Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 950 Shattering Ling Xiao

Above the sky, there are misty clouds.

This world is completely different from other places. The black energy is constantly surging in the sea of ​​clouds. At first glance, it looks like a group of rats, scurrying around above the sea of ​​clouds. It looks very evil.

This is the seventh level of heaven.

Suddenly, all the black energy gathered together, forming a tall figure in the void.

This figure has a green face and fangs. It looks like a human but not a human, and looks like an animal but not an animal. However, there is huge power hidden in the body. It seems that it can destroy a world with just one move... It is the Emperor Haoyan who had a mind battle with Lu Yu. .

Emperor Haoyan's body quickly condensed, and all the black energy in the sky was cleared.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and it was as if countless thunderbolts flowed back into his eyes.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand.

On the palm of the hand, a bright red color suddenly squirmed. After constant changes, it finally became a totem of the devil's eye.

Emperor Haoyan's body trembled slightly, and even the down on his face trembled uncontrollably. Even if you couldn't see his expression, you could tell that he must be very excited at this time.

"Generals, obey the order!"

After being silent for a long time, Emperor Haoyan suddenly shouted loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the entire seventh heaven.

Suddenly, countless smoke and clouds billowed in the sky, condensing into shapes one after another, and these shapes, without exception, were neither human nor ghosts, resembling beasts but not beasts.


The generals crawled at the feet of Emperor Haoyan and said.

In fact, they have no physical body, they are all souls after death. With the support of the demon god, they can reshape their bodies in the sky. From then on, they follow the command of Emperor Haoyan and achieve his reputation as the seventh-level hegemon of the sky.

"Immediately put down everything you are doing and prepare to go on an expedition with me!" Emperor Haoyan said.

The generals were startled and couldn't help but look at each other.

One of the horse-headed demon generals has been following Emperor Haoyan for many years. He was originally a subordinate of Emperor Haoyan. After Emperor Haoyan was promoted to Tiangang, in order to continue to follow him, he took his own life and turned into a wisp of dead souls to follow. Emperor Haoyan came here.

"Emperor, why is there such a big fanfare, but is Donghua coming to invade again?" asked the horse-headed demon general.

"No... this time we are going to take the initiative to attack, and the target is Guoyun Ancient City!" Emperor Haoyan replied.

"Wuoyun Ancient City?"

The horse-headed demon general was suddenly shocked: "Emperor, what happened? Why is it so urgent?"

"Now in the seventh heaven, we have no opponents at all. As long as we spend some more time, the emperor will completely seize the secrets here... But if we leave rashly now, I'm afraid we will fall short!"

Emperor Haoyan said: "It doesn't matter if we let things go for a while. Even if we leave for a few days, no one will dare to come and take advantage of our seventh heaven!"

The horse-headed demon general still refused to give in and continued to persuade: "But once the secret of this place is swallowed, the emperor will be able to ascend... Is there anything more important than the emperor's ascension?"

Emperor Haoyan was silent for a moment and replied slowly: "Yes... because this is the order of the Demon God!"

When the generals heard this, there was a sudden commotion.

The horse-headed demon general couldn't help but said: "Emperor, is this a fraud? After all, since that incident, there has been no news from the demon god for a long time..."

"look by youself!"

Emperor Haoyan directly opened his palm, showed the devil's eye totem on his palm to the generals, and said in a tone that was almost crying with joy: "After so many years, the Demon God finally responded, He sent us new instructions!"

All the generals were stunned.

Looking at the strange devil's eye totem, the generals' eyes gradually became fanatical, because the bright red creeping color in it gave them a throbbing blood connection.

Since it is the instruction of Lord Demon God, then everything is fine.

The horse-headed demon general's breathing became rapid, and he asked: "May I ask the emperor, what is the specific content of the demon god's order this time?"

Emperor Haoyan looked into the distance and replied: "Crush the Lingxiao Palace and seize the Xuanyuan Sword!"

Not long after, the sky and the earth quietly darkened, and black clouds swooped down like locusts from an altitude of tens of thousands of miles.

Bixiao Shrine.

In Weiyang Palace, somewhere in a dark and mysterious quiet room.

This time, Master Caitong, the master of Bixiao Shrine, came here alone. After he touched a certain mechanism in the quiet room, it didn't take long for the mysterious Lord God to walk out of the darkness.

"Xiao Yin, what happened? Normally you wouldn't come to me at this time..." Lord God said calmly.

Master Caitong's original name was Yin Juntong, and the only one in the world today who dares to call him that is this deity.

"Holy Lord, you asked me to use the small Kunlun Mirror to monitor Lu Yu's movements closely, but just now, I observed such a scene..."

With that said, Master Caitong summoned the Little Kunlun Mirror, and a huge vortex cloud suddenly appeared on the mirror.

Even with the power of the small Kunlun mirror, it is impossible to see through the vortex clouds, and can only see the whole scene of the vortex clouds spinning continuously.

However, in the swirling cloud scene in the Little Kunlun Mirror, a mark of a blood-red eyeball suddenly appeared.

It was the totem mark of the Devil's Eye that covered the entire vortex cloud. Although it lasted only a short moment, it was still accurately captured by the small Kunlun Mirror.

The god's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly: "Chi Li..."

Master Caitong lowered his head silently.

Chi Li is the real name of the demon god with the devil's eye as his totem. Only a figure like the God Lord dares to call an demon god by his first name.

"What's the situation in the seventh heaven?" God asked again.

Obviously, he also knew that Chi Li still had a remnant, occupying the seventh level of heaven.

Master Caitong flicked his hand again, and suddenly the scene of countless black clouds falling down appeared on the surface of the small Kunlun mirror.

The god was silent and did not speak for a long time.

Master Caitong asked tentatively: "Could it be that...the Demon God also noticed the secret of the Lotus Seed? Could it have been revealed by the Scarlet Moon Sect?"

The god sneered and said: "The Chiyue Sect can't do anything to jump the beam. He doesn't have the guts. He only dares to use this matter to negotiate with us. If he leaks this matter to Chi Li, it will be their master Tianjie." Even the venerable man couldn’t eat it and walked around!”

"Then... what exactly is going on? Haoyan has occupied the seventh level of the sky for more than 1,300 years, and when it is about to be completed, there is really no reason to go to the ancient city of Guoyun at this time." Cai Tong The real person said.

The Divine Lord fell silent again, this time for a longer period of time.

"No matter what, let's find out what Chi Li's purpose is first... I'm not worried about others, so you should go there yourself!"

Finally, the God Lord spoke.

After saying that, he took the small Kunlun Mirror on the table, and under the stimulation of his whole body's divine power, a ray of light from the formation radiated from the mirror.

Master Caitong's face was filled with shock.

In the blink of an eye, a transmission channel that went directly to the bottom of Guoyun Ancient City was opened in front of him.

"Also...if necessary, you might as well go and warn the second-generation ancestor in Lingxiao Palace that Chi Li is about to raid his lair!"

Just as Master Caitong stepped into the magic circle, he heard the final instructions from the deity.

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