Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 960 Unstoppable

The four people were like lightning, constantly moving through the hidden thunder.

In fact, if Qin Yanzhen was leading the way, Lu Yu and others could just follow them outside without touching the hidden mines around them.

However, due to the existence of the thunder-transforming calamity and luck-trading technique, this method can convert the power of the dark thunder into the driving force for one's own advancement. In this way, everyone can move forward faster in the dark thunder than if they are not exposed to the dark thunder. time more quickly.

Therefore, the three of them also chose to step into the hidden mine and move forward as quickly as possible.

In the blink of an eye, everyone arrived at the outskirts of Tianhuan Palace.

Originally this was a barren hilly area, but as Emperor Haoyan's men continued to encroach and attack, the shielding barrier here was about to fall apart. Finally, the true form of Tianhuan Palace was revealed, and a glittering golden palace appeared in front. .

The palace's blue bricks and black tiles, angled cornices, and shrouded in a golden halo are very exquisite and very large in scale. At first glance, it looks like a celestial palace in a dream.

Although Lu Yu and others had already heard Wei Zhihan talk about the scene of this palace, they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

Qin Yanzhen stopped suddenly.

Lu Yu and others also stopped.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu asked.

Qin Yanzhen stared at the gleaming golden palace in front of her and said, "It seems that this second generation ancestor has been hiding here for so many years. It's not like he has done nothing. He actually built a palace here." Such a huge palace is just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that his palace was renovated with the materials of the original Lingxiao Palace and built on the original site. However, the name was changed to the name of their hometown in Da Zejie, as if this place was regarded as a Their territory in Dazejie may not be too shameless!" Qin Yanzhen sneered.

Lu Yu was startled. He didn't expect that Tianhuan Palace had such an origin...

But where does this lead?

According to Wei Zhihan, the above-ground part of Tianhuan Palace is just the tip of the iceberg. There are more complex and huge buildings underground, and that is the complete picture of Tianhuan Palace.

The place where Jade Die was imprisoned was also in the underground part of Tianhuan Palace.

"Huh? Where is the sister from the Night Phoenix clan?"

Qin Yanzhen looked back and realized that only Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were following behind her. As for Ye Weilan, she had disappeared for the time being.

Yang Chudie said: "Didn't Miss Qin say that her movements can only hide her whereabouts, but not her heart? Why didn't she notice where she was this time?"

Qin Yanzhen took a deep look at Yang Chudie and laughed: "Originally, I thought Sister Ye would pester Lu Lang and refuse to let go, but I didn't expect that it would be hidden in Sister Yang."

Yang Chudie said calmly: "No one can predict how the situation will develop next. Every effort you can save is worth it."

In fact, Ye Weilan hid in Yang Chudie's shadow not just to save energy.

What's more important is that she must relay the secrets from the outer world that Qin Yanzhen mentioned before, otherwise Emperor Haoyan will suddenly come to kill them, and they won't have time to exchange information with each other.

"Are we just going to keep watching here?"

Lu Yu pointed at the "black clouds" in front of him and said.

At this time, the "black clouds" had transformed again and turned into demon soldiers and generals. Just like Emperor Haoyan, they were all strange monsters with animal heads and human bodies.

The shouts of killing shook the sky. These demonic soldiers and generals were not afraid of death, and were struggling to attack the defensive barrier of Tianhuan Palace. Although their offensive was very fierce, the entire perimeter of Tianhuan Palace, this defensive barrier It is said that there are hundreds of ways. If you want to completely break through it, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

"Does Lu Lang have any good ideas?" Qin Yanzhen looked at Lu Yu and said.

Lu Yu, however, didn't look back and strode forward: "Didn't I just say what I said? We are here to help!"

After saying that, he blended directly into the demon soldiers and generals and rushed towards the defensive barrier in front.

"Who are you?"

A demon general discovered the abnormality and immediately shouted loudly: "Stop this person quickly!"


Lu Yu did not show any timidity, but instead angrily scolded the Demon General: "I am the Rock General of Hongyan Island, and I have been summoned by the Demon God! The Demon God will surely shock the heavens. Conquer all worlds! His glory will return to the world!"

Lu Yu shouted the last two sentences loudly, and displayed a bright red squirming devil's eye totem.

A kind of demon soldier and demon general didn't know Lu Yu at all, and he had never heard of the "Rock General", but he had a strong identification with the bright red wriggling devil's eye totem that came from his blood.

So, everyone immediately started shouting:

"The Demon God is powerful in the heavens! The Demon God conquers all realms!"

Lu Yu easily blended into Emperor Haoyan's subordinates.

After a kind of demon soldiers and demon generals shouted slogans several times, Lu Yu suddenly waved his hand to signal the demons to stop making noise, then pointed at Qin Yanzhen and Yang Chudie behind him, and said: "They are all my subordinates, let them Let’s support you together, capture this palace, and use it as a residence for the Demon God!”

All the demon soldiers and generals couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Although Qin Yanzhen and Yang Chudie looked very suspicious, after all, they had "General Rock" as a guarantee, and they were attacking enemies, so the demons accepted them.

As a result, the three of them naturally blended into the attacking force.

Among thousands of demon soldiers and generals, the three of them were inconspicuous, but the combat power they exerted was extremely astonishing. Under the continuous attacks of the three, it didn't take long for them to disintegrate dozens of defenses. Enchantment.

A group of demon soldiers and demon generals suddenly became as powerful as a rainbow and as powerful as breaking bamboo.

"General Rock, you and your men are so brave!"

After the demon general witnessed the three consecutive attacks from the side, he couldn't help but raise his big copper bell-like eyes and praised Lu Yu loudly.

Lu Yu looked stern and asked: "Little Demon General, what is your name?"

"Lord Qi, my name is Bones."

"Skeletons! From now on, this general needs to rest on the spot. Please lead your troops to continue the fierce attack and provide us with cover!" Lu Yu said in a commanding tone.

"As you command, my lord!"

The demon general named "Skeleton" suddenly fell to the ground. With a wave of his hand, a dense mass of demon soldiers immediately gathered and continued to attack forward.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yanzhen looked at Lu Yu with interest and said, "Isn't the disguise just now good? Why don't you continue?"

Lu Yu did not speak, but winked at Yang Chudie who was standing aside.

Yang Chudie immediately understood, raised her jade hand gently, and pulled the Nine Lives Divine Coffin out of the Spring Conch.

Lu Yu sauntered forward and walked to the side of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, then raised his hand and patted the coffin board gently.

"Brother Wei, are you ready? It's time for you to show us the way!"

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