Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 870 A battle of wits and tactics

Master Jin Xiang and Master Kunpeng on the side opened their eyes at the same time.

Seeing the two people at war with each other, Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but be shocked, but Master Kunpeng remained calm and asked in a deep voice: "Little friend Lu Yu, what on earth is going on?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Didn't Shi Shouzuo hear it just now? The news of the surprise attack on Wanshui City has been leaked. I think Senior Brother Wei is the mole, but he refused to admit it. Instead, he said that you, Shi Shouzuo, are the mole... For a moment, I don’t know which one of you I should listen to…”


Wei Zhihan was furious: "Why did I say that the first master is a traitor?"

"He's not? That means you are! But you just refused to admit it! Now you've finally been exposed, right?" Lu Yu insisted.

Wei Zhihan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

This guy is completely unreasonable. Anyway, he insists that he is a traitor and does not give himself a chance to defend himself.

"Is there any misunderstanding in this..." Jin Xiang said with a frown.

He really didn't want to end up in such a situation with one action, so he planned to persuade both parties to calm down first.

But Lu Yu waved his hand towards him and said, "That's enough, Mr. Fan, there's no need to act... Anyway, the identity of the mole has been confirmed, and it's among these two people. It's time to close the net!"

Wei Zhihan and Master Kunpeng were shocked, and at the same time they looked at Master Jin Xiang in astonishment.

Master Jin Xiang was wondering...acting? Where is he acting? As for closing the net... what kind of net is this?

However, before he could question it, Lu Yu quickly took out something and threw it into the sky.

Suddenly, a firework exploded in the sky, lasting for a long time...

Cloud-Piercing Arrow!

This is the emergency signal for help from the Dali Sword Sect!

Lu Yu suddenly sent out such a command arrow, and its intention was naturally self-evident, indicating that there must be strong men from the Dali Sword Sect not far away to provide assistance.

"You two, you don't have to rush to explain to me now. When Master Maoye and the others come over, you can explain to them again!" Lu Yu said with a sneer.

These words finally became the last straw for the two of them.

Master Kunpeng's expression changed, and he suppressed his anger and said to Wei Zhihan: "Let's go!"

Although it was only one word, it completely exposed the two people's true identity...

Lu Yu was not happy at all. Instead, his heart sank. From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that the two of them would react calmly and turn around in anger to curse him.

However, there is no if…

The situation before us shows that the truth has been unfortunately revealed by Master Zifu. This is indeed the worst situation, and it is the worst of the worst, because it is not only Master Kunpeng who has betrayed, but also the person who has pulled out the carrot. If the mud is brought out, the entire Tianlan Peak nest will most likely be rotten from the roots...

It's too late, but it's soon.

At that moment, Wei Zhihan raised his hand, and a powerful force suddenly surged out. The Nine-Life Divine Coffin that was pressed by Lu Yu suddenly made a buzzing sound. He was obviously summoning the Nine-Life Divine Coffin from a distance. The sudden burst of power almost caused Lu Yu to fall off the coffin board.

Finally, a circle of red lotus phantoms erupted from Lu Yu's body, and the power of the red lotus surged out, and then the Nine Lives Divine Coffin was firmly pressed down.

This sudden attack made him feel palpitations in his heart. It was obvious that he had underestimated the power of induction between Wei Zhihan and the Nine-Life Divine Coffin, which forced him to burst out the strongest red lotus power in one go. Precariously controlled this artifact.

It can be seen that Wei Zhihan is usually a secretive guy, and his performance just now is not like the strength that the ninth person on the Golden Sunflower Ranking should have.

Little did he know that the other party was even more shocked than him. Wei Zhihan had never seen anyone able to restrain his Nine-Life Divine Coffin with brute force.

You must know that the Nine-Life Divine Coffin has the ability to transcend life and death and bring the dead back to life...

Could it be that the guy opposite has the same power that can transcend life and death?

Master Kunpeng on the side was not idle either. When he said the word "go", he had already recited the magic formula, and suddenly a light belt appeared in front of him, which was like a "rainbow light bridge" His Taoist method is called "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape". Once he steps into the light belt, he can shrink to an inch and escape hundreds of miles away in an instant.

However, what he didn't expect was that Wei Zhihan would fail to seize the treasure. Not only did he fail to regain control of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, but he was also entangled by the Xuanling Divine Weapon that Lu Yu sacrificed at once.

Master Kunpeng was extremely perseverant. Seeing that Wei Zhihan was unable to leave for the time being, he did not hesitate and immediately stepped out into the light belt.

He actually wanted to leave Wei Zhihan and escape alone...

Even Wei Zhihan couldn't help but look shocked. He didn't expect Master Kunpeng to go so decisively.

Lu Yu quickly withdrew his sword, and the two flying butterflies split into two, and then coupled with the Feihong Sword, the two swords and three sharp edges swept towards Master Kunpeng.

After all, Master Kunpeng is his primary target. Only by capturing this person can he press for more truth. He doesn't want to pick the sesame seed of Wei Zhihan but throw away the big watermelon of Master Kunpeng.

Unfortunately, the blades of the three divine weapons were delayed for a moment and passed by the back of Master Kunpeng.

At this moment, only Zhenren Jin Xiang could stop the opponent.

So Lu Yu immediately shouted: "Master Fan, what are you waiting for!"

After all, Master Jin Xiang is the leader of the peak, and his knowledge and reactions are not bad. At this time, he has also come to his senses and knows that he was actually used by Lu Yu in order to defraud Master Kunpeng.

Although he was quite unhappy in his heart, now was not the time to complain. He had better solve the problem first. As a member of the Dali Sword Sect, he also hated the inner ghost.

Master Jin Xiang did not hesitate, and immediately used his own golden elixir, and smashed it in the direction where Master Kunpeng's light belt extended.

He actually wanted to use his own golden elixir to forcibly cut off Master Kunpeng's Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth!

If Master Kunpeng continues to escape, he will only collide with Master Jin Xiang's natal elixir, and both parties will be injured and broken into pieces!

At the critical moment, the strip of light spread out in front of Master Kunpeng suddenly made a strange turn and turned back again.

This sudden change not only narrowly avoided the collision of Jin Xiang's golden elixir, but also landed behind Lu Yu.

Lu Yu and Jin Xiang couldn't help but be stunned.

You must know that once you step into the light belt of the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth, the landing point cannot be changed midway. The reason why such a situation occurs can only mean that Master Kunpeng has designed the landing point in advance.

Who would have thought that a Tao method that could span a distance of hundreds of miles could only be used to span a distance of a dozen steps.

This is simply killing a chicken with a knife!

However, such an incredible method not only caused the two men's offensive to fail, but also instantly reversed the situation!

At this time, Master Kunpeng had arrived behind Lu Yu unscathed.

Due to Lu Yu's repeated actions, at this time when the old power was exhausted and the new power was not yet generated, he had no way to resist, so he could only watch as he was swept away by Master Kunpeng's palm and completely lost. Gain control over the life-saving magical power.

"Hahaha, idiot! You don't think that Master is really going to leave like this, do you?"

Master Kunpeng raised the Nine Lives Divine Coffin with one hand and walked up to Wei Zhihan.

"Not to mention that I am not the kind of unjust person. Without this artifact of yours, how could I have escaped Master Maoye's Hateful Water Sword alone? Only they can be so naive!"

Amidst the laughter, Master Kunpeng flicked his long sleeves, rolled up Wei Zhihan, carried him with him to spread out the light, and walked away...

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