Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 953 Causes and consequences

Qiu Zu Zhenren was originally named Yuan Shiqiu. He was the ancestor of the Yuan family of the Dawu Dynasty. After Qianwu City was destroyed and the Holy Heart Gourd was taken away by Qin Yanzhen, the entire Yuan family was completely shattered, leaving only him alone.

Originally, he rushed to the Daluo Holy Land to find trouble with Qin Yanzhen, but was instead convinced by Qin Yanzhen. He ignored the deep hatred of destroying the country and exterminating the ancestors, and followed Qin Yanzhen from then on.

Lu Yu has always been curious about what the reason is, and once suspected that it involved some mysterious treasure.

To this day, he is not sure whether the treasure that Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu talked about was found, but at least one thing is certain, during the time that Yuan Shiqiu followed Qin Yanzhen, his cultivation has also improved significantly.

At this moment, seeing Yuan Shiqiu's figure coming with lightning, everyone also felt a huge pressure.

Lu Yu was shocked and blurted out: "Tiangang Realm?"

He had had close contact with Tailing Patriarch before, and he could tell at a glance that Yuan Shiqiu's cultivation had surpassed the general Jindan Realm at this time, and he had some of the momentum of Tailing Patriarch.

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "It's just half a step to Tiangang. As for whether he can really be promoted to Tiangang, it depends on whether this cooperation with you can be smooth..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be silent.

It has only been a few years since Yuan Shiqiu followed Qin Yanzhen, but he has successfully promoted from the late Jindan Realm to the level of half a step to Tiangang. It seems that he will have a chance to become Tiangang... No wonder he will ignore the hatred of destroying the country and ancestor, and follow Qin Yanzhen obediently.

Compared with the pursuit of the Heavenly Dao, family inheritance and bloodline continuation are nothing but trivial...


Yuan Shiqiu stood beside Qin Yanzhen with a "whoosh", lowered his head and eyebrows, behaved respectfully, without the slightest airs of a Tiangang boss. It seemed that as his cultivation level increased, he became more respectful to Qin Yanzhen.

Qin Yanzhen nodded lightly, continued to look at Lu Yu, and said: "How is it? Lu Lang, do you see my sincerity now? If I really have any malicious intentions, why would I waste so much time talking to you here? I will just attack you directly!"

"What kind of sincerity is this?"

Lu Yu sneered: "It's not that we haven't cooperated before. I clearly remember that the final result of the last cooperation with you was that you pushed me into the abyss of the ground with your own hands... If you can't explain the cause and effect of this matter, and the specific purpose, I don't want to repeat the same mistake again!"

Qin Yanzhen gave him a glare: "Oh, this is an old story. Why is Lu Lang still brooding over it? I was weak back then, and I was forced to make that choice. Besides, if it weren't for the accidental mistakes back then, you wouldn't have achieved your current level of cultivation, so I still helped you!"

"Haha, so I should thank you for throwing me into the underground of the imperial mausoleum?"

Qin Yanzhen rolled her eyes at him again, and said helplessly: "Okay, since you want to know the cause and effect of this matter, I will tell you everything... If I'm not mistaken, it should be Lu Lang who faked the mark of the demon god Chi Li and notified the Emperor Haoyan of the seventh heaven to attack the Tianhuan Palace, right?"

Lu Yu was shocked.

Thinking to himself, how did she know this? Could it be that she can read minds?

However, she said calmly, "What are you talking about?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said, "Why does Lu Lang have to play dumb with me here? Breaking through the Lingxiao Palace and seizing the Xuanyuan Sword... Such a clumsy lie can fool others, but do you think you can fool me? After all, I know the real whereabouts of the Xuanyuan Sword!"

Lu Yu was stunned.

He had only heard of the name "Xuanyuan Sword" in ancient mythology, so he made up a lie to deceive Emperor Haoyan, but he didn't expect to attract the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji who knew the inside story...

"Since you know it's a lie, why do you still want to come?" Lu Yu stared at Qin Yanzhen and said.

At this time, he was no longer worried about whether Qin Yanzhen knew, but whether Emperor Haoyan knew, and what was the relationship between Qin Yanzhen and Emperor Haoyan...

Qin Yanzhen saw through his thoughts at a glance and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is no connection between me and the demon god Chi Li. The reason why I know this is just a coincidence... And Emperor Haoyan has not seen through your tricks. The large army of the Seventh Sky is now approaching in a big way..."

"Speaking of this, I am very curious. How did you do this? You can even forge the mark of the demon god Chi Li. If it weren't for me knowing some inside information, I'm afraid even I can't tell the truth from the false..."

Hearing Qin Yanzhen say this, Lu Yu was relieved a lot, but he certainly wouldn't give up his trump card, so he said calmly: "We naturally have our means, but this seems to have nothing to do with the problem we are talking about now..."

Qin Yanzhen smiled, and didn't go into it, and continued:

"Lu Lang's good methods are exactly the reason why we came here... Now that we know that Lu Lang has such powerful methods and has set up such a big trap, Ming Wang Fa Zun will definitely be doomed this time. If we If you don’t take this opportunity to get a share of the pie, wouldn’t it be a waste of Lu Lang’s strategy?”

"There are rumors in the market that Master Yudie of the noble sect is imprisoned in this Tianhuan Palace. I guess Yulang must have come to rescue Master Yudie this time, right? Lu Lang thinks this plan is It's quite subtle, but once Emperor Haoyan and Ming Wang Fa Zun fight, everything here will definitely be in chaos. If Lu Lang wants to rescue people in one fell swoop, he will definitely need our help..."

"And our appeal is also very simple. I have just said it... We are here just hoping that Mr. Yuan can take this opportunity to seize the Heavenly Secret Avenue of Ming Wang Fa Zun so that he can be promoted to the Tiangang Realm smoothly."

After Qin Yanzhen finished speaking, Yuan Shiqiu took a step forward in time and nodded slightly towards everyone.

"I hope that we can cooperate with you sincerely this time, and let us kill this venerable man here together!"

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