Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 103: : Brother, go kill this demon girl!

On the high altitude of 100 meters, the Oriental Ice Ling and the Du Gu Feng Dance are in the midst of a terrifying battle.

Amazing swordsmanship, destroying everything on the ground.

The eye-catching swordsman lasing, everything that goes through is powder.


At the same time, Yangdingtian was buried in a pile of rubble. When Jianqi slammed on his back, he felt that his eyes were suddenly black, then a blood spouted out, and then he flew out with Ning Ruohan. .

The sword of the solitary phoenix dance is incredible, but Yangdingtian just spits a blood, then falls into a short-lived fascination, and is soon awakened by the loud noise of the sky.

At this point, he felt that the body was soft and soft, and his hands were soft. He couldn't help but instinctively squeeze it. He didn't know what it was.

"Oh..." There was a low voice coming underneath, and Ning Ruohan under his body also woke up.

I felt that there was a big hand on my own, and I squeezed it hard. The body without Ning Ruo was very sensitive. The tender peeling of the chicken head was pinched, a slight pain, a feeling of numbness, let She suddenly woke up.

Then I suddenly saw the Yangdingtian that was pressed against the body, and it was the hand of Yangdingtian who just pinched his pigeon.

"Ah..." Ning Ruohan exclaimed, then violently pushed Yang Dingtian to the side, screaming: "Yangdingtian, you bastard, I killed you..."

Then she stood up fiercely and kicked her head in the sun.

Yang Dingtian was awake at this time, and when he saw the jade foot of Ning Ruohan kicked, he couldn’t help but grab it hard and pull it hard.

Although Ning Ruohan is only the sword servant of the Oriental Ice Ling, but the cultivation is also at the level of the Grand Bastion. Only he just woke up, and did not use Xuanqi to replace it. He was caught by Yangdingtian. She was most afraid of itching. Suddenly, her body was weak and she didn’t have the strength. She fell directly and fell to the top of the sun. .

Yangding slammed into the sky, letting such a beautiful little beauty fall into a pile of rubble.

"Yangdingtian, I want to kill you." Ning Ruohan is so angry, just picking up a wooden stick on the ground and calling it.

"Stop." Yangding Tian slammed a fierce drink.

Suddenly, Ning Ruohan was shocked and the wooden stick in his hand forgot to hit it.

"You are a woman who doesn't make sense. I just couldn't bear to see you die under the sword of the demon girl, so I saved you. You don't thank you. When you wake up, you shout and kill. What kind of master is there? What kind of slaves are there." Yangding Tian cold channel: "The same ingratitude."

Ning Ruohan was detained for a while, then remembered the matter just now, and finally Yang Dingtian saved her, otherwise it would have been split into two.

"I don't need you to save." Ning Ruohan is not willing to lose momentum, angered: "Moreover, if you save me, can you take advantage of me?"

"How do I take advantage of you?" Yangding Tiandao.

"You, you touched my chest." Ning Ruohan shy and angrily.

"Touching your chest is cheaper for you? Do you have a chest?" Yangding Tiandao: "There is a flat piece, I thought it was a back, otherwise I would put my hand there. Besides, my wife’s chest is more than you. Ten thousand times beautiful, I can't touch it, I will touch you?"

The top tongue of Yangdingtian suddenly let Ning Ruohan blow up, and the eye suddenly burst into red, tears burst out, and cried: "Yangdingtian, you bastard, you are a rogue, I want to kill you, kill is you……"

Then, she clenched her fists and tried to scream at the top of the sun.

"It’s a female madman." Yangding Tiandao, then flashed aside.

Ning Ruohan did not catch up, and then sat on the ground and cried.

In the sky, the battle between the two women is still going on.

The rumbling bang, the swordsmanship of a few hundred feet, the flame of the sky, completely brightened the eyes of Yangdingtian.

On the ground, a young girl is sitting on the ground and crying, crying out of breath.

This is rather a cold winter when she learns about her master. It is also cold and icy. She is sitting on the ground and crying. It really gives people some feelings of disobedience.

Yang Dingtian ignored her and let her go to cry.

But who knows, she actually cried more and more, more and more fierce.

Yang Dingtian carefully looked at her figure, slender and slender, like the age of sixteen or seven.

"Hey, what am I going to do with a child?" Yang Dingtian sighed and then walked over and said, "Well, don't cry. I am not right, shouldn't say that, you shouldn't touch your chest, but I It's really unintentional. And your chest is not big, but thin milk is also very cute. Besides, you are still young and will grow longer."

Ning Ruohan raised his head and said, "I am already twenty years old."

"Ah..." Yangding Tiandeng was a glimpse.

Twenty-year-old is still so thin, it looks really born to be poor, there is no room for development.

"Do not worry, there are people like you who like it." Yang Dingtian comforted.

"You don't have to take care of you, you are a rogue." Ning Ruohan said: "Nobody wants it anyway, and won't find you."

Yangdingtian sucked his nose and said: "Of course I will not find me, I am a woman."

Ning Ruohan no longer cares about him. Still sitting on the ground, crying on the knees. She cried on the one hand because of the poisonous tongue attack of Yangdingtian. On the other hand, it was just that the Oriental Ice Ling actually saw her dead.

She completely regards the Oriental Ice Ling as an idol, and she is regarded as her sister and is regarded as the closest person. But I did not expect that the Oriental Ice Ling did not care about her life and death.

Yangding Tiandeng sighed a sigh: "Don't be sad for people who are not worthy, you don't learn a little bit of things in the East."

"You can't use it, you are a rogue." Ning Ruohan cried.

"You will have this sentence, right?" Yangding Tiandao, then no longer pay attention to her, directly stood up and looked for Simon.

He quickly found Simon, just a few meters away from him.

Simmene sat down at this moment, and a powerful sigh of anger suddenly burst out of his body.

Then, Yangdingtian clearly saw that countless gravel flew like this to the side of the bullet, but before it was close to it, it was directly flew out by Ximengli’s mysterious bomb.

The fierce battle between the two women in the sky, countless swords spurt to the ground, and almost every inch. Wherever the two female swords go, anything is broken and broken. However, when Jianqi shot in the direction of Yangdingtian, he was directly bounced out by Ximengli’s mysterious hood.

Yangding Tiandeng was in a hot heart. It turned out that Ximeng Lie had been using his own mysterious spirit to protect him during this time. Yang Dingtian knows that the consumption of such a mysterious gas is extremely amazing.

"Thank you, Big Brother." Yangding Tiandao, then pulled out the nightblade giant blade and came to the side of Ximen.

At this time, the eastern ice icing and the solitary phoenix dance in the sky reached the climax.

All the buildings and gardens where Yangdingtian eyes are located have basically been destroyed.

Two people are swordsman, one is blue and the other is red.

Just squat down, the whole sturdy house was broken and broken, and a crack of several tens of meters was cracked on the ground.

After a few minutes of crazy war, the entire manor was already in a mess.

All the pools are all frozen.

A large expanse of woods was burned into a piece of coke.

Half of the Liuxu Villa was destroyed, and the two women still won't win.

Looking at the swordsmanship of a few hundred feet in the sky, the light glare, constantly piercing the night sky.

The swordsmanship of the two people is exactly like a cannonball. Where is the bombardment, it is completely turned into a powder.

These two women are really the two most powerful women in the world.

"Big Brother, do you think these two women are stronger?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Ximengli shook his head and said: "I can't see it, it doesn't matter."

"Compared with the big brother, how?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The current Yunxiao City, no one is their opponent, including Yang Yan." Ximen Lidao: "My words, probably worse about them around seven or eight."

"That big brother is also very strong." Yangding Tiandao: "In addition to Yang Yan in Yunxiao City, at least no one is a big brother opponent."

"No, Ximen fear is stronger than me, but he is too good to hide, even I don't know how strong he is."

At this time, the sky burst into a very bright light, and then a loud bang was heard.

One red and one blue, two huge energies, like Mars hitting the earth, slamming together.

Obviously, the Eastern Ice Ling and Du Gu Feng dance to the extreme, two people issued the final fatal blow.

In an instant, the entire night is completely illuminated.

Then, the rocks on the ground flew, the trees broke, and the hard slabs flew up and shattered in the air.

Numerous mysterious spurs are on the ground, leaving a deep hole.

Ximeng’s body slammed a powerful sigh of anger and flew all the flying stones that landed around Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian waved the great sword of the nightingale in his hand, desperately slashing the flying stone that came over.

The back of Ning Ruohan, but directly hit by a mysterious gas, instantly fainted.




Suddenly, Yangdingtian suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and then two charming fragrances went into the nostrils.

The solitary phoenix dance and the oriental ice blast descended from the sky, and they fell directly on both sides of Yangdingtian. There were only about ten steps from Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian was sandwiched in the center.

At this point, the golden mask on the face of Du Gu Feng Wu suddenly burst open silently, revealing her true face.

This is a beautiful face, this is a face that directly pierces the human mind.

Unlike a traditional and beautiful woman, this woman is full of heroism. Whether it's a sharp-cut eyebrow like a lancet, it's still a straight nose, a red lip with a sharp curve, or a slender face like a jade carving. Every part of this face is full of handsome beauty!

In the British atmosphere, there is a special charm!

In the feminine, there is a special positive beauty!

This kind of beauty reminds Yang Dingtian of a person, that is, a movie that I have seen before, "Unbeaten in the East of Swordsman" is unbeaten in the East. In front of this one-of-a-kind phoenix dance, there is the undefeated British heroic and seductive but it is more beautiful and more enchanting than the unbeaten face of the East.

Obviously, the two have already won the game.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of the solitary phoenix dance, and she was injured.

The Oriental Ice Ling, just pale, did not bleed.

Obviously, in this battle of the peak, the Oriental Ice Ling is slightly better.

The solitary phoenix dances the beautiful eyes, cold channel: "Oriental ice, it is really powerful. However, you are only a little better than me, want to leave me, but it is impossible."

Oriental Ice Ling cold channel: "Can't leave you? Not necessarily! Today, you may have to die here."

By the way, the Oriental Ice Lingmei suddenly looked into the sun and looked at the sky: "Yang brother, to kill this demon girl, you are the hero of the Heavenly League, Yunxiao City is also the hero of the Heavenly League."

Yangding Tian was shocked. This demon woman was already strong enough to go against the sky. Did the Oriental Ice Ling let him kill?

Oriental Ice Lingdao: "Reassured, this demon woman is almost exhausted now, you have Ximen Lie help, want to kill her, easy."

Duo Fengfeng suddenly sneered aloud: "Oriental ice, why are you not so? You won me, but what is left of your mystery?"

By the way, the solitary phoenix dances the beautiful sun and looks at the sky, saying: "You are Yangdingtian. If I remember correctly, you and the Eastern Ice Ling have a great life and death. Now is the best chance, we are the three people. Killing the Oriental Ice Ling, to ensure that God does not know, ghosts do not know."

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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