Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 892 Entertainment Time

The top of Jade Butterfly Peak, after being ravaged by the strong wind, was no longer able to enjoy the feast.

However, the atmosphere at the scene became even more intense.

Lin Zhengtie, Hong Yongguang and others gathered together and began to discuss heatedly how to handle these materials, as if the previous dispute had never happened.

It can be seen from this point that in fact, this group of people in Mingjian Villa are relatively pure. Maybe they had ideological differences before, but once it comes to specific forging details, they immediately gave up. prejudice, and instead devoted themselves to technical discussions.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this style of work that Mingjian Villa was able to fight its way out of the tight siege of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and develop its unique forging skills.

"You are so good!"

Fang Haoran walked over with a depressed look on his face: "Borrowing generations of collections from our Wangyue Peak to support your Jade Butterfly Peak scene... Did you already think of such an incident when you went to find the head brother? ?”

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Do you think of me as a god? How could I have imagined so much at that time... However, it never hurts to be more prepared."

"You are really good..."

Fang Haoran repeated it again, but this time his tone was completely different from before. This time he was truly sincere in his praise. Over the past few days, he had witnessed with his own eyes the various efforts Lu Yu had made to annex Mingjian Villa. I didn't expect that he would actually accomplish this.

From now on, Jade Butterfly Peak will be the only one in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

"However, you wouldn't really hand over the materials directly to them like this, would you?" Fang Haoran said again with a change of tone.

"If the forging plan they designed is brilliant enough, why not?" Lu Yu shrugged.

Fang Haoran said angrily: "You are really a prodigal. We at Wangyue Peak have treasured it for several generations and are not willing to use it for forging. You just give it to others to practice? What do you call this? Yes! This is it! It’s called ‘Zai sells Ye Tian’s heart but it doesn’t hurt’!”

Lu Yuhun didn't care about his ridicule, stood up and patted his shoulder and said: "In this case, old man, you have to take care of these treasures... The first step of their discussion of the forging plan will be left to you. Review it!”


Fang Haoran was immediately shocked: "But I don't understand this at all..."

"Just because you don't understand, that's why I put you in charge of the first level. Even you, who don't understand, are convinced by their plan and think it's reliable. That's when it's really reliable!"

Fang Haoran's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that there was such an operation.

He stared at Lu Yu, trying to figure out whether he was joking or serious.

But Lu Yu ignored his entanglement, waved his hand and turned around to leave, as if he really had left the matter to him.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I'll also think about the forging plan..." Lu Yu replied without looking back, "After all, it's a weapon in our own hands. We can't rely on others for everything, right?"

Fang Haoran rolled his eyes angrily.

This guy……

Although he is very good at alchemy, his level of forging is only about the same as his own... How can he come up with a perfect solution to the problems that have plagued Wangyue Peak for generations?

Really, if you want to be lazy, just say so. You can’t even think of a better excuse. It’s so perfunctory...

After getting away from the hustle and bustle of the banquet, Lu Yu turned around and came to the Mirror Garden.

The maid Chu Hongling was guarding outside a small courtyard. When she saw Lu Yu coming over, she turned around and opened the door for Lu Yu without saying anything.

Although the relationship between Lu Yu and Yang Chudie has never been announced to the public, as a close person who has served for many years, she has already been aware of it... and even if there is no such relationship, Lu Yu's identity has long been exempted. Complete this step of communication.

"What is Senior Sister doing now?" Lu Yu asked, "Are you still studying the map of Guoyun Ancient City?"

Chu Hongling replied: "Yes... the eldest lady found some overseas unique copies today, which contain some information records about the ancient city of Guoyun. The eldest lady said that the gaps in the map of the ancient city of Guoyun can be further filled in..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Ever since Yang Chudie met Wei Zhihan that day, she has been obsessed with finding out the specific location of the real Yudie, and what kind of state that mysterious Tiangang Realm powerhouse is in the ancient city of Guoyun.

Unfortunately, the information Wei Zhihan could give was not comprehensive, so she could only rely on information obtained from other channels to ascertain the true picture of the ancient city of Guoyun.

Except for a short period of time that day when she went to place the eye of the storm, she had been doing this all the time.

It can't be said that the preparations she is making now are useless, but seeing her forgetting to eat and sleep like this makes her feel a little worried.

"Okay, I understand, I'll go in and see her..."

Lu Yu nodded and walked inside.

After taking only two steps, he turned back and said, "By the way, Sister Hongling... I handed over the position of senior sister that originally belonged to you to Ling Yufei. Don't you have any objections to me?"

Chu Hongling looked at him in surprise, her eyes seeming to say: How could you ask such a question?

"My personality is not suitable for public appearances in the first place. You have always forced me to rush to the shelves... Instead of worrying about these things, you should find a way to get the second lady back as soon as possible!" Chu Hong Ling said with an indifferent expression.

Lu Yu couldn't help asking for trouble, but he didn't expect to be despised by the "senior sister".

"Well, I originally had a Second Senior Sister's errand that I wanted to leave to you..."

Lu Yu laughed at himself and then walked into the courtyard.

Chu Hongling looked at his back, hesitated, and finally closed the door and quietly retreated.

Lu Yu didn't take Chu Hongling's attitude to heart. When he walked into the courtyard and saw the beautiful figure leaning on the desk, his heart followed the beautiful figure.

"Let's take a rest first! It's entertainment time..."

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