Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 859 It’s settled in one word

Lu Yu flew up and arrived at the exclusive floor specially arranged for them by Master Hailing.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Meng Ting leaning against the railing at the entrance of the floor, looking at him steadily.

"Uh...we were just now

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment and said, "Well, since you have heard everything, it saves me the trouble of explaining... Anyway, you go back first!"

Meng Ting was neither angry nor complaining, but quietly asked: "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Lu Yu pointed downstairs and said: "If you continue to stay here, these elders of your Bixiao Shrine will not let me go..."

"Don't look at me, I was so sick just now..."

"Just take pity on me and let me live. After all...I am your savior after all, right?"

Meng Ting was indifferent to Lu Yu's complaints, his eyes were as clear as mountain springs, and he repeated again:


Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Facing Meng Ting's clear and persistent eyes, he knew that he couldn't fool her this time, and he had to reveal more truth to her...

He took a deep breath, met her gaze, and said, "I don't know where your power comes from, but I inherited it from a person who is extremely important to me. I'm sorry, but I can't easily show you my full power without her approval..."

"So you were determined to lie to me from the beginning?"

"You can't lie. I will definitely honor what I promised you, but the time is not ripe yet. Please be more patient. When the time is ripe, I will definitely satisfy your request... And I believe that this opportunity will not be too long..." Lu Yu said in a sincere tone.

Meng Ting fell silent and looked straight at him, seeming to be thinking about something.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel uneasy. At this moment, he fully understood the power of Taoist Heart Transforming into Dust. In a daze, he felt like he was naked. There was no secret in front of her.

However, he knew that all this was just an illusion after all. The secrets above the starry sky were still difficult to penetrate even if the Taoist heart turned into dust. Otherwise, he would not have unilaterally spied on her secrets before.

"The person you mentioned who is very important to his name Meng Feiyan?"

After a long time, Meng Ting suddenly spoke.

Lu Yu was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He opened his mouth and said, " did you know?"

Meng Ting blinked: "When we first met, you mentioned this name in the first sentence you opened your mouth..."

Lu Yu was stunned, and then he remembered that he had indeed said something like this when the two met for the first time...

Back on Biyun Tianmen, because the two of them worked together to fight against the Samsung Connection, he had an unparalleled sense of familiarity with her power. Full of excitement, he blurted out and asked her if she knew his mother.

But as soon as the question was asked, he immediately regretted it, so he quickly braked to cover it up, but to his surprise, Meng Ting still remembered...

"It's her right..." Lu Yu nodded and said.

"Who is she... Why do you think I know her? Is it because her surname is Meng? What is the connection between her and me..." Meng Ting frowned and said with confusion. .

Lu Yu took a deep look at her. Since she still remembered the name, there was no need to hide some things from her. She might as well talk openly...

"Not only because her surname is Meng, but also because like you, she is also a saint from the Bixiao Palace... Do you really not remember this person?" Lu Yu asked.

"Is she also a saint from the Heavenly Palace?"

Meng Ting was startled, and then showed a puzzled look: "But I really have no impression of this name. I have never heard of this person in the records of saints in Tianshu Palace..."

Lu Yu thought to himself that what his mother did back then was tantamount to a betrayal of the Bixiao Palace, so Tianshu Palace would naturally not leave any records related to her... But the fact that his mother was a saint of the Tiangong Palace was determined by the Heavenly Palace. Senior Jian confirmed to him that this point cannot be wrong.

"I can assure you that she was indeed the Heavenly Palace Saint of Bixiao Shrine, and the time was just twenty years ago... The two generations of Saints are so close together, and they all have the same surname. Do you really not Have you heard anything about her?"

Meng Ting pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"Then...where did you grow up when you were a child? Is it possible that those relatives and friends in the past have heard of her?" Lu Yu asked unwillingly.

"I... am an orphan. Ever since I can remember, I have lived and practiced alone in Tianshu Palace. I have never been to the outside world, let alone met any relatives or friends..."

Meng Ting said lightly, with a trace of undetectable loneliness flashing in his eyes.

"Did people from Tianshu Palace tell you this?" Lu Yu said with a frown.

"Not entirely...there are some memories that I remember..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I think that what Tianshu Palace said may not be all true. At least the matter about the former saint Meng Feiyan must have been concealed by them... As for other things, there are still Whether there is something to hide or not, no one can say!”

Meng Ting remained silent and frowned slightly, as if silently thinking about something.

Seeing that she did not refute his words, Lu Yu's confidence immediately increased and he continued: "If you want to know whether Tianshu Palace lied to you, it's actually easy. Just find the former saint Meng Feiyan and ask her face to face. I understand, she must know a lot of inside information that you don’t know!”

Meng Ting raised his head in surprise: "Do you know where she is?"

Lu Yu was silent.

All clues currently point to the seventeenth floor underground behind the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, and the mother is most likely imprisoned in the palace there.

But he can't reveal this secret to Meng Ting yet. After all, she is still the saint of Tiangong. Although she doesn't know about what happened back then, it is very likely that the news will be leaked inadvertently, causing the people of Bixiao Shrine to The higher-ups noticed.

"I'm still looking for her whereabouts..."

Lu Yu said: "And now I have some clues in my hand... When the time is right, how about I invite you to look for her together? Not only will she be able to answer your questions, but also the origin of my power, as well as I can show it to you without reservation at that time!”

Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay..."

Lu Yu smiled heartily and raised his palm towards her: "If that's the case, then we have an agreement?"

"It's a deal."

The palms of the two people met in the air, making a crisp sound.

This not only represents the birth of a new covenant, but also means that today's conversation will be completely sealed as a secret between the two.

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