Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 923 Real and Fake Dolls

"If I were Shi Zhiquan..."

Wei Zhihan was obviously stunned for a moment.

"This assumption makes no sense at all, because I don't know what kind of cards he has in his hand at this time... However, with Shi Zhiquan's character, I think no matter what kind of cards he holds in his hand, Will leave no corner unturned.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "I think so."

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but look at each other, wondering what kind of riddle the two were playing...

"What on earth are you talking about? Does your analysis mean you said nothing?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but say.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Lu Yu laughed, stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the map surrounding the area of ​​Guoyun Ancient City: "This at least makes us understand one thing, that is, our enemies must be fully prepared in this area. No matter which direction the collision comes from, it is likely to be a trap that the other party has planned for a long time..."

"Then what should we do?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Is it possible that we have traveled thousands of miles to get here, but we have to give up entering the ancient city of Guoyun?"

"That's naturally impossible..." Lu Yu said, "It's just that we don't need to hit them head-on. For example, if we deliberately show up outside their encirclement, what do you think will happen?"

Yang Chudie said thoughtfully: "You mean, we want to deliberately scare off the grass and scare the snake?"


Lu Yu said with a smile: "Since we knew that the other party had already opened their cloth bag in front of them and were waiting for us to bump into them, we did not fall for the trick and deliberately wandered outside their cloth bags... In this way, they would become confused. They disrupted their overall arrangement and gave us an opportunity to take advantage of it!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu drew a small circle on the periphery of the territory of Guoyun Ancient City, and drew several arrows from all directions, pointing to the area where the small circle was located.

Now, several people immediately understood what he meant...

He plans to use "self-destruction" to lure the ambush troops near the ancient city of Woyun to attack him. This will break their original arrangement. Although it may not expose their flaws, at least it will be better than now. In this way, the opponent must be fully prepared.

"This is the safest way..." Lu Yu continued, "No matter whether all this is a conspiracy by the other party or whether they have laid a dragnet at each entrance, it can be verified in this way."

"Then where do you plan to show up to attract the enemy's attention?" Ye Weilan asked.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Wei Zhihan again: "Brother Wei, what do you think?"

For some reason, Wei Zhihan always felt that there seemed to be some evil intentions in Lu Yu's eyes, which made him feel a little nervous.

"Junior Brother Lu is plotting against Wushuang. I'm afraid I've already had a comprehensive plan for this matter, so I won't do any tricks..."

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Brother Wei, this is out of context. You and I are like grasshoppers on a rope at this time. We should plan together..."

"Besides, this plan to lure the snake out of the hole requires Brother Wei himself to act as the bait. You are the one who takes the biggest risk, so naturally you have to choose the location..."

Wei Zhihan was suddenly shocked: "You...what do you mean by this?"

Lu Yu did not answer, but directly raised his hands, and the power of red lotus burst out from his fingertips, and penetrated into Wei Zhihan's body.

Suddenly, Wei Zhihan felt that the previously unbreakable restraint on his body had disappeared, and he felt the surging true energy in his body again...

But he didn't feel the slightest joy. Instead, he showed a look of horror: "You...what exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Brother Wei, do you still remember what happened in Qianwucheng? When we were in Qianwucheng, Qin Yanzhen used the opportunity of marrying me to quietly invade the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum... At that time, she taught me a trick, Why don't I show it to you?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved his hand, and in a flash of light, a lifelike puppet with vivid movements appeared beside him.

This puppet looks exactly like Lu Yu. At first glance, it looks like a bunch of twins.

But before Wei Zhihan had time to be surprised, Lu Yu waved his hands again, and then two other puppets that looked exactly like Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were copied.

In an instant, there were seven people in the cave sky space, two Lu Yu, two Yang Chudie, two Ye Weilan, and one Wei Zhihan.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan felt very novel.

Wei Zhihan could not help but be stunned for a while.

At this time, Lu Yu stopped talking, and instead used his own puppet to speak for him: "I think at the beginning, my cultivation level was low and I couldn't understand the secrets of this at all. This is something I thought about a lot afterwards. Until recently, I Because I have reached a new level, I have achieved this achievement..."

"Brother Wei, what do you think of this technique? How about I pass on its control technique to you? Although this control technique is a bit complicated, with Brother Wei's intelligence, I think it shouldn't be difficult to learn..."

Wei Zhihan smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid... Junior Brother Lu wants me to do more than just control these dolls..."

The "doll" smiled: "Brother Wei is indeed a smart man. This way, I will be even more relieved about this matter!"

After saying that, there was a flash of light, and three strange talismans automatically flew into Wei Zhihan's hand.

Wei Zhihan held three talismans that could control the dolls, and he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling. Compared to the three lifelike dolls around him, he felt that he was more like a doll...

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