Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 985: After the devil died, married to the top of the sky!

After the devil, Ji, fanning the huge wings, constantly thinking about flying west, flying, flying!

Soon, I flew out of the city of Thousand Miles and entered the deep sea. £∝Vertical novel,

But wherever her breath passed, all the seawater was completely avoided.

She continues to fly west!

Few five thousand miles and flew over ten thousand miles!

Suddenly, I reached the end of the ocean.

Here, it has all been surrounded by dark matter! Here, it is already the end of the mermaid empire.

After the demon, he smashed a wand with a bright eye!

If the sun is visible, it will be recognized, this is the eyes of the original Naga!

Yes, Yangdingtian has a pair of original Naga eyes, and there is also a death after the devil.

What Yang Dingtian possesses is the eyes of the original Naga of the Sea Serpent, and the Devil's Death Ji possesses the eyes of the original Naga of the mermaid.

I saw the blast of the original Naga eyes bursting with brilliance, and all the dark matter melted into a huge virtual hole.

After the devil, Ji Ji holds Yang Dingtian, along this dark virtual hole, constantly deepens, deepens, and deepens...

As she moves forward, the dark matter behind it is constantly recovering, and this virtual hole is quickly compensated again.

After the devil, Ji Ji has been flying, has been flying, has been flying.

Thousands of miles of dark matter flew!

"Oh!" Then, slammed into a dark void!

Endless nothingness.


Here, there is no sky, no land, no sun, no moon, no stars.

own. Only the void of endless darkness!

Then, countless huge castles floated in the void.

Countless dark castles, like a huge devil machine.

Every dark castle is tens of thousands of meters high and hundreds of thousands of meters wide!

and. All are built with special energy substances!

Every castle is exactly the same as a floating city!

It is exactly like a giant mountain!

Above, dense, all are horrible desolation corps!

In every castle hundreds of miles wide, there are millions of dying forces.

It is densely packed, like an ant, distributed in a giant square in the castle, in the giant hall inside the castle.

The destroying army within each castle is different!

But the most common. It is a giant warrior five meters tall!

Yes, they are all Maori barbarians, but now they are completely devoid of Maori barbarians.

Maori barbarians will only be about two meters high. And each of these samurai is more than five meters.

Each warrior has three heads and six arms.

There are only two legs, but it has become extremely thick. Very long, only one body. But it is already huge.

Every castle has a giant energy array of several kilometers.

The energy array slams out countless energy tentacles, stretches out into the ground, stretches into the air, madly absorbs the energy of the entire world, and maintains the operation of the giant castle.

The center of the castle. It is a giant refinery.

Countless Maori army, lined up into the refining and chemical array!

Then their bodies are instantly torn into pieces and their blood. Their souls, their skeletons, their energy are all separated.

It has become countless flesh and blood, powder, energy.

Then, it is transmitted to another fusion matrix.

This countless flesh and blood, energy, and soul are once again condensed.

Being condensed into a terrible horror, disgusting warrior!

The energy of the dark empire is a large array of hundreds of millions of Maori barbarians, all of which are fragmented and then reassembled and transformed into any shape they want.

Yangdingtian is invisible. If he can see it, he will definitely vomit. It will be shocking and will definitely tremble.

The Dark Empire can actually crush a living life into a powder and recombine it.

It's like these are not people, but metal, or plastic, can be completely melted, and then re-engineered into another product!


That's right, here is the Dark Empire, the most evil, the most horrible, the most trembled place in the world!

Every giant castle has countless claws that madly absorb the energy of the whole world and the entire continent.

Every giant castle has a refining and squad that smashes all life into pieces.

Every giant castle has a large array of fusions, reassembling all the pieces of life energy into a dying army!

Wu Ningming’s guess is correct, and the World’s Legion is indeed energized.

And a giant castle like this, countless in the entire dark empire!

Moreover, every castle is tightly connected with energy tentacles.


Suddenly, within a castle, a terrifying giant!

Then, I saw only a lot of huge night beasts, night warcraft, countless monsters, and countless spar, treasures, were involved in a massive refining and chemical formation.

Then, whether it is the Millennium Nightingale, there are other monsters, or spar treasures, all of which have been thoroughly refining into terrible energy.

Finally, from the fusion array, a giant energy creature suddenly flew!

This one is a terrible energy monster, like a nightingale, but more like a Western dragon in a movie of the earth!

This terrible energy dragon is a huge few kilometers.

It violently flew out of the fusion array, opened its mouth, and instantly spurted a flame of hundreds of thousands of meters.

"Oh..." Then, violently hit a tens of thousands of meters of terrible lightning.


And I want such a dark dragon to fly one after another.

Then, completely hovering over the entire dark empire, there are dozens of hundreds in front of you!

It can be said that just such a dark dragon is enough to make a hundred thousand troops completely annihilated.


And next to a giant castle.

Countless fire dragons, eroding earth dragons, eating gold dragons, perhaps millions. Maybe tens of millions!

In short, countless kinds of various earthworms, all of which have been involved in the refining and chemical formation, instantly turned into countless flesh and energy.

Then, again in the fusion big array, are combined again!

Suddenly. A tens of thousands of meters long, a few hundred meters thick and terrible dragons slammed out.

"Oh..." It made a disgusting roar, opening a mouthful of horrible mouthpieces with tens of thousands of teeth inside.


Yangdingtian did not see it!

If he sees it, even if he is a god, he will be completely desperate for this war of destruction!

The devil asked Tian to prepare for two hundred years. I don't know what he got? I don't know how he knew such amazing castles and energy arrays.

In short, it is enough for two hundred years. He has created an earth-shattering horror army!

This genocide is not the same as in history.

This corporal corps is not meant to attack the human empire at all. It is for the sake of the gods!


After the devil died, he continued to fly. After entering the Dark Empire, he still flew 20,000 miles and passed through countless giant castles.

At last. Came to the center of the entire empire!

Here, there is a tower of heaven!

All the giant castles. Arch it in the center!

It does not know how high it is, perhaps hundreds of thousands of meters, perhaps millions of meters, or perhaps higher.

Because it explored the endless depths of the earth and explored the endless deep space.

The energy of all the castle's claws. All reached above this towering tower!

After the devil died, holding Yang Dingtian, slowly flew into the hall of the tower!

Very dark, but incomparably gorgeous hall!

The hall full of kilometers.

Even the dark palace of the World of Warcraft Lich King Alsace is not as great as this one.

On the main hall. Everything is empty.

Above, there is a dark throne, a dark throne cast with a material that is completely unclear!

"Under the beginning, the Lord of the Human Kingdom, Yang Dingtian has brought it!" After the devil, Ji Ji slowly snarled: "But he is dead, killed by the mermaid queen!"

"This female madman!" In the air, a thick and gloomy voice rang, as if it were metal friction, and it seemed to be a yin wind pouring into the cave, and it made a sound.

"It doesn't matter if you die. For us, life and death are just a noun." The devil asked the voice of the sky.


Then, throughout the air, it seemed as if a gust of wind had blown.

Suddenly, countless black dusts slammed into a dark figure!

This is the devil king asking the sky, but only see a black shadow, and a pair of eyes like a colorless flame.

"The Devil's Majesty, now everything has been completed, all the layouts have been completed, is it time for your resurrection? Is it time to summon your body and life in the human kingdom?"

"No, no, no." The devil asked Tiantian smiled: "This is not anxious, my resurrection is the most trivial thing. The important thing is this person, the spokesperson of the **** of chaos, the son of fate, Yangdingtian! ”

After the demon, Ji Yi trembled: "We just need his big space surgery!"

"No, no, no..." The devil asked Dad with a smile: "We need him to do Well, the protagonist has already arrived, then the biggest wedding ever, should also be open. It’s gone, are you ready to be a bride?”

After the devil, Ji Jiran said: "No, no, I am your woman, I am a demon, how can I marry Yangdingtian?"

The devil asked Dad with a smile: "Marry him, you are still a demon, understand?"

Suddenly, the devil died in Ji, suddenly completely stunned!

The devil asks the heavens slowly: "Since it is a wedding and a death knell for destroying the world, why not make it more ambitious? Then let the bride have more than one, but four, and from now on, there will be four After the devil!"

"Yangdingtian little brother, you are not too blessed, hahaha!"

The devil asks the shadow of the sky, laughing wildly!


Note: Thank you all for your monthly ticket, thank you very much! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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