Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 979: Yangdingtian proposes to marry the mermaid queen!

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\"The first reason, the devil asked Tian to enter the mermaid empire, I can also enter. ⊙ \" Yangding Tiandao.

The Queen of Mermaid applauded: "A good reason, and one life, two sleeps? Are you telling me that every human entry is full of fatalism, right?"

Then, the Queen of Mermaid said: "Now, I can't wait to hear the second reason, don't let me down."

Yangding Tiandao: "The time has passed for more than 100 years. The memories and emotions are very different."

When the words came out, the careless expression on the face of the mermaid queen disappeared, and the beautiful tremble.

Then, she turned to the sun and said: "The second reason, willing to talk about it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "He stayed in the Mermaid Empire for half a year, and it will definitely bring you a very happy time. Because you are completely trapped by the dark matter, and the end is coming, so the whole mermaid empire is absolutely decadent, Nothing to do. And he comes from another world, completely different from the people you meet, and can almost attract you all at once. Then you are together all the time, reading together, playing chess together, playing cards together, together Chat. He was your happiest half year in the half year he was in.\"

The beauty of the mermaid queen was lost in confusion and once again entered the incomparable joyful memories.

Yang Dingtian continued: "Although you are together all day long, even sleeping in a room at night. But you certainly have no intimate moves."

\"Oh? Why?\" The mermaid queen laughed.

Yangding Tiandao: "First, ask the sky, he will leave a huge suspense, so that you are full of yearning for reunion. Once you have a close relationship, then this suspense will become weaker, and the yearning for reunion. It will fade. He must have left when you are full of best and best feelings for him.\"

The mermaid queen smiled and asked: "Why did you contact us so much, guessing so carefully? It seems as if you have seen it."

Yangdingtian sighed: "Because, I have exactly the same experience. Her identity is almost exactly the same as you, even higher than you. Of course she is more lonely than you! Especially the same. She is also special. The environment has been banned for 10,000 years.\"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "This way, it can't prove anything. People and people are different. You don't have intimate relationships, it doesn't mean we are not born."

Yang Dingtian continued: "The most important thing is that he can't have any intimate relationship with you because he has no way to make you feel, even if you don't even have female signs."

As soon as this was said, the beautiful face of the mermaid queen suddenly changed dramatically, staring coldly at Li Jiji. "Would you tell him?"

\"No, I guessed it.\" Yangding Tiandao.

The mermaid queen said: "I guess? Your reason is best to convince me, or Li Jiji will die."

Yangding Tiandao: "You are cultivated as the next generation of Naga, you will live longer than the mermaid, so you become the queen of the mermaid empire. Your mission is to borrow from humans and give birth to half. God Naga. But the human beings who can make people fish are very, very, very few. And you seem to be imprisoned in the shape of the human body. It is impossible to restore the shape of the mermaid. So, your **** organs are always closed. This makes You suspect that you are incomplete. And this kind of tightness will make the circulation of the whole body become abnormal, and will make many things unreleased, so some hormones or energy in your body will accumulate and accumulate. Therefore, you The temperament is getting more and more distorted. You let me hit you with lightning. It is to help you release some of the things accumulated in the body. But that can only cure the symptoms."

The mermaid queen suddenly converges with a smile on his face and slowly says: "You don't think, do you know too much?"

Yangdingtian straightforwardly said: "In this world, the human beings who can make you feel very little, the demon road has exhausted all methods. No success. And I am the only human who can make you feel!"

As soon as this was said, the mermaid queen’s body trembled fiercely, and the beautiful slammed the glare, saying: “Is this true?”

\"Of course it is true.\" Yangding Tiandao: \"In fact, I have given birth to two descendants of the demigod."

When I said this, Yang Dingtian’s face was helpless, but it was filled with infinite love.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, I hope that when they grow up, they will be ordinary people. Not too much against the sky, let alone bring disaster to the world."

The mermaid queen slowly walked up, approached Yangdingtian, and sniffed the breath of his body.

Sure enough, the heartbeat is a little bit more, the whole body and mind are eager to move, the temperature of the whole body is rising.

Then, the mermaid queen said: "So, you want to sleep me, let me be a normal woman, let me become your woman. Interrupt the covenant of the demon road, and stand on your side, right? \"

\"Yes, it is best to be able to directly smash, give the World Corps a fatal blow.\" Yangding Tiandao.

\"Wow, so hot little boy.\" The Queen of Mermaid: "What about my mermaid empire?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I am the Lord of the Human Kingdom. I have completely unified the whole life. 6. I can draw a sea area in the south, west, and east, and over 100,000 miles of water."

The mermaid queen said: "You know, our mermaid is much stronger than human beings, and the lifespan is much longer. You are not afraid, we will. In the future. [,!] Will it completely destroy human beings and occupy the whole world?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It is a matter of the future. At least when I am there, this kind of thing will not happen. Of course, in the end I will try my best to make the fishermen unable to leave the seabed and cannot survive if they leave the sea. In this way, the two races will be safe.\"

The mermaid queen said: "And, you want me to marry you. The fish empire and the human empire are completely married, you are also the king of the mermaid empire, right?"

Yangding Tiandao: \"Yes, this is the best choice for us.\"

The mermaid queen smiled and said: "But you know, I am the one who wants to ask the sky. You little boy. Is there a way to take my heart from him?"

\"有.\" Yangding Tiandao.

The mermaid queen showed a mockery and smiled: "Talk about it? Any way, in my eyes, your charm is too far and too far away. You have to know, I am now jealous of death Ji. So I only I will satirize her twice. Because I am jealous, then talk about it, your charm is far less than him, is there any way to make me empathize?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is a saying that I will say later, or after I go to sleep."

The mermaid queen smiled and said: "It really is a good way, but I won't let you sleep, can you force me to sleep?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You can't find a second person. In this world, only I can make you feel, you can give birth to future generations."

The mermaid queen was laughing again, but it quickly fell into disarray.

\"Little man, your proposal made me very excited. But I promised him, yes, I promised him.\" The Mermaid Queen sighed: "I promised to give him a chance if he can let me Love. I will be his woman. I promised him, waiting for him to come back.\"

Yangding Tianbitu said: "You. Do you love him so much?"

The mermaid queen said: "I can't count on the unforgettable love, but I can really count it as my heart. I promised him. Of course, if your charm is strong enough to suffocate me, I can't stop it, then I am sure. It’s a pity that your charm has not yet reached that point. Is it right?\"

\"The charm of a man, often depends on pains and pains." "Yangding Tiandao: \" So, I would rather not have these charms, and I don't want to suffer from that pain."

\"There is no way." "The mermaid queen said: "In your body, there is indeed energy that can make me feel. But your temperament and charm. Not enough to make my heart move."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment, then said: "If I say, I am the son-in-law of your Medusa goddess? Her daughter is my wife. Compared with the devil, I am more intimate with the goddess of Medusa. .\"

The mermaid queen suddenly said: "Impossible, impossible!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The fact is so, you should know what is the most representative of the Queen of Medusa? Of course, you may not know, this is more than 10,000 years ago, related to Na The top secret of the empire."

\"Space ring.\" The mermaid queen went straight.

Yang Ding Tiandeng a moment, said: \"How do you know?"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Because, the token of the day is the space ring."

Yang Dingtian is completely shocked. How is this possible? How can the space ring be in the sky?

The mermaid queen said: "Of course, ask the sky from beginning to end, you can only use it as a token, always put it in the energy jade box, can not touch, can not be used, and must be returned."

Yangding Tiandao: "The space ring is the only token of the Medusa goddess?"

\"对.\" The mermaid queen said: "Otherwise, I can't trust him to be the messenger of the Medusa goddess."

Yangdingtian took a deep breath, then inputted energy, and suddenly the space ring appeared on his finger.

\"Let's borrow.\" Yangding Tiandao, then, take a golden scorpion from her head and throw it directly into the space ring.

Suddenly, this golden scorpion disappeared directly into the space ring.

The mermaid queen was completely stunned, saying: "She, she gave the space ring to you?"

\"Yes, I have it for a few years.\" Yangding Tiandao: \"And, I can give it to you.\"

Saying that Yang Tiantian knees down on one knee, he lifted his own space ring: "Her Majesty, can you marry me?"

For a time, the mermaid queen's body trembled fiercely, and then quickly rolled up! (The novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 1oo lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the top right \"+\"#\"Add friend\ ", search for the public number \"qdread\" and pay attention, the degree is tight!) (to be continued!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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