Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 843 Repairing the Golden Pill

Everyone was immediately startled.

"Boy! What do you want to do?" Changchun asked in surprise.

He has been in charge of the Sanatorium for many years, and this three-thirds of an acre of land in the Sanatorium belongs entirely to him. He cannot tolerate others messing around on his territory.

Feng Ruhai also looked stunned: "Lu Yu, what do you want to do..."

Lu Yu held the butterfly tightly and flew together, the sword edge seemed to be solidified, not moving at all.

"What else can be done?"

He shrugged and said: "Of course it's to save people... Didn't you come here just to let me save people? I can't do anything with you like this..."

Everyone suddenly couldn't help but look confused.

Save people?

Is there anyone who can save people like this?

It would be too exaggerated to use Xuanling magic weapons like Die Shuangfei... This should be more like killing people!

"Let me tell you clearly first, what exactly do you want to do?" Changchun Master asked, staring at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu shook his head: "It's not that I refuse to speak clearly, but if it drags on any longer, the situation will become more complicated, and I'm afraid that even I won't be able to do anything about it... In short, if you want to watch Gu If Master Yun dies like this, then stop me!"

After saying that, Lu Yu suddenly thrust his hand forward, and Die Shuangfei's sharp blades immediately penetrated into the body of Gu Yun Zhenren accurately and steadily.


Master Changchun was suddenly shocked and angry, and was about to explode, but Feng Ruhai grabbed him from the side and advised: "Let's see his methods first... Although this guy is impatient, he is rough and rough. Xi, he never takes aim without aim, he will not act randomly..."

Seeing Feng Ruhai vouching for him, Changchun Master had no choice but to endure it for the time being. Anyway, everyone had been "stabbed" away, and it was too late to stop him at this time.

"Hmph! Let me see what methods you can use... If this delays the treatment of Master Guyun, I will definitely ask you for help!"

Lu Yu didn't say a word, but saw that he had put Die Shuangfei away at this time, and then extended his hand from the wound on Guyun Zhenren's body.

The position he had used to fly with butterflies was exactly where Guyun's Dantian was, and where the Qi Sea was.

When the golden elixir is not yet completed, the Dantian is the sea of ​​qi, and all the true energy will gather in it.

Once the golden elixir is completed, the original sea of ​​​​qi becomes the place where the golden elixir returns, which is the Dantian.

Lu Yu's actions at this time were undoubtedly that he was touching the golden elixir in Master Gu Yun's body with his bare hands.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous move, which is equivalent to extending one's hand from the original world to another completely unfamiliar world.

This is not only very dangerous for that strange world, but also extremely dangerous for himself. It is very likely that his hand will disappear under the power of the laws of the two worlds.

At this moment, several real strong men around him suddenly became frightened.

Even Feng Ruhai, who had full confidence in Lu Yu just now, not only started to retreat, but also felt that he was being a little blindly optimistic...

Lu Yu closed his eyes, held his breath and concentrated, bursts of red light surged from his body, and violent spiritual energy fluctuations swept out like a tsunami.

Obviously, he was undergoing "treatment" in some special way.

Everyone couldn't help but feel so excited that they didn't dare to take a breath.

Not only was he shocked by Lu Yu's unique treatment method, but he was also surprised by Lu Yu's huge cultivation level...

If I remember correctly, this kid should still be in the early stage of Guihai Realm. He was actually able to burst out with such a powerful force. Even the formation of the convalescence hall was affected after a while... This is really too great. Incredible!

In time, if he is allowed to practice to the Golden Core Realm, I really don’t know what it will be like...

With this thought in his mind, Master Changchun silently turned off the formation eyes in this room to prevent the entire formation in the convalescence hall from being dragged down. This was the first time such a situation had occurred since he took charge of the convalescence hall.

Not long after, Master Guyun suddenly began to twitch all over his body, and as he twitched, huge amounts of true energy quickly gathered in his limbs, expanding rapidly, like a storm brewing inside of them.

Everyone was immediately shocked.

The situation at this time is even worse than before, and it is obvious that the situation has become worse...

If this continues, I'm afraid it won't be a question of whether people can be rescued, but whether those present will also die together...

"Lu Yu, stop it quickly..." Feng Ruhai couldn't help but stop him.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, Changchun Master immediately interrupted him: "Don't make a noise! ​​Don't disturb him..."

Feng Ruhai couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Didn’t Master Changchun still firmly oppose it just now? Why is it that he is stopping me now? Isn't this change too unexpected?

Could it be that... Changchun Master saw something else in this?

Feng Ruhai was filled with astonishment. He gathered a pair of electric eyes and observed carefully... However, it is a pity that he is good at studying various Taoist secrets and is not good at medical principles. With him I can't see the reason at all.

Time passes minute by minute...

Master Guyun's body has always been in a state of high tension, but it has never exceeded the critical point of a complete explosion, and it has continued to be highly tense.

"What the hell is going on?"

It seemed that Feng Ruhai was not the only one who was confused. Master Ding'an next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked the same question as Feng Ruhai.

"He is repairing the golden elixir of Master Guyun!"

Master Changchun's face was full of excitement, and even the beard on his chin trembled.

"Yes, yes! I should have thought of it earlier!"

"Even the strongest healing method, the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique, has no solution. This means that the injury on Master Guyun is not just damage to the Dantian, but a problem with the Golden Dan..."

"This guy, how did he do it...he is such a genius!"

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