Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 856 Reasonable explanation


Unknowingly, this was already Meng Ting's fifth day at Wulao Peak. Counting the previous day at Jade Butterfly Peak, she had already stayed in Dali Sword Sect for a total of six days.

But even after spending so much time, she still didn't achieve her wish, and she still didn't see the true face of Lu Yu's power.

In the past two days, Lu Yu could be said to have used the rogue to the extreme, allowing her to fully understand the dangers of the world...

He first used the excuse that the almanac was wrong and forced him to come down temporarily in the middle of the treatment.

Then he said that he was so homesick and restless that he couldn't concentrate at all, so he abandoned himself and ran back to Jade Butterfly Peak for a long time, and then rushed back.

In short, he tried every means to delay this matter.

On the surface, his plan seemed successful, but this aroused Meng Ting's curiosity even more, making her even more curious about the secrets that Lu Yu wanted to hide.

However, on this day, things finally took a turn for the better...

Early in the morning, a circle of people gathered outside the Sutra Storage Tower where the two temporarily lived, and bursts of noise could be heard.

"Lu Yu! Come out quickly!"

"Lu, what do you mean?"

"Why has everyone been cured and only Huang Ge from Tianxiang Peak is left alone?"

"You are clearly avenging a private vendetta!"

"What is it about us at Tianxiang Peak that makes you want to do this?"

"Huang Ge always contributed to the battle of Huiyue Bay. Even if we at Tianxiang Peak feel sorry for you, you can't use it as a blackmail or treat us differently!"

"Lu Yu, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face! I think you, Master Yudie, were all cultivated by our Tianxiang Peak, but you are stubborn and unwilling to save Huang Ge... You are simply ungrateful!"

The last remaining real strong man who could not afford to be seriously injured was Mr. Huang Zhenlinge from Tianxiang Peak.

When Huang Gelao was the last one left, Tianxiang Peak had already complained a lot, but Lu Yu was in the limelight, and everyone in Tianxiang Peak couldn't say anything about the decision he made.

However, as things escalated over the past two days, everyone finally couldn't hold it any longer and gathered together to challenge Lu Yu.

Listening to the yelling and swearing, they became more and more angry. Before Lu Yu had any reaction, Meng Ting was the first to laugh:

"How about it? Are you going to drag it on any longer? It's okay to fool me with your nonsense, but you can't fool the discerning people of your Dali Sword Sect... If you continue to drag it out, I'm afraid Your Dali Sword Sect is going to have a fire in the backyard, and maybe it will fall into civil strife..."

Lu Yu said with a smile: "What do you mean by what Her Majesty the Saint said... Anyway, since you said you were fooling me, then I must have fooled you. If that's the case, then I might as well just keep doing it and see if I can get rid of them too." Fool it over..."

After saying that, he walked outside the Scripture Pagoda.

Meng Ting looked at his unabashed rogue appearance and couldn't help but feel itching with hatred, but she had no choice but to follow him angrily to see how he would deal with it.

Outside the Sutra Pagoda, there was indeed a group of Tianxiang Peak disciples. The leader was Ma Guangyuan, who had high hopes from Tianxiang Peak, but whose marriage had just been disturbed.

However, Lu Yu silently observed the circle and did not find Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun among them. He couldn't help but sneer in his heart. Even to defend his father, these two people did not come forward. He didn't know whether it was because of something evil in his heart or something. There are other reasons.

Seeing Lu Yu come out, the disciples from Tianxiang Peak suddenly became more excited and shouted at him. Lu Yu could only see everyone's mouths opening and closing, but he couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

After Ma Guangyuan scolded loudly, the crowd's voices gradually calmed down.

He took a deep breath and said: "Junior brother Lu Yu, I know that although you have always been unscrupulous and seemingly reckless, you are actually a very methodical person. If not, our Dali Sword Sect would also be the same. We cannot survive this crisis safely..."

"Half a month has passed since the Battle of Huiyue Bay, and it has been seven or eight days since you entered the convalescence hall and intervened in the treatment. Why have the other real elders begun to get better these days? The only one left, Mr. Huang Ge from Tianxiang Peak, has not received treatment?”

"I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation for this matter... If we at Tianxiang Peak feel sorry for you in any way, please feel free to point it out. If there is anything difficult to do, I will try my best to solve it for you!"

"But if you don't say anything and just drag Mr. Huang Ge's injury to death without saving anything, then we, the disciples of Tianxiang Peak, will not agree!"

Behind him, a group of Tianxiang Peak disciples responded loudly.

Lu Yu took a deep look at Ma Guangyuan, but his evaluation of him couldn't help but be higher.

He thought secretly: This person is worthy of being ranked second in the veteran Jin Kui list. He is indeed a capable person. In such a huge Tianxiang Peak, no one with such a capable master came to him. Even the Master of Zifu did not say a word about this. I didn't expect that he would have the courage to come to me in person.

Of course, the reason why people like Zifu Zhenren did not come to me to intercede was not because they did not dare, but more out of tacit understanding and trust, thinking that it was not necessary, but this also illustrates Ma Guangyuanji's side. Be responsible.

"Okay, please go find Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun, Senior Brother Ma!" Lu Yu said.

Ma Guangyuan was stunned for a moment: "Deacon Zhang and Deacon Huang... why are you asking them to come here?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Didn't you ask me to give a reasonable explanation? This is the explanation I gave... I guess Senior Brother Ma doesn't know, these two people have always had a grudge against me, and Mr. Huang Ge It is their father and father-in-law..."

"Why have I always been unwilling to save Mr. Huang Ge? Do you understand now, Senior Brother Ma? As long as Senior Brother Ma can find these two people and make me get rid of the evil spirit in my heart, then I guarantee that Mr. Huang Ge will not make any mistakes. !”

Ma Guangyuan's face was full of astonishment.

The surrounding group of Tianxiang Peak disciples could not help but be dumbstruck.

No one thought that the reason why Lu Yu didn't take action to save Mr. Huang Ge was because of this...

Moreover, he spoke out his public and private vendettas so blatantly without any cover-up?

This made everyone feel a little confused. They always felt that this was far from the image of the great hero and the radiant Lu Shen in their minds...

"That's what Lu said. You can make your own decision as you please!"

After saying that, Lu Yu walked directly through the crowd, left the Sutra Pagoda, and walked towards the Recuperation Hall.

Although people can't be rescued immediately, the situation always needs to be closely monitored, otherwise there will be an accident...

"They just let you go?"

Meng Ting followed Lu Yu and said with surprise.

Lu Yu turned around with a smile and said proudly: "How about it, I did a pretty good job of fooling you, right?"

Meng Ting frowned slightly: "But what if they really find the two people you need later?"

"Isn't that simple?"

Lu Yu said: "When people come, ask them to bow their heads and admit their mistakes and apologize. When the time comes, I will say that their repentance is not thorough enough and their apology is not sincere enough. I am very dissatisfied..."

"In short, there are many reasons that can be found, but I feel that there is a high probability that they will not be able to find those two people..."

Meng Ting smiled coldly: "In short, you have just made up your mind to delay this matter... Am I right?"

Lu Yu was stunned and his face suddenly froze.

Well, some got too carried away and let it slip.

Just at this moment, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and powerful pressure threatened the gusts of wind, roaring towards them.

This is obviously a sign of the arrival of the strong.

This vision just right relieved Lu Yu's embarrassment.

He said with a bit of schadenfreude: "Don't worry about what I think. It seems that you are in trouble. Now it's your turn to fool me. I wonder if you can fool me this time?"

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