Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1004: The innocent rebellious king, the mermaid queen helps Yang Tiantian!

Even if Yang Dingtian was a big man, the masters of the devil's death were not scattered, but they were still besieging Naga Frost.

They know that if they don't exhaust the energy of Naga, they can't hold it. As for Yangdingtian, as long as the devil died, he took it and seized it in minutes.

After the devil and others do not shoot, the devil asks the sky to control countless dark dragons, and the dark dragons have to go to the siege of Naga frost to make cannon fodder. Once the encirclement cycle is lightened, it is broken by the Naga frost and directly attacks the group of the demon. In human words, the momentary balance will be broken.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian even saved a lot of Naga frost, and almost no one went to intercept him.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian quickly flew toward the Naga frost.

After the mermaid queen hesitated a little, it also followed Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, the devil asked Tian Tianran, this mermaid queen, can be a full-fledged strongman, and the emperor after the death of Ji Ji is completely equal, if she joined the battle group, then the balance that is finally easy to accumulate, it will be destroyed.

"Violet? Are you crazy? Have you forgotten the agreement with me more than a hundred years ago?" The devil asked the cold voice.

The mermaid Queen Violet said: "But the handsome man of the year, now you are a ghost, it is difficult to want me not to love."

When the devil asked Tiantian, he trembled with anger: "You just shot the sun to save the sky, I will be confused for a while, not pursued. Next, if you dare to help Yangdingtian, then it is my enemy, my darkness. The enemy of the empire!"

The mermaid queen sneered: "What about that? I started to do it, I will recognize the consequences!"

The devil asked Tian Tianshi a complete headache, this mermaid queen is completely a mad woman, doing things completely irrational. You tell her reason, it really has no use, and the threat to her is useless.

She totally wants to do what, how to do it.

Suddenly, the devil asked Tiandao: "Innocent, please ask for your shot! Help me to stop the confused woman of violet."

The words of the devil asking the heavens are very embarrassing, and it sounds like the relationship with the mermaid queen is very close. And the tone of innocent shots is also very close.

Innocent cold and cold road: "Sorry for the devil, my first marriage is new, there is no strength."

When the words came out, the devil asked the sky!

The mermaid queen is a mad woman who basically does what he wants. So she shot to help Yangdingtian, although it was a blow to the devil, but it was not very serious.

The innocent statement is very, very serious.

Because, innocent is another holy power.

Of course, these are not counted, and innocents also represent part of Xiao Xitian’s position. More importantly, before the innocent, it seems to be a deep affection for the devil.

She did not know how many times she helped the devil to ask the sky, even for the devil to ask the heavens, completely abandoning her position of Xiao Xitian and damaging the interests of Xiao Xitian.

And the devil's son, Wu Ning, who is the righteous son, is defeated and she is the righteous mother.

Therefore, asking God to feel that he and innocent relationship should be very very intimate, even unbreakable, second only to nothingness.

Moreover, a woman like innocent looks like someone who does not betray her feelings at all.

Of course, he married the innocent to Yangdingtian! But before that, he explained it with his heart and lungs.

Just to let innocent become a mother, give birth to a descendant.

Moreover, the body of Yangdingtian in the future is also occupied by the demon king.

Most importantly, innocents are very focused on spiritual communication and resonance, but not physically.

Therefore, when I heard the innocent statement, the devil asked the spirit of the sky to tremble and fell into a short circuit.

Then, it was the anger and pain of the sky, and the feeling of being betrayed by women.

How can it be? How can it be? How can innocent betray me? How can we betray our deep feelings!

The devil asked Tian Tianxin as a knife, and there is really a feeling of wife betrayal.

Hey, after the devil asked the sky to sit on the dark throne, his unique charm and sensitive emotions have gradually disappeared, as if they have become cold robots.

Therefore, he has been unable to grasp the innocent psychology.

He did not know that in the innocent heart, he was like a broken TV actor. Not only is it disfigured, but the temperament has also changed. It is not a person at all. Therefore, it is impossible to carry innocent emotions.

He completely misunderstood the innocent feelings and completely overestimated the innocent feelings.

Suddenly, the devil asked the cold and cold: "Innocent, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know, Lord Devil!"

"Good, good, good..." The devil asked Tiansha, and every sentence was almost gnashing.

After a long time, he said again: "Friends from the fox family do not know if I can get your friendship?"

His meaning is very simple, that is, he hopes that all the semi-class-level powers of the demon foxes will be dispatched to intercept the Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen.

At this time, the devil asked the heavens that there was no physical tragedy, and it was completely revealed.

He had no body, and lost the spirit of the Yuan. So I dare not leave the Dark Throne, otherwise the energy will be like the half of the snow.

Because, only in the special energy field of Tongtian Emperor Jing, his energy can be condensed.

Moreover, Tongtian Emperor Jing was destroyed by Naga Frost, and once he left the throne, he lost his energy supplement and his cultivation would also drop.

At this time, all the demons masters, all to deal with Naga.

Therefore, he can only ask the semi-sheng masters of the demon fox family to deal with the Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen.

The golden Albanian demon sings and sings, and has long been hated by Yangding. After hearing the words of the demon king, he immediately took the semi-classic strongman of the demon fox family and went to intercept the Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen. .

Although the mermaid queen is very powerful, but they have dozens of semi-classic strong, plus Shura Ling and the Queen of the Sea, is almost the same.

"I am willing to serve the Devil, and get your friendship." Demon loudly.

The devil asks Heaven: "The Queen of the Sea of ​​the Snake Empire, are you willing to get my olive branch?"

Although the Queen of the Sea Heart is less than half-sacred, it is also strong and strong. At this time, the devil asked Tian to invite her to play, intercepting Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen.

Immediately afterwards, the devil asked Heaven: "You are a powerful Shura sorcerer, manipulating all the corps of the world, and killing Yangdingtian and Violet!"

The Queen of the Seas suddenly fell into a tangled entanglement.

He is not willing to deal with Yangdingtian, but refuses to obey the command of the devil, the consequences are very serious!

Then, she thought, in fact, Yang Dingtian’s door to himself has been closed!

In the cave room, he did not take the initiative to stand on his side, Yang Dingtian has closed his door.

In addition, he has a Naga solitude, so he will choose to resurrect the Queen of Poison. By then, even if you can live, you will certainly lose the snake empire.

Therefore, I seem to have a choice, but I have no choice.

Suddenly, the Queen of the Seas fluttered out and said: "Follow, my majesty!"

Yangding Tiandun suddenly brows!

This Queen of the Sea, still so good at calculation, or intellectual utilitarian overdone!

Finally, still stand on your own opposites!

This time, the team should be completely and completely irreparable!

And Lingbi, Yangdingtian brings joy to her mind and physiology, and it is extremely clear and clear at this time!

She really doesn't want to hurt Yangdingtian. But compared to her, she is more afraid of losing everything! Lose your own body of Shura, lose your incomparably powerful energy, and lose your power in the dark empire.

However, she definitely does not want to hurt Yangdingtian.

So, for a time, I was totally completely overwhelmed.

Then she remembered what Yang Dingtian said. He will not ask too much for himself. After only asking himself to get out of trouble, he will still retain the possibility of returning to Yangdingtian in the future.

So she decided. Next, she is responsible for attacking the mermaid queen, not touching the sun!

This is the coffin, the vain, but the childish and simple coffin!

Suddenly, suddenly bite her teeth, she also flew to the Queen of the Sea Heart!


Suddenly, two battlefields formed in the Dark Empire!

The demon king asked the sky to control countless dark dragons, the dark dragons attacked the Naga frost, and all the masters of the demon road, all attacked the Naga frost, to capture her.

Another battlefield is the Queen of the Sea Heart, plus the repair of Luo Ling, plus dozens of demon fox and semi-class strong, besieged Yang Dingtian and the mermaid queen!

Over there, the exhaustion of Naga's frost energy is only a matter of time!

And the battle of Yang Dingtian is completely unpredictable!

Dozens and a half of the Holy Power, especially a Shura, a thousand-year-old female snake close to the Holy Class!

In this battle, Yang Dingtian can play very limited!


Suddenly, dozens of demon foxes and semi-sacred strongmen, Queen of the Sea Heart, Shura Lingling, meteors usually fly toward Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen!

It is a complete enemy!

At this time, suddenly, innocently slowed down: "The demon fox, you are a small Xitian race, why do you want to intervene in human right and wrong! Once Yang Dingtian and his Naga wife get out of trouble, can you afford this consequence? ?"

As soon as this was said, the demon fox master suddenly made a meal.

The devil asked the sky anger and said: "Innocent, you are not willing to help me, but also let your people can not help me, you, are you going to be completely enemies with me?"

Innocent smiled: "If you open your mouth again, I might have done it."

Suddenly, the devil asked the sky to be angry and not to make a sound.

Once I was angered by innocence, I really tried to help Yangdingtian, and the consequences were too serious.

Dozens of semi-class-level powerhouses, no matter how they rival two holy powers.

After hearing the innocent words, a master of the demon fox family, a innocent as the former speaker's dream lover, plus the daughter of the former former speaker, plus the only blood of the demon fox and the non-language, is still very famous Very influential.

"All the children and allies of the Shadowgo family, if you do something about Yangdingtian, I believe that after returning to Xiaoxitian, Enchanted II will kill you personally." Innocent continued.


Suddenly, more than half of the demon foxes and semi-class powers all chose to quit.

Although the demon sorrows to the top of the sun, but also the absolute interests, turned and asked: "Innocent, you confirm this?"

Innocent: "Incomparable confirmation, if you move, it will destroy the absolute position of your Golden Albanians, and even tear the alliance between the Golden Albanians and the Shadows."

The Golden Albanian lord, suddenly gaze up, looking toward the top of the sun, although unwilling, but still with the other half of the demon fox master faded!

Suddenly, in the face of Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen, only the Queen of the Sea and the Shura Lingling.

The face of Queen of the Sea Heart has become extremely embarrassing! And Shura Lingbi, completely bowed his head, did not dare to look at the sun and the sky!

However, in this way, the battlefield here becomes meaningless!

Yangdingtian and the mermaid queen, rushing to the place tens of thousands of meters away from the devil!

"Violet, help me protect the law." Yangding Tiansheng.

"Why?" said the mermaid queen.

"Violet, please help me protect the law." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, remember your agreement and give me 100,000 miles of water."

"Know it." Yangding Tiansheng.

Then, he began to release the magical spirits of the chaotic attributes, the billion spirits, and the hollow fire!

Finally, the darkness of the swirling flow is also mixed, only a little bit.

Xuanqi is condensed to the extreme!


Three chaotic properties, Xuan Huo, slammed into the sky above the demon and died, and then slammed!

Demon King and other people suddenly complained.

In the face of Yang Xuantian's Xuanhuo lightning, they can certainly escape easily.

However, at this time, the attack formation of Naga Frost is not chaotic! Once you get rid of it, you may be rushed out by Naga.

You know, from the beginning to the present, this golden Naga has already killed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dark dragons, and dark dragons.

"Everyone, can't move, hard to give birth to the sacred fire of Yang Tiantian."

"Yes!" Everyone broke off in unison.


Like a nuclear bomb explosion, the infinitely powerful and powerful Xuanhuo lightning, instantly tearing the entire dark void!

Although Yang Dingtian's cultivation is only fifteenth order, his power of Xuanhuo lightning is directly higher than 20th order, even higher!

"Ah...ah..." The innocent is completely immune to the fear of There is no evil spirit in him.

Suddenly, he finally defies the order, and desperately fled with the fastest speed before the Xuanhuo lightning explosion.

"Booming and banging..."

Suddenly, all the bodies of the demon masters below the semi-class level are all gone, leaving only the mysterious veins protected by evil spirits, the sea, the heart and the brain!

And even if the semi-classic strong, all the attacks, all stop instantly, the whole body, an instant black!

"Chong up!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then, the mermaid queen clipped Yang Tiantian and quickly rushed toward the encirclement of Naga Frost!

Just rush to the side of Naga, it is victory! R1152


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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