Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 917 The Birth of a Magical Weapon

Lu Yu didn't know why Tailing Patriarch was stranded at Baiyun Peak.

However, from the fact that the other party has been unwilling to show up in person, and instead issued orders for others to come over to chase and intercept him, it can be seen that it is most likely inconvenient for him to move freely at the moment, so he will adopt this method.

In this way, it also gave him an opportunity to take advantage of.

Immediately, Master Tingyuan was indeed in a dilemma and said hesitantly, "Are you going to build the Tailing Mausoleum now?"

"Why can't it be done? Didn't you just say that we should explain everything to Patriarch Tailing face to face?" Lu Yu said.

Master Tingyuan said: "It's not's just that it's not convenient for Patriarch Tailing at the moment. If you want to see him, you have to wait for some time...

Lu Yu said: "That's not possible. Our execution of Ancestor Yunxiao's order this time is a plan designed by Ancestor Yunxiao in advance. It must be linked to each other and every second counts. If time is delayed and the entire plan collapses, this responsibility Can you bear the responsibility of Chief Du?"

Master Tingyuan remained silent. He couldn't afford to delay Patriarch Yunxiao's plan...

Now this question has become a simple question of size. Is Tailing Patriarch's order greater, or Yunxiao Patriarch's order is greater...

After a while, Master Tingyuan said again: "Lu Yu, are you bluffing me? Can you really not wait even a moment?"

Lu Yu's face did not change: "Master Du, let alone our cultivation strength, we have two earth-spirit-level magic weapons at our disposal. Do you think that if we really want to take action, we can do it with just the magic weapon?" Can you stop the four of us by yourself?"

"The reason why I don't want to do anything with you, but I am explaining to you here with all my heart, is that I hope to save a little more time. In fact, this conversation with you has already delayed a lot of our time!"

"Master Du, I might as well tell you something straight here. There are indeed some conflicts between me and Patriarch Tailing, but they are just differences in strategies against the enemy. It has nothing to do with right or wrong... Just let me go. How much trouble can you cause if you don't believe me? If you delay Ancestor Yunxiao's plan, neither you nor I can bear the consequences!"

These words became the last straw that broke Ting Yuan's psychological defense line.

Although he sided with Tailing Ancestor, Master Tingyuan still focused on the overall situation anyway. As the leader of Baiyun Peak, he naturally hoped that the current situation faced by the Dali Sword Sect could be changed.

Master Tingyuan did not speak. He raised his hand, and black smoke was immediately removed from everyone's bodies, and the surrounding world gradually returned to clarity.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan remained calm and silent.

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect Lu Yu to be so talkative. With just a few words, he made Master Ting Yuan take the initiative to get out of the way. This operation really opened his eyes!

A bright smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he praised Master Tingyuan: "Master Du really understands the righteousness!"

Master Tingyuan said calmly: "Let me escort you all through this journey!"

Everyone immediately understood. After all, the people in Tingyuan Town still did not completely believe Lu Yu's words.

It was said to be an escort on the surface, but in fact it was equivalent to surveillance. He planned to use this period of time to get in touch with Tailing Ancestor to verify whether Lu Yu's remarks were true or false.

Once it is verified that what Lu Yu said is a lie, he can launch another offensive at any time to stop everyone.

At the same time, this is also a reverse test. If Lu Yu has something in his heart and refuses his request, or if Lu Yu and others make any changes during the escort, then he will immediately know that what Lu Yu said is false. talk.

It has to be said that as the leader of a peak, Master Tingyuan's behavior is really sophisticated. Before it is clear whether Lu Yu's words are true or false, this is undoubtedly the safest approach.

But Lu Yu didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said with a slight smile: "Then the leader of Lao Du will be here!"

So, the group of four people continued to move forward under the escort of Master Tingyuan.

Master Tingyuan was responsible for clearing the way in front, and the four people rode on the Spring Conch and followed closely behind. He always maintained a leading distance between the two. This also showed from the side that Master Tingyuan's purpose was precisely to monitor Four people.

"What are you going to do later?"

On the Spring Conch, Ye Weilan asked Lu Yu in a low voice.

If another conflict breaks out next, it is very likely that they will face the Tiangang Ancestor directly. As a sharp blade in the shadows, Ye Weilan naturally has to make plans in advance...

Lu Yu was very calm: "Soldiers will block you, water will block you, and water will cover you. Take one step at a time and wait for the next step... But you don't have to be too nervous. This is just a small test for us. If we can't even pass this level, how can we go through it?" That level in Guoyun Ancient City?”

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he heard it.

I bet these guys really treat all of this as an act...

Yang Chudie said thoughtfully: "I wonder what Tailing Ancestor was doing at Baiyun Peak, and why he didn't show up until this moment..."

Lu Yu glanced ahead and said, "I think only Mr. Du can answer this question... Should we go over and ask him?"

Yang Chudie couldn't help but glare at him: "You... try to avoid unnecessary complications!"

For her, the top priority is to leave Dali Sword Sect and rush to Guoyun Ancient City as soon as possible. After all, compared with the safety of her own sister, no matter what the Tailing ancestor is busy with, it is not as important as this matter. .

Not long after, everyone had crossed the top of Baiyun Peak and arrived at the border of Dali Sword Sect.

Although I was worried along the way, nothing unexpected happened.

"Master Du, thank you very much! We are about to enter the sea area, and we will leave it to ourselves!" Lu Yu said to Master Ting Yuan.

Master Tingyuan remained silent and just looked at Lu Yu quietly.

Obviously, he is still waiting for feedback from Tailing Patriarch.

After such a long time, there was no feedback from Patriarch Tailing, and he was very anxious. However, when he thought of what Patriarch Tailing was doing now...compared with this matter, Patriarch Tailing had no time to think about it for the time being. God is not so difficult to understand.

"What? Is it possible that Mr. Du has something else to explain?" Lu Yu asked sincerely.

Du Tingyuan was so depressed that he had to step aside and let a few people leave.

Both sides missed each other.

Everyone is secretly rejoicing that they have finally gotten rid of the difficult Baiyun Peak. From now on, they can enter the mountains and swim in the sea!

Just at this moment, a sword energy shot up from the Baiyun Peak behind, made a sharp turn in the air, and killed everyone in the direction of them.

Before the sword energy arrived, the earth cracked, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the sky fell!

Even the sun in the sky was eclipsed, quietly avoiding the edge of this sword...

Seeing this exaggerated scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but change his expression.

Now, he finally understood what Tailing Patriarch was busy with on Baiyun Peak...

With such momentum, there is only one possibility... and that is the birth of a brand new divine weapon!

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