Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 966: Entrance! Xuanmai fine!

There is only one thing in the Yin Yang mirror, that is water. +◆Top+◆Point+◆小+◆ says,

The water here is very clear and heavy, enough to make people float on it, but it is always easier to shuttle heavy water than rock.

Yangdingtian is like a large electric drill, constantly dive, dive, and dive.

In just a few minutes, the shuttle of Yangdingtian in the water is over. It is not as deep as a thousand miles as in the magic field.

This layer of heavy water in the yin and yang mirror is only about tens of thousands of meters.

"Hey..." Yangding rushed out of the heavy water layer of the Yinyang mirror and came to a new space.

As I said before, as long as you enter the heavy water of the Yinyang mirror, you will immediately enter the anti-gravity field.

Therefore, after passing through the heavy water layer, Yangdingtian retracted and sprayed Xuanhuo, immediately turned it around and re-stepped on the heavy water layer. The whole person is like stepping on the mirror, and the heavy water can only be used without the ankle.

Then, Yangdingtian began to observe the world under the tens of thousands of meters of the yin and yang mirror.

The first feeling is that it is familiar, right, familiar.

At the entrance, it is still the endless mirror surface, and there is no margin at all.

Not only that, but look up at the sky and hang in the middle of the sky for two days.

This is the most beautiful world, as if there is a place in the world that is closest to Wonderland, that is here.

But... This is obviously a tens of thousands of meters under the yin and yang mirror. How can there be sky, how can there be two days?

In short, this looks as if it is exactly the same as the yin and yang mirror.

Is it true that I have returned to the yin and yang mirror?

That's right, this is the sky, not the illusion of fantasy.

Then, Yangding suddenly plunged into the water under his feet again.

Just entering the heavy water layer, immediately entered the anti-gravity again.

Yangding Tianxuan fired after the fire, desperately dive.

After a few minutes. Once again, the surface of the water was drilled.

Then, I still see the yin and yang mirror, still the sky, still two days.

For the third time, Yang Dingtian took a crystal graphite mirror from his arms and was still in the water at his feet, and then he drilled into the water again. Spray with Xuanhuo and continue to dive underground.

After crossing the tens of thousands of meters of heavy water, he rushed out of the water again.

Still seeing the yin and yang mirrors, as well as the sky and the two days, then look at the side, the crystal graphite mirror that I threw, floating on the water.

Yang Dingtian has determined that each dive through the heavy water layer has only one result. That is to return to the original place and return to the yin and yang mirror.

Yang Dingtian was completely shocked. This, what is going on?

No matter how you dive, you will return to the water. Is it in the water, it is automatically reversed in an instant, so every time it is only going down, the result will return to the surface of the water every time and return to the mirror surface of the yin and yang.

In other words. He will always want to reach the real heavy water layer forever? Forever and ever, I don’t want to know. What is the world under the yin and yang mirror?

However, Xuanmai Jing should be deep and deep under the yin and yang mirror. How did the princess peony get it at that time?

However, Yangdingtian also understood why this place is called Yinyang Mirror.

Not only is this world a mirror of water, but also because of the constant. It automatically reverses your direction and returns you to the mirror.

Yangdingtian does not believe in evil and drills into the water again.

Then, Yangding dive to half the distance. Then, release the dark mysterious fire. Create a dark vortex, isolate the space, create a space door with a black fire, and then suddenly jump over this space.

He, he is still in the water, and then dive half, rushing out of the water. Returning to the mirror of the yin and yang, the crystal graphite mirror still floats on the foot.

This layer of heavy water is not a folding space.

Then, it is really a ghost, obviously moving in one direction, and even returning to the original place every time.

Next, Yang Dingtian tried a myriad of methods, but the results were the same. They could not pass through this heavy water layer, and each time they returned to the mirror.


Therefore, Yangdingtian has been advancing toward the north, moving forward and advancing.

After a full tens of thousands of miles, the Yin Yang mirror is always endless. However, Yangdingtian felt that it should be a folding space. In fact, it is already the end of the north side of the Yinyang mirror.

Created a space door and then jumped in.

Sure enough, it was the folding space, and Yangdingtian once again went to tear the space. But this time it was far away from the coffin and could not hear his voice.

Yang Dingtian made a space door and jumped back into the yin and yang mirror.

Really, there is nothing to be done.

In the next day and night, Yangdingtian tried again a myriad of ways.

Every result is the same. In the yin and yang mirror, no entrance can be found, and it is impossible to rush out of the heavy water layer. It can't reach the world under the yin and yang mirror.

Therefore, Yangdingtian temporarily gave up all the actions and began to sit down and think quietly!


First of all, Wu Ningming’s direct reminder to him is Jiang.

Yangdingtian can't find anything in the river, only go to the magic domain, and then can't find anything in the magic domain, and finally come to the Yinyang mirror.

However, there is no breakthrough in the Yin Yang mirror.

If a road doesn't work, it is very likely that it was wrong at the beginning.

Yangdingtian must return his mind to the river again.

There is always a doubt in Yangding’s heart. Where did the river go?

The river flows from the east to the west, and finally flows to the northwest. (The sea between the Sky Magic City and the Northland, which is the east side of the Yantai Strait.)

Yang Dingtian took out the map and found a very strange place.

First of all, the rivers of this world are from north to south, and from west to east, but it is rare to see from east to west.

Looking closely, it is found that the magic domain and the sea behind the Sky Magic City are relatively parallel. In other words, Jiang turned a corner in the middle, and then the source and the end, turned out to be parallel latitude? Is there such a strange thing in the world?

Suddenly, Yang Ding Tianxin felt that he had been studying the source of the river. Ignore the end of it, that is, the poisonous sea. Absolutely the restricted area of ​​life, not to mention the ship, is that the birds cannot cross the sky above the sea.

Since it is called the forbidden zone of life, it means that no one has ever been there. Does that mean a certain secret?


then. Yang Dingtian immediately decided to go to the end of the river, the poisonous waters north of the Sky Magic City.

Stealth surgery, plus magic spirit fog coat flashing, Yang Dingtian quickly southward from the yin and yang mirror.

In less than 20,000 miles, it has reached the end of the south side of the yin-yang mirror. The legendary yin-yang mirror is endless, and it is only the effect of overlapping spaces. Its length is not known, but the width is only less than 20,000 miles.

The south side of the yin and yang mirror. It is the Northland.

Northland has been going south, and only a few thousand miles later, it has reached the north of the poisonous sea!

In fact, when there are more than one hundred miles from the poisonous sea, it seems to have entered hell. It has been fascinated with terrible smoke everywhere, and it is getting thicker and thicker.

The whole sky. They were completely shrouded in poisonous fog.

It is also a loss of Yangdingtian, completely invincible. Otherwise, any life has not yet entered the sea. Just entering this dense fog area, it is already dead and can no longer die.

Soon, Yangdingtian arrived in this poisonous sea.

The sea here is tumbled with disgusting colors. Some are red, some are green, some are purple.

Moreover, the sea water here is almost as thick as the thick water.

Yangdingtian instinctively held his breath. Drilled into the sea.

Although the poison is not invaded, Yang Dingtian can't help but use the magic spirit demon fire energy cover, plus the mysterious gas exclusion cover, to isolate all the surrounding sea water.

Then, continue to dive, dive, and dive.

This poisonous sea is very deep, plunged tens of thousands of meters and finally reached the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Yangdingtian can be sure that there are almost no people in the world who can enter this sea area.

First of all, no one can stop this poison, and secondly it is a terrible pressure. Even a master-level master, I am afraid I can't resist this amazing pressure.

Then, Yangdingtian looked for it on the bottom of the sea to see if he could find anything like the entrance and release the countless grievances of the billion spirits.

Just half an hour!

Suddenly, countless grievances made a violent reaction and fled desperately.

Not far from the bottom of the sea, there is a whirlpool, a huge vortex.

Yangdingtian is careful to approach, close!

This whirlpool is amazing.

First of all, she is not a dark vortex, nor a black hole, it is a huge physical vortex plus energy vortex.

Yangdingtian is a few kilometers away, and I feel the terrible suction. Even if he is half-sacred, he feels the terrible attraction.

Yangding Tianyun is uplifting, very close to, close.

Finally, I saw it and saw this whirlpool.

It is exactly like a big mouth opened by a demon. There are countless poisonous sea waters that rush into this whirlpool.

This vortex is a few hundred meters in diameter, and the power of engulfing is a few million kilograms. Even if Yangdingtian is a little crumbling.

Found, if there is a so-called entrance, it must be here.

Now, Yangdingtian has a choice. Do you want to enter?

If you enter, if it is a trap inside, it is fatal, and that is to die. This whirlpool, it seems too scary, gives the impression that it is completely to hell.

But if you don't go in, this is the only entrance that Yangdingtian has found, and it is also likely to be the only entrance to the Dark Empire where the World Corps is located.

However, Yangdingtian did not tangled for too long, slammed his teeth and spelled it!

Yangding Tianping lived in the breath, slammed into the whirlpool and jerked!

Suddenly, a very powerful and attractive attraction drove him into the whirlpool.

The power at this time, even if Yangdingtian is half-sacred, is completely incapable of resisting!

Under this amazing power, Yang Dingtian was completely unable to move, and only with this countless sea water, was madly swallowed.

I don't know if it is falling, or go north or south.

In short, Yangdingtian constantly shuttles and shuttles, and the passage in this vortex is fast, and the speed is fast.

Yang Dingtian estimates that this speed is more than two or three thousand miles per hour, and even much faster.

If it is not the cultivation of Yangdingtian, it is also strong in this suction, and it is instantly broken into pieces and turned into meat.

Crazy devouring, swallowing, swallowing...

Yang Dingtian’s body moves frantically, moves, moves...

Time, as if it can't stop. If this is a tunnel game, it is definitely the longest in the world.

Because Yang Dingtian can clearly feel the time, but also can clearly feel his physical movement.

One hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, five hours...

Yangding is innocent to be crazy. You must know that there is no way to look at the watch at this time. To calculate the time, you can only meditate on the numbers.

Later, Yang Dingtian gave up the meditation number, and the Queen of Poison replaced his timing.

In this way, Yangdingtian was swallowed up and moved by madness, thousands of miles per hour, and it was almost ten hours.

Yangding innocence almost collapsed.

Just when he was ready to give up completely knowing the time, let this crazy move.

everything is over.

The mad devouring stopped, and the crazy movement stopped.


Then, his body slammed into a crystal clear water, and the whole body was cold.

Then he looked up!

To be fat, to be crazy, to be completely crazy!

Once again, he saw a familiar scene, the two days in the sky, and the blue sky.

Above the water, it is the evil yin and yang mirror!

In the top of the sun, I really couldn’t help but scream!

Bastard, bastard!

I circled around, went south to the north, then went south to the poisonous sea, got into the seabed and found a whirlpool, then was sucked in by the vortex, moved enough to move for almost ten hours, and then returned to the yin and yang mirror again. !

Yang Dingtian has never had such a ridiculous feeling. He really has an impulse to cry.

Then he will once again rush out of the water and return to the mirror of the yin and yang.

But very quickly, he immediately gave up this impulse.

Because, he found himself in heavy water, there is no anti-gravity.

You know, jumping down from the yin and yang mirror, just entering the water, is anti-gravity.

At this time, it is exactly the same as normal water, which is vertical gravity.

Yangding Tiandeng was shocked, and he almost rushed out of the water. It was less than half a foot away from the water surface of the Yinyang mirror.

Then, Yangding Tianfei quickly dive, dive, and dive.

While diving, Yangdingtian prayed.

Never return to the yin and yang mirror, don't you, or he will really collapse.

Yangdingtian speed is extremely fast, and it constantly dive and dive.

Directly dive tens of thousands of meters.

"Hey..." Yangding rushed out of the heavy water layer.

It’s time to come...

Yang Dingtian succeeded He finally reached the world below the Yinyang mirror.

This, this is really a mysterious world.

The whole world is completely dark and empty.

Moreover, there is no gravity here, except for the heavy water above the head, all are completely nothing.

Yang Dingtian knew that this was the tear of the world, which led to this void.

In the distance, there is a faint glimmer of light that is gently squirming. This group of light and shadow seems to be connected to the yin and yang mirror and the center of the earth below the void.

what is that? Is it the dark empire channel, or the mysterious vein?

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but feel excited and quickly flew over.


Note: Brothers, please pay for the guaranteed ticket! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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