Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 911 Inevitable

Soon, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan also noticed the abnormality and woke up from the illusion of thoughts one after another.

Lu Yu stood in front of the white jade statue and carefully observed the cracks on it. Suddenly, he stretched out his fingers and dipped his fingers into the tears on the face of "Jade Butterfly", then put it into his mouth and tasted it.

"What...are you doing?" Ye Weilan said in surprise.

Lu Yu smacked his lips, as if he was reminiscing, and then said: "It doesn't have any special taste. I think it's just ordinary dew..."

"Otherwise? What do you think it will taste like?" Ye Weilan rolled her eyes at him, "Is it possible that you thought it was really the tears of the butterfly sisters?"

Lu Yu shrugged his shoulders and looked at Yang Chudie, who had a look of dementia on his face: "Sister-in-law, what do you think? Is this really Sister-in-law Yudie asking you for help?"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but help her forehead.

He called him "Sister-in-law" on one side and "Sister-in-law" on the other. The titles were really confusing.

However, Yang Chudie didn't care about this at all. She shook her head in pain and said, "I don't know... I'm very confused right now. I need some time to calm down..."

Lu Yu saw that she was a little confused now, so he simply analyzed it himself: "Although I have never met Sister-in-law Yudie, but from the few words you and Sister Hongling said, I know that she is a very proud and strong person. Will she ask you for help in this way?"

"Furthermore, from the information provided by Wei Zhihan, we can know that Sister-in-law Yudie has been imprisoned for decades. If she has such a means of seeking help, why has she not used it for so many years? Such a distress signal was sent at this time? "

Yang Chudie was thoughtful.

Ye Weilan followed his intention and said, "So, you think this distress signal is fake..."

Lu Yu shook his head: "I didn't say that... I just think this matter is very strange and should be treated with caution. There is no need for Sister Die to be completely confused."

Ye Weilan nodded in agreement, then turned her head and looked at Yang Chudie worriedly. She wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know where to start.

Yang Chudie felt the concerned gazes of the two people, and suddenly there was a warmth in her heart. She took a deep breath and said slowly: "Yudie and I are descendants of the Yang family's court in Luozhou, and the Yang family's court is the descendant of Zu'er. It’s a small country with a weak national power. Before we were born, the Yang family’s royal court was already at the end of its rope. From the moment we were born, we were already the last royal family, hiding in Tibet all day long, with no fixed place to live..."

The two of them couldn't help but be startled. They didn't expect that the twin sisters were descendants of the royal family. Even Lu Yu had never heard of this before.

Yang Chudie continued: "We have never mentioned this matter to anyone, because it is not a glorious thing. The reason why the Yang Family Court embarked on the road of destruction was entirely due to the perverse actions of the rulers at that time, and they brought the blame on themselves..."

"Although Yudie and I have no nostalgia for Yang's Royal Court, and we have never thought about its restoration, it may be the best choice for a decayed royal court to completely enter the tomb of history... But Yang The former enemies of the Royal Family didn’t think so, and they have been pursuing us relentlessly.”

"After many twists and turns, we joined the Dali Sword Sect, and finally we had a peaceful life... But before that, Yudie and I lived extremely difficult lives. We always relied on the two of us to strengthen each other to persevere. Come down..."

"The scene that impressed me the most was when we were ten years old. A pair of heavily armed soldiers rushed into a mountain village where we were hiding at night and massacred the entire village. Blood flowed into rivers. I and I Jade Butterfly hid in a well

"It was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the bottom of the well was freezing cold. Yudie and I were soaking in the well water, constantly breathing in the air-conditioning. Yudie couldn't hold on for several times. It was me who held her down until she was able to hold on. At dawn, when there was no sound of people outside, we crawled out along the well rope... Then we realized that the world at the bottom of the well was a hundred times warmer than outside, and the village outside had turned into hell..."

"At that time we were cold, hungry, sleepy and scared... Yudie was so scared that she couldn't walk. I still clearly remember that Yudie kept telling me repeatedly at that time: Sister, I am afraid, sister, I am afraid. I'm afraid... her tone and expression at that time were exactly the same as what I heard in my dream just now!"

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan couldn't help but be stunned.

I didn’t expect that the sisters Yang Chudie and Yang Yudie would have such a past. No wonder the relationship between them is so strange. Although no one is convinced by the other on the surface, in the final analysis, who is the one in their hearts? I can't let anyone go.

"I see!"

Lu Yu suddenly said with infinite emotion.

The two of them turned to look at him at the same time. Ye Weilan asked in surprise: "What do you understand?"

Lu Yu walked up to Yang Chudie, held her face that was still beautiful even though her eyes were filled with tears, and kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes deeply and gently.

"Let's leave for Guoyun Ancient City now! Even if there is only one chance in ten thousand, we must not take this risk and let anything happen to Sister-in-law Yudie!"

Yang Chudie's delicate body trembled slightly, tears flashing in her eyes: "Are you... are you serious?"


Lu Yu looked into her eyes and said calmly and firmly: "I promise you, I will never let the predicament of the small mountain village appear in front of you again!"

"But... we are not ready yet. The Wind Eye Furnace has not been completed, the weapons have not had time to forge, and the elixir has not had time to refine..." Yang Chudie said in a low voice.

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter, the plans can't keep up with the changes... Anyway, with the arrival and return of Patriarch Tailing, these plans have long been disrupted."

Ye Weilan said nothing and looked at Lu Yu and then at Yang Chudie.

All this was simple to her. As long as the two of them made a decision, she would just follow it honestly.

However, Yang Chudie began to think seriously, considered it over and over again, and said, "But how will Patriarch Tailing pass this test? Will he let us leave?"

Lu Yu's eyes flashed, and his expression turned ferocious:

"If you don't let it go, you have to let it go. If it's really urgent, let him test the power of the six-pointed star lock first!"

"Besides, conflicts with him are unavoidable. You can go to Guoyun Ancient City without taking anything else with you, but there is at least one thing you cannot take without...that is Wei Zhihan!"

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