Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 964: Peony deep kiss! Ecstasy River!

Lingbi, at this time in the most attractive posture, back to himself, gently twisting the delicate body of a snake like a snake.

The cry of sorrow under the throat, eyes shed tears, with pleading, with a seductive.

Yang Dingtian suddenly smiled in the heart, this woman has arrived at this time, but also trying to make a plan, want to let Yang Dingtian take possession of her body, heart pity, no longer imprison her.

"You don't have to worry about it, I have already said it, it's too late." Yangdingtian slowed down.

Then, riding the konjac king's claws, flew toward the northeast corner of the torn space, and disappeared into the vision of the coffin in the blink of an eye.


The coffin made a burst of sharpness.

"Yangdingtian, you come back, come back! I will be your lover, I will give you a son, and beg you to come back soon."

"Yangdingtian, you must not die, you must not die. If I can go out, I must retaliate against you, madly retaliate against your family, I must let you survive, can't die..."

"Ah...ah..., Yangdingtian brother, don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone, I am afraid here."

"You come to sleep, come and sleep me..."

The coffin inside the energy prison, like a madman, slams the energy prison.

"Who is there to save me, who can save me, let me do anything, let me do anything..."

Crazy to beat the prisoner's coffin, madly mad, screaming wildly.

I finally calmed down, then squatted in the energy prison, covering my face and crying!


Yang Dingtian made the space door and then rushed straight out.

Of course, he did not directly explore the Yin Yang mirror. Instead, return to the city of Yunxiao.

Because the Lingbi Palace will eventually pass to the Demon Road, I believe that it will respond soon. If Yangding is absent, no one can cope with it, even if it is east.

Yangdingtian was in Yunxiao City and stayed for two days.

originally. Yang Dingtian thought that Li Minghui appeared in Yunxiao City, and asked about the coffin. As a result, Li Ming never appeared. The demon road seemed to know this thing at all, or did not care about this matter at all.

It’s getting closer and closer to the two-month deadline of Li Ming.

If Li Ming does not come again, then Yang Dingtian will go to find the dark empire of the Destroyed Legion.

Two days later, Yangdingtian finally waited for the reaction of the demon road. However, the person who came is not even Li Ming. It is the Oriental Ice Ling, of course, or the Princess Peony.

This makes Yangdingtian very horrified, why did Li Ming not appear, but the Princess Peony (Oriental Ice) came?


At this time, the night is thick, it is already midnight.

It’s just mid-month, so the full moon in the sky is round. The whole mountain seemed to be filled with white light.

Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling strolled in the mountain road.

"I heard about the Lingbi Palace." Peony finally spoke up.

Yangding nodded.

"We also know about Wu Ningming." Peony said again: "He is really amazing. I chose this way to express resistance."

Yangdingtian still nodded.

Peony said: "In fact, the Oriental Ice Ling has also given you the opportunity. Let you kill her."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, but I can't get it. Of course, even if I have a hand, it's useless, because she is a first-class evil spirit, it can't kill."

Peony said: "Yes. It was you who couldn't get it at the time, and vowed to save her, so she has been fighting and has been madly resisting my will."

Yangding Tiandao: "If I said it, I will still work hard. Even if I pay any price, I will save her."

Peony nodded and said: "After almost two months, our wedding will be held, you should know right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Know, Li Ming has sent an invitation."

"So, will you come?" Peony asked.

"I don't know." Yangding Tiandao.

Peony said: "You should know that Oriental Ice Ling is a very, very chaste person. If I occupy her body and become a close relative, what do you think will happen?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "I don't know."

Peony said: "She will die."

Yang Dingtian’s face twitched, but did not say anything.

"Oh, I said death, of course, does not mean the death of life." Peony said: "It is like leaving the East, losing all of his will, completely becoming a walking dead, completely controlled by first-class evil spirits. Then, As a single soul, the Eastern Will, a single will, may have completely disappeared."

Yangdingtian still did not speak.

Peony said: "You know, ice is very chaste. Once something really happens, it is completely life-like for her. So, if we can't bear the pain, her soul and will will collapse and collapse. Then I will take up everything she has."

There is only one meaning in the princess peony, that is, to evoke the impulse of Yangdingtian to attend the wedding, even on the spot of the wedding, to steal the impulse of the oriental ice.

"You and the Oriental Ice Ling, there has never been a kiss between men and women, right?" Peony Road.

Yangding nodded and said: "I want to give her a more complete wedding, then the cave."

"Unfortunately, you can't give it." Peony said: "However, I am very sympathetic to you, and I am very sympathetic to the Oriental Ice Ling, so I am willing to make up for you."

Then, the princess peony came forward, using the jade arm to gently hook the neck of Yangdingtian, and put on the beautiful fragrant lips, and slowly kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian did not refuse.

The princess peony sticks out the small tongue, gently **** the tongue of Yangdingtian, and then kisses sweetly. Gently rub her body with the graceful body.

The fascinating celestial body is extremely smooth and soft, and the incomparable aroma is attractive. It almost makes Yangdingtian addicted to it.

After the deep kiss was over, the princess of the princess peony gently leaned in the arms of Yangdingtian and took the hand of Yangdingtian. Put it on her waist.

In this way, quietly snuggling, for a quarter of an hour.

Finally, the princess Peony rose from Yangdingtianhuai and said: "Okay, the time is almost up. Li Ming has sent you an invitation. I also officially sent you an invitation to come to our wedding. Then, we will also invite Miss Ning Ningning to come."

After all, the princess peony left the embrace of Yangdingtian, and the jade feet flicked and flew away like a fairy.

And Yangdingtian, standing in the woods, has not moved for a long time!

The demon road is for the coffin. Not only did not go deeper, but instead asked more than one sentence.

But soon Yang Dingtian will understand why, and Lingbi is of course important as a spiritual master. However, the large space technique of Yangdingtian is more important. At present, it is the most important thing to let Yangdingtian go to the Hell Sea to participate in the so-called wedding.

As long as you get a large space surgery, it will be completely unnecessary to save the coffin.

Moreover, in order to let Yangdingtian go to the temple to participate in the wedding. The demon road is completely under the big blood. Even let the princess peony make a beauty plan, and it is a hug with Yang Dingtian. It is a kiss. The purpose is to evoke the pity of Yangdingtian and to evoke the exclusive desire of Yangdingtian.

Of course, Yang Dingtian believes that this act of Princess Peony, Li Ming certainly does not know. If he knows, he will be crazy.

Because no matter whether Li Ming is poisonous and crazy, he loves the oriental ice. It should be true.

For the last sentence, Yangdingtian is deeply skeptical and shocked.

Peony actually said that the wedding will invite Ximen Ningning to come? In the end, this is the weight that I want to let Yangdingtian go to the temple to participate in the wedding, or will I really ask Ximen Ningning to go.

If there is a person in the world, I want to see it. There is no doubt that Ximen is rather Ning.

It has been a full few years, and Yangdingtian has never met, but the day is stronger than the day.


Yangdingtian came to the room of Ling Dance.

In these few days, Ling Dance has always been in his own room, not taking a step.

"You don't have to shut yourself up completely." Yangding Tiandao.

Ling Wu opened the United States and said: "Some of you are tempted to move, afraid that some can't resist?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Is it a second-class evil spirit?"

Ling dance nodded.

Yangding Tiandao: "But your repairs should have exceeded its needs."

Ling Wu said: "Because of the departure of my elder brother, my will and spirit have been greatly affected. Second-class evil spirits seem to be somewhat sinister."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then you shouldn't be alone in the house, so under the incomparable loneliness, the second-class evil spirits will be more invaded."

Ling Wu said: "I am meditating and can suppress some."

Yangding Tianyi produced an energy jade box and said: "This is the essence of energy. I was supposed to give it to you. It should be enough to resist the invasion of second-class evil spirits."

Ling Wu said: "Is it precious?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It's very valuable, but it's a lot, and it can take more than six stars."

Ling Wu looked at Yangding for a long time, then took the past and said: "How to use?"

"You can devour directly." Yangding Tiandao: "You have the protection of evil spirits, so there is no danger of explosion. These energetic essences should be enough for you to break through the infinite masters."

"Thank you." Ling Wu put her in her arms and said: "When I can't suppress it, I will use one."

Yang Dingtian saw that she put such an energy jade box on the chest suddenly a large piece of bulging, will ruin the seductive chest curve.

Ling Wu saw Yang Dingtian's gaze, suddenly his face was red, then took the box out of his chest and placed it in front of his leg.

"Then I said goodbye." Yangding Tianqi got up.

"Well, I will meet again." Ling Wu said: "If you think there is any task you can give me, please speak."

"Okay." Yangding Tiandao.


After leaving the Ling Dance Room, Yang Ding Tian and Yan Yan slightly bid farewell, and did not ride the konjac, directly using the flying mystery, stealth to Jiang Fei.

He officially went to explore the dark empire where the Destruction Army is located, to find the mysterious essence required by the Soul Calibur!

Hope, all the best! (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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