

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