Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 967 Tiangang returns to his throne

Seeing King Ming's sudden action, Lu Yu thought at first that he was going to end it personally and confront Emperor Haoyan head-on.

Unexpectedly, Master Mingwang just walked down the steps and pressed his hand on the stone wall next to him.

In an instant, the earth suddenly surged.

On the periphery of Tianhuan Palace, countless hidden thunder suddenly erupted in an instant.

The huge explosion caught Lu Yu off guard, and he entered a state of brief tinnitus.

Lu Yu was shocked. Only then did he realize that King Ming's Master had detonated all the restrictions around Tianhuan Palace, and these restrictions were actually connected to the power of countless dark thunders...

This shows that the previous Tianhuan Palace did not use all its strength.

If they are still on the periphery now, one can imagine their fate... But this further proves that the other party is indeed doing this deliberately and carefully.

Amidst the roar of countless hidden thunders, all the demon soldiers and demon generals collapsed and were wiped out. However, the entire Tianhuan Palace took advantage of the force of the explosion to quickly rise and rise, eventually transforming from a majestic palace into a A tall tower rising into the clouds.

The scene outside also changed rapidly, and four huge stone pillars could be vaguely seen in the distance, which were at the same height as Tianhuan Palace at this time.

Lu Yu made a distinction and realized that the four stone pillars in the distance were exactly the Nandoumen they had passed through before...

At this moment, it seemed that as long as he stretched out his hand, he could catch a handful of swirling clouds from both sides of his head.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be extremely shocked.

I didn’t expect that Tianhuan Palace could undergo such changes. Doesn’t it mean that the higher the position, the easier it is to trigger the hidden thunder above the swirling clouds? But at this time, there was no such situation in Tianhuan Palace...

Looking from this height, one can fully see the effect of the hidden thunder explosion. Wherever the eye can see, there are continuous explosions and devastation everywhere.

After a while, the sound of the hidden mine detonating finally stopped, and Tianhuan Palace also stopped continuing to rise.

The killing cries of those demon soldiers and generals had long since disappeared without a trace, leaving only wisps of black air filling the air, stirring constantly.

Lu Yu knew in his heart that these black energy were transformed by the power of the demon god. He had seen it before. Emperor Haoyan could continuously reuse the power of the demon god. Looking at the scene in front of him, it was obvious that the emperor Haoyan outside did not After giving up, a huge offensive is still brewing...

Lu Yu couldn't help but be very curious, wondering what kind of means Ming Wang Fa Zun would use next to restrain the other party.

I saw Master Mingwang exerting force on his hand again and spinning in a circle on the stone wall.

Suddenly the stone wall cracked inch by inch, and an extremely bright golden light escaped from the crack, piercing everyone so hard that they could hardly open their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, golden light shot straight into the sky and flew away.

Vaguely, Lu Yu seemed to see some strange font hidden in these golden lights...

He was wondering what was going on, but Qin Yanzhen laughed at the side:

"I thought His Highness Prince Ming had made some progress since he had been incarnated for a thousand years. At least he would dare to go into battle shirtless and fight against the Great Emperor Haoyan. Unexpectedly, he just asked for help... Could it be that the majestic Dazejie Prince Ming, don’t you even have the courage to fight with one of Chi Li’s subordinates?”

Her tone was full of sarcasm.

Ming Wang Fa Zun looked at her in surprise, his eyes slightly condensed.

Wei Zhihan saw his confusion and quickly explained: "Master Fa Zun, this person is said to be the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. Before that, she was conspiring with Lu Yu to kill Master Fa Zun, and she also had an assistant, It is half a step into Tiangang realm, and it is currently hidden outside..."

Master Ming Wang could not help but look at Qin Yanzhen deeply, and said calmly: "So you are Yao Ji, I have heard of your name... You don't need to use any provocation method on me, Chi Li's demon power is already strong Meng Wuzhu, this subordinate of his is only one step away from ascending to the throne. You and I know exactly what kind of strength he has. If you are interested, how about letting you fight with him head-on?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "I'm just a little earthly immortal, and I'm not the prince of Dazejie who wants to inherit the throne. Why do you want me to fight with him?"

Master Mingwang snorted coldly: "Don't be so weird here. After we deal with the furry monster outside, we will deal with you again! I hope you can still laugh at that time!"

After saying that, he ignored Qin Yanzhen and walked to the side of the palace.

At this time, Tianhuan Palace had long been transformed from the original magnificent palace into a hollow attic. His Holiness the Ming King stood on one of the fences, looking at the situation outside.

There was darkness between heaven and earth.

Swirling clouds hovered above, and black air surged below.

Suddenly, accompanied by thunder and lightning, a huge fist hit the face of Ming Wang Fa Zun where he was standing.

The giant fist is covered with furry fuzz, but there is terrifying power hidden between each fuzz.

Every inch seems to be filled with profound meanings and contains infinite mysteries.

At this time, a punch came, like a towering mountain slamming into Tianhuan Palace. Before the punch came, Lu Yu and others felt that the surrounding air seemed to solidify.

The power of the Tiangang strongman is so terrifying!

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yu truly felt the huge gap between himself and the powerful Tiangang masters.

If this punch was aimed at me, then in the face of such an offensive, I would not be able to resolve it no matter what...

Fortunately, at this moment, His Holiness the King of Ming is standing in front of him.

He didn't see how he was accumulating power, he just waved his hand forward lightly, and golden threads flew out from his fingertips and wrapped around the huge fist.

These golden threads seemed ordinary at first glance, but with Lu Yu's eyesight, he could see at a glance that these golden threads were also the aggregation of countless laws and secrets, and their complexity even reached the level of "Xuanyang Dao Lock" !

Jinsi stopped the giant fist's attack abruptly.

The chaos between heaven and earth was suddenly cleared, and an extremely huge demonic figure suddenly appeared, with a green face and fangs, resembling a human but not a human, a beast but not a beast... It stood between heaven and earth, almost reaching the same height as Tianhuan Palace. Every muscle and hair on the body is full of explosive power.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

It was not until this moment that he finally saw the whole picture of Emperor Haoyan.

In a daze, he felt as if he had returned to the center of the polar night world, standing in front of the statue of the demon god.

But Lu Yu himself also understood that this was just a momentary feeling...

Emperor Haoyan and the Demon God Chi Li are actually just similar in spirit. When it comes to the specific images, there are some surprises in the details.

"Tiangang returns to his throne!"

Master Mingwang suddenly shouted loudly and threw up the gold wire in his hand.

Suddenly, the threads of the golden thread split into five, pulling the vortex clouds flying into the sky.

The moment the thread was about to touch the vortex cloud, another big hand suddenly stretched out from the vortex cloud, caught it firmly, and held it firmly in his palm.

"Zejing·Chonghua returns to his throne!"

A voice came from the depths of the swirling cloud and responded.

Then, another big hand pinched another thread.

"Zejing Dongli returns to his position!"

"Zejing·Yongshang returns to his throne!"

"Zejing Mo Yang returns to his throne!"

"Zejing Haoxun returns to his throne!"

As the voices sounded one after another, big hands stretched out from the swirling clouds one after another, grabbing the golden thread thrown by King Ming.

Suddenly, the golden threads seemed to have taken root and sprouted, growing longer and longer in everyone's hands, gathering more and more, and all wrapped around the body of Emperor Haoyan, who was standing upright.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yanzhen beside her couldn't help but tighten her expression: "I didn't expect that this second generation ancestor had been prepared for a long time... But how did he know the news in advance while hiding in the ancient city of Guoyun?"

As she said that, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Lu Yu: "Lu Lang, if you have any other tricks, use them quickly, otherwise we will really have no chance when Emperor Haoyan is finished!"

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