Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 938 Fighting from top to bottom

"Yue Zijing!"

Wei Zhihan's eyes showed deep fear.

He had been fighting secretly with Yue Zijing for many years before, and both of them were very aware of each other's strength. In his impression, Yue Zijing was not that strong. It was obvious that the other party's strength had improved during this period of time.

Yang Chudie also showed a surprised expression: "What kind of Taoism is this?"

The Jade Sea Immortal Sect has never been good at Taoism. It relies on endless magic weapons. It only has a few special skills, such as the Ice City Ancient Temple Wheel. Everyone knows it clearly. They have never heard of Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Hai Xian Sect actually has such a trick...

"This doesn't look like the Taoism of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect..."

Lu Yu said lightly, then closed his eyes silently, trying to rely on his huge mind and consciousness to accurately find Yue Zijing's true body among the figures in the sky.

However, the result surprised him. In his mind's perception, the dozens of figures in the sky were indistinguishable. They were all real... Even his mind and consciousness couldn't tell the truth from the false!

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "Interesting... Now I finally understand why the Jade Sea Immortal Sect sent him to guard this place!"

At this time, the sword energy flew across the sky, not only blocking the way of the Spring Conch, but also continuously slashing at the three people on the jasper shell. Although the Spring Conch, as an earth spirit magic weapon, has strong protective power, the weapon in Yue Zijing's hand is also A magic sword weapon, and transformed into dozens of swords, its power was so amazing that Yang Chudie could only control the Spring Conch to avoid it.

On the Golden Zhe below, a group of members of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect had regrouped and used their magic weapons at the bottom of the box, planning to coordinate an up and down attack with Yue Zijing in the air.

Farther away, at the foot of Longshan Mountain, a strange halo suddenly bloomed in the void. It was a sign that the floating battleship was about to arrive by long-distance jump. Although above Longshan Mountain, due to the restrictions of the Tribulation Cloud vortex, the floating The battleship cannot jump at all, but it can be

In other words, if these figures are not dealt with as soon as possible, reinforcements from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will arrive in an endless stream. By then, even with hard labor, the three of them can be killed alive...

Wei Zhihan huddled behind Lu Yu and Yang Chudie, taking advantage of the gap between the sword energy to subside, he slashed out with his sword and tried to attack one of Yue Zijing's figures.

However, the figure's reaction was extremely fast. Not only did it receive the force of his sword, but the backlash caused Wei Zhihan's arm to go numb for a while.

"Tai Yun Sword?"

Wei Zhihan looked surprised and said: "How do I feel that these clones are real... at least the weapons in their hands are not fake."

If Yue Zijing only copied dozens of figures, it would be fine, but if he even copied the magic weapon in his hand perfectly, it would be really weird...

Yang Chudie did not believe in evil, so she raised her hand and flew out the Hongluan Sword, directly hitting one of the figures. She found that these shadow clones were indeed very difficult to deal with. However, what made her feel even more strange was that under her Hongluan Sword General After that figure penetrated, it quickly transformed into an identical figure in the same place...

Yang Chudie suddenly felt her scalp numb. She had never encountered such a difficult method.

Just at this time, Yue Zijing stopped activating the sword energy. He also found that Yang Chudie's Spring Conch was a bit difficult to deal with when combined with Dragon Fish Black Tail. If he continued like this, it would be nothing but useless work.

So, dozens of clones spoke at the same time: "Lu Yu, if you want to leave here today, there is only one way... Do you dare to come out alone to compete with me?"

Lu Yu remained silent, his eyes scanning the shadows of Yue Zijing all over the sky, as if he was thinking about a way to crack it.

Yang Chudie asked in a low voice: "What should we do now?"

"no solution anymore……"

Lu Yu finally withdrew his gaze and clenched the Feihong Sword in his hand.

"I still can't see through the pattern, so I can only use the stupidest method... kill him directly!"


Wei Zhihan was immediately shocked.

Yang Chudie had just verified it with the Hongluan Sword. These shadow clones of Yue Zijing would be constantly transformed and reborn, endlessly... This is indeed the stupidest method.

"Is this... a complete killing?"

"As long as you kill fast enough, sooner or later you will be finished." Lu Yu said, "I just calculated it. It does take a while, but it's not difficult... You guys cover for me!"

After saying that, under the surprised gazes of the two people, he suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the figures in the sky above.

"Yue Zijing, suffer death!"

The Feihong Sword bloomed with brilliant brilliance and swept towards the clones of Yue Zijing around him.

Dozens of "Yue Zijing" naturally fought back, but in the face of the brilliant rays of light on Lu Yu's sword, all the attacks were as if they were overwhelming and had no effect at all.

There was complete carnage in the sky.

However, everything was as Wei Zhihan expected. After Yue Zijing's shadow clone was destroyed by Lu Yu's sword, it quickly transformed again. Therefore, even though he was in a state of being slaughtered, he was still firmly in control. situation.

Moreover, as Lu Yu continued to "slaughter", Yue Zijing seemed to be driven out of the real fire, and the speed of transformation became faster and faster. Gradually, there were more and more shadow clones in the sky, and finally there were nearly a hundred!

At a glance, the sky was filled with Yue Zijing holding the Caiyun Sword.

"Is this your limit? If it's just like this, it's not enough!"

Lu Yu sneered, and the Feihong Sword in his hand suddenly accelerated, and "Yue Zijing" in front of him suddenly fell down in pieces.

It turns out that he hadn't used all his strength just now, and this was the real explosion!

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but was dumbfounded. At this time, he more or less understood what Lu Yu had just said. He was going to use this method to make Yue Zijing's transformation speed unable to keep up with his killing speed, and finally completely The ground was broken and all of Yue Zijing's shadow clones were destroyed.

"Stop looking! Pay attention

When Wei Zhihan came back to his senses, he realized that the offensive from the members of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect below was approaching. He quickly ignored it and hurriedly responded.

They couldn't interfere in the battle above. At least they had to ensure that the people below didn't affect Lu Yu's performance.

As a result, everyone from top to bottom slaughtered each other indiscriminately.

The light of the swords crisscrossed like a weave, and the power of the swords rolled like a tide.

Wei Zhihan didn't know how many waves of attacks he had withstood. If it was because of the Spring Conch as a shield, he would have been cut into pieces.

Just when he felt that he was at the end of his strength and could no longer breathe, Lu Yu suddenly shouted above his head: "Come here quickly!"

Wei Zhihan immediately looked up and saw that the battle above had already decided the winner. There were only four shadow clones left in the sky. Just as Wei Zhihan was observing intently, there was one less one. There are three left.

He actually did it?

Wei Zhihan was shocked and inspired at the same time.

He quickly summoned up his last remaining strength, swung his sword, and covered Yang Chudie's control of the Spring Conch to rush upward.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

While the Spring Conch was climbing upwards, Lu Yu struck out with two consecutive sword blows, destroying the two "Yue Zijings".

Of the shadow clones all over the sky, only the last one remained.

This last Yue Zijing didn't seem to be planning to struggle. He suddenly put away the Caiyun Sword and looked like he was ready to be captured.

But there was an indescribable smile on his face.

It seems that after so many transformed clones were destroyed, he was the winner...

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

But before he could figure it out, at this moment, a cross sword light descended from the sky and hit him with Yue Zijing as the crosshair.

Immediately afterwards, a woman's figure appeared out of thin air.

The woman had a graceful figure and was as graceful as a giant. She was none other than Yue Xiujun, the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

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