Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 996: Possession! Intoxicated!

Of course, although the mermaid queen is very hot, but still can not directly rush to the cave room now. Vertex novel,

Next, the devil asked Tian is still very fashionable to engage in a dance!

That's right, it's a very modern dance! Moreover, it is the social dance of the earth.

People in the world of chaos will not jump? It doesn't matter, the devil asks the sky for this day has been prepared for many years.

Therefore, all the beautiful maids present, as well as the handsome male waiters, will all jump, giving each person a heterosexual dance partner more than enough.

The devil asked Tiantian to look at Yangding Tiandao: "My new devil, you will choose who, as your first dance partner?"

Yang Dingtian barely thought about it and went straight to Shura Lingbi!

Suddenly, the coffin was completely excited and unable to do it himself. Both hands and feet were trembling.

Why Yang Dingtian chooses the coffin is because among the five women, the coffin's position is the least firm and the most vulnerable.

Moreover, she was reborn at this time, and it was the most proud and proud time, so it was especially easy to forget the pain of the past.

Yangdingtian wants to maximize the image of this woman.

Because at this time, he is a very powerful weapon of the World Corps.

Yang Dingtian saw it with her own eyes. She could reassemble countless shattered annihilation corps into any monster. It is possible to let all the annihilated legions of the broken body instantly restore their fighting power.

With her, the squadron is completely immortal.

Although Wu Ningming has already said the role of the coffin in the Rubik's Cube, she actually has a greater role and is completely strategic.


"I, I don't know how to jump." Lingbi excitedly gasped and gasped, and even the little hands were slightly moist.

"It doesn't matter, I teach you." Yangding Tiandao.

then. In the waltz played by the band, Yang Dingtian took the Shura Lingling and danced in the middle of the entire hall.

The coffin does not have to worry, even she does not need to jump, Yang Dingtian can easily take her to make the most beautiful action.

Gorgeous wedding dress, condensed lights. Wonderful music. ,

Dancing in the eyes of countless people, the coffin has a feeling of dreams.

This kind of eye-catching feeling is so good, as if all of his body is shining with dazzling light.

Of course, she used to be the little princess of the Lingbi Palace, but she was not really so dazzling.

Although, it is not as big as the Cinderella drop at the ball. But at the level of the whole world, she did change from Cinderella to Princess.

And while dancing, Yang Dingtian did not say any words, and even his eyes were not very gentle. It is very solemn.

The waist is also very straight.

But even so, the gaze of Ling Ling looked at Yang Dingtian, but it gradually became blurred and even intoxicated.

Hate a person very quickly, and you can do it in an instant.

But re-loving a person, it seems to be very fast.

People are really fickle, especially women like Lingbi.

In the years when he was imprisoned by Yang Dingtian. It’s just like a year, it’s a pain.

And this time. In this kind of triumph and happiness, in this highly successful success, people are really easy to forget the pain of the past.

After a dance, the whole body of the coffin is dizzy and light.

Yang Dingtian sent her to the position to sit down. Then she gave her a glass of wine that was not very high.

"Thank you, really happy." Lingbi panted, staring at Yangdingtian, his small hand still holding his chest.

Yang Dingtian pinched her ear gently and then returned to the hall.

Suddenly. Everyone’s gaze looked at him again.

That's right, he is really the protagonist tonight, even though he is not the new devil, but he has become the protagonist.

Yangdingtian eyes are moving through everyone.

When the devil asked Tiantian to announce that Yangdingtian would become the new devil, many people were filled with unwillingness and even anger.

But now, almost everyone has accepted the fate.

The enemies who used to be Yangdingtian, when they touched his eyes, bent over to express their respect and fear.

Here is the dark empire, not the bright parliament, but not so gentle, so generous and generous.

Here, the devil can be straightforward to master your life and death!

Yang Dingtian went straight to the princess peony and then sent an invitation to her.

The face inside the prince twitched a little, then fell back to the side.

Princess Peony puts a small hand in the hands of Yangdingtian, and the Yangding Tianzhu is glamorous.

"You should invite the queen to kneel down, or other kings, not me, right?" Princess Peony said: "However, you are the new devil, you are the master of heaven and earth, everything you do. They are all justified, no one can violate the rules."

Yangding Tiandao: "Are you making me addicted?"

Princess Peony said: "Is there no? This is the taste of power. Are you not addicted? Before that, Li Ming can easily humiliate you and trample on you. Now you take away your fiancée directly from him. He dare not complain. Isn't this the charm of power?"

"I think you got it wrong. I was inviting my wife to dance in the East Ice, not the Princess Peony." Yangdingtian slowed down.

The beautiful face of the princess peony suddenly twitched.

Yangding Tiandao: "Ice, I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow? I still have tomorrow! If I still have tomorrow, then you don't give up resistance, I will rescue you. But if I don't have tomorrow, I will completely sink. I became a new devil. Then... I will also grab you directly to me!"

"Then, I will accompany you to sink together." Suddenly, the sound of the oriental ice icy sounded.

Of course, the time that belongs to the ice is fleeting. It was not because she broke free from the suppression of evil spirits, but that the first-class evil spirits temporarily released her for a moment.

And the East Ice Ling is finished!

Qiu Ruohan seems to have grown up for a long time and has the courage to pull his dress down very low, revealing the bottomless chest gully.

Then go forward and say: "Your Majesty, can I invite you to dance?"

This woman, really will drill camp!

However, she is probably not very smart. When she invited Yang Dingtian, the eyes of Shura Lingbi had almost fired.

This is the most embarrassing night of the coffin, she does not allow anyone to destroy. Because Yang Dingtian treats her with another eye, her monopoly is already very strong and strong.

Yang Dingtian invited the Oriental Ice Ling to dance, she can understand, and even some have and have won. after all. Oriental Ice is the first wife of Yangdingtian.

However, what is your autumn? A shameless stock, and dare to invite the new devil to dance?

"No." Yangding Tianqiu Ruohan said, refused her invitation.

Suddenly, Shura Lingling, not far away, began to smile.

In the fall of Qiu Ruohan, it also reduced the fear of a few points, because the tone of Yangdingtian is still moderate.

"Sorry, those words I just said. I am guilty of sin, I am willing to pay any price to redeem my sins." Autumn if you cried, then intentionally or unconsciously raised the chest, let your size change More shocked.

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't care what others are yelling at me, saying what I am."

Then, Yang Dingtian said again: "Qin Shishu always thinks about you, after you leave. He does not have any woman, and he has completely broken his mind about Duan Yushi. So you want to go back and have time."

After all, Yang Dingtian turned and walked away.

And Qiu Ruohan, slamming a sigh, the pity and seductiveness on his face, disappeared instantly without a trace. Deep inside, directly penetrated a huge hole.

One night couples a hundred days!

Qin Wanqiu of that year should be like the new devil to the spirit of today.


Yang Dingtian came to the devil to ask the sky and said: "Call the Lord, this dance will continue. I am going into the cave, can I?"

The devil asked Dad with a smile: "Is it so impatient?"

Yangding Tian smiled: "Of course!"

The devil asked Heaven: "Of course, you are the biggest tonight, you are the absolute protagonist, everything must be around you!"

Yang Dingtian nodded his compliments, then came to the Shura Lingbi again and took her hand: "Are you resting?"

The coffin held his breath and nodded desperately, and then drank all the wine in the cup!

Her whole person is really fascinated, and she was very worried that Yangdingtian would be humiliating for her, and even so, she would be tempted to do everything and be willing to do anything.

As a result, Yang Dingtian did not have it. Instead, she was so gentle and pity to her that she was better than the demon and the innocent lord.

Although she knew in her heart that Yang Dingtian had another purpose, and because she became a truly powerful celestial spirit, she became a Shura Lingling.

But what about that?

For many women, even if they know that sweet words are fake, they are willing and willing.

What's more, Yang Dingtian's sweet words, his gentle pity, is completely used after the devil, using the innocent lord, with the Queen of the Sea, these women in the peak of the pyramid as a stepping.

This kind of satisfaction has completely exceeded the boundary between false and real.

Even, she did not think about why Yangdingtian should be so good to her, just enjoy it with her heart.

She didn't know, but she was innocent, nothing was gone, Queen of the Sea, and even the Queen of Mermaid knew it.

Of course they will not be jealous, but they are sore for the sun.


Pulling the small hand of Shura Lingbi, Yangdingtian came to the innocent.

This greedy and fearful old man will not be repaired. He wants to kneel in the first place. After all, he has already smashed Wu Ning, and he has also smashed Li Ming. Nowadays, there is more than one Yang Tiantian, which is nothing.

Yang Dingtian quickly stopped him and said: "You are the father of the coffin, and the coffin marries me today, are you willing?"

The innocent respectfully said: "The old slaves can't ask for it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Although she married Wu Ningming before, she married the East. But the two weddings are fake. Only this time is true. Are you sure?"

"The old slave is sure." There is no way.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt the coffin grab his hand and slammed tightly.

Yang Dingtian straightened the innocent, then bent over and said: "Yangdingtian, see the father-in-law!"

No one trembled, and quickly bent down and said: "The old slaves don't dare, the old slaves don't dare..."

At the same time, the heart of the coffin shook a little, because the man around him said that Yangdingtian met with his father-in-law.

At this point, she was confused in her mind, and she was married to Yangdingtian, not a new demon king?

So, this way, is that okay? she does not know!

Then, I shook my head and didn't think about it.

In short, I feel very intoxicated now, very happy!

Yang Dingtian went to the front of Du Guzhen. He has been a spectator tonight. Without any comments, he is just watching.

"The child is his grandfather." Yang Dingtian stalked toward the solitary.

"Children, his father." Duo smiled.

Then Yang Dingtian went to him for a ceremony, and the coffin also quickly followed the ceremony.

Solitary accepts it frankly, because everyone in the room, he is almost the only elder of Yangdingtian.

"Despite the desperation, don't give up."

"I won't." Yangding Tiandao.


Then, Yangdingtian took the demon and died, the innocent lord, the mermaid queen, the queen of the sea, the Shura Ling, and entered the cave room that had already been prepared!

In total, there are five rooms.

The color of each room is the same as that of every bride's wedding dress.

But without exception, it is magnificent, like a fairyland!

After the devil, Ji smiled: "The new devil is kneeling, bitter, we each will enter our own room! And this evening, time is not a lot, you can only enter the three bridal chambers at most, you choose !"

Yangding nodded and said: "Good!"

After the devil died Jidao: "That good ~ ~ sisters, we all return to their rooms."

Suddenly, the spirits reluctantly let go of Yang Dingtian’s hand, and her big eyes stared at her, revealing an incomparable period of attention.

Then, flew directly into her pink room.

The mermaid queen looked at Yangding Tiandao: "If you dare not come tonight, I promise that I will never die with you forever."

After all, she is like a witch, flying back to her own golden room.

As for the rest of the Queen of the Sea, just smile at Yangdingtian and then fly back to his blue room.

Finally, innocent and demon, the couple returned to their room!

Yangdingtian stood on the empty high platform, which is about a few kilometers away from the rooms of the five brides.

Next to it, there are five colors of dragons.

If you want to go to the bride's room, take the dragon of that color.

In total, only three holes can be entered!

Yangdingtian did not hesitate to ride the pink dragon directly and flew directly into the cave house belonging to Shura Lingling!

If it is carried out, it is necessary to carry it through to the end, to exhaust all efforts, and to leave indelible traces in the mind of the spirit.

Only Shura Lingbi can give a fatal blow to the Destroyed Legion!

Yangdingtian just entered the pink room, Shura Lingbi directly rushed up, kissed Yangdingtian directly, obsessed: "You are the first to come to me, I am so happy, I am so happy..."

Yang Ding Tian Er said nothing, directly put on her delicate body, kiss her little mouth deeply! (To be continued.)

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