Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 962 Storm Clan

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, Lu Yu took the lead in crossing this shortcut.

When they arrived inside Tianhuan Palace, everyone was already looking disgraced.

At this time, Wei Zhihan did not wait for anyone to ask questions, and took the initiative to explain: "I was ordered to come here before, and running errands and delivering letters was only one of my tasks. The other part of the task was for me to select some masonry for the ruins here. As materials, take them back to Tianlan Peak and use them as Tianlan Peak’s defense offensive..."

"It's a pity that fate has its way with people. No matter how hard Shi Zhiquan's agencies calculated, he never expected that the defenses he spent a lot of effort to build would be completely useless under Junior Brother Lu's plan..."

"However, when I was selecting the stones, I happened to be here and knew that the structure here was very unstable, so I took the risk and tried it just now. Unexpectedly, I succeeded in the first time!"

Wei Zhihan said with joy.

Lu Yu asked directly: "Where is Zhenren Yudie? Where is she being held?"

Wei Zhihan said: "Follow me! But be careful of the agencies around you!"

With that said, he led everyone to continue walking forward.

Sure enough, everything was just as Wei Zhihan said. The buildings inside the underground palace were huge and there were many winding corridors. Without Wei Zhihan's guidance, I don't know how much time would have been wasted searching.

However, the more this happened, the more doubtful Lu Yu couldn't help but become...

Even if Wei Zhihan is a veteran, he cannot be so familiar with the environment here. After all, according to his own statement, he has only been here once.

Just once, can you understand this maze-like place like the back of your hand?

At this time, under the guidance of Wei Zhihan, everyone walked through the corridors one after another.

On both sides of the corridor, there are many standing stone statues, which look lifelike. Their whole bodies are filled with a strange force field, like a large army of puppets.

Lu Yu couldn't help but said: "What on earth is this King Ming doing? Why have he built so many stone statues here? They look like the terracotta warriors and horses buried with the king... Could it be that he is planning to build a mausoleum for himself here?" Can’t do it?”

Qin Yanzhen glanced at him and said: "These are not ordinary terracotta warriors and horses. They are transformed by living Storm people, what you call the ancient ancestors..."


Everyone was shocked and stared at her.

Qin Yanzhen explained: "The Storm Clan, like the Night Phoenix Clan, is also one of the ancient heavenly clans. As you know, they used to dominate this world a long time ago. Then a catastrophe came and they The country and civilization were destroyed overnight, and countless Storm tribesmen were turned into stone and turned into statues..."

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but look shocked.

Looking at the calm statues around me, my heart was filled with an indescribable shock.

"What kind of catastrophe was that? How did they become like this?" Lu Yu couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows?"

Qin Yanzhen shook her head and sighed softly: "Some said that they were cursed by the enemy and lost their combat effectiveness in an instant; others said that they petrified themselves in order to preserve their strength. Wait for the Storm God King to be reborn and give a shout, and then they will automatically return to the Storm God King's command and once again burst out with amazing fighting power..."

"It is impossible to verify the truth of the facts... After all, it has been too long ago, and it was already a matter of the previous era..."

"The last era?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Qin Yanzhen glanced at him lightly: "Don't you think that the prosperity of the Storm Clan was just a matter of hundreds of thousands of years ago? In fact, since the fall of the Storm God King, all the worlds have already changed. There have been several waves of god-king dominance, and now is no longer the era when the Storm Clan dominated the world!"

Lu Yu and others were stunned and speechless.

After a long time, Lu Yu asked again: "So, the ancient ancestors back then...that is, the Storm Clan, the place they occupied was not just this world, but they were everywhere in the world. Are there other civilized countries like Guoyun Ancient City in other outer worlds?”

Qin Yanzhen said: "Yes, otherwise we would not say that the Storm Clan was once the most powerful ancient heavenly clan. Their fall directly led to the end of an era... However, it is meaningless to say this now. Let's go back to the stone here. Human statue!"

"What I didn't expect was that King Ming, the second generation ancestor, actually collected so many stone statues of the Storm clan. This shows that he has made some achievements here over the years!"

Perhaps because this topic was too mysterious, even Ye Weilan couldn't help but break away from Yang Chudie's shadow and asked, "What is the use of collecting these stone statues?"

Qin Yanzhen said lightly: "Perhaps it is to discover more secrets of the Storm clan, I am not sure about this..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

From the way Qin Yanzhen looked at these stone statues, he always felt that what the other party just said was not fully stated. She seemed to be hiding something, and she was not completely ignorant...

Could it be that the reason why she came here to take a dip in the muddy water was also related to the secrets of the Storm Clan hidden behind these stone statues?

After walking for a while, they finally crossed the tunnel filled with storm tribe stone men and came to a sealed stone door.


Wei Zhihan suddenly stopped: "When I came here last time, a steward here told me that Yudie was really being imprisoned here... As for what is going on inside, I don't know. !”

Lu Yu, Yang Chudie, and Ye Weilan couldn't help but become energetic at the same time.

After crossing thousands of rivers and mountains, and experiencing countless hardships, they finally arrived at the final destination of their trip.

Lu Yu gently pressed his hand on the heavy stone door, sensing the world inside the stone door.

However, there was only chaos inside, and he couldn't sense anything.

"Lu Yu..."

Yang Chudie was also in a state of confusion at this time, nervous and excited, and worried about gains and losses.

Lu Yu lightly waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat. He took out his weapon and planned to blast away directly.

But at this moment, Qin Yanzhen suddenly said: "Wait!"

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