Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1015: Wisdom is impressed, no emotions!

To be honest, the original Yangdingtian is very hesitant!

Because, even if you get the nucleus of the Naga royal family, you may not be able to change anything. "Top" point "small" said, because whether it is innocent guessing, or your own guess, the fatal blow of the Naga royal swordsman, you are probably from the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family, not from the soul The energy of the sword.

So, what is the role of changing the soul sword to the demon nucleus of the Naga kings?

Of course, the first thing is definitely useful, because the naga of the Naga royal family, the energy contained in it is more than a thousand times that of the Millennium Nightingale.

But even if there is a demon nucleus of the Naga royal family, can it be related to the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family, which is hard to say.

At this time, the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family is in the soul sword, but he and Yang Dingtian do not have a little bit of communication intentions, he is completely proud of the extreme, and does not bother to interact with Yangdingtian.

And in the future war, whether he will help Yangdingtian enemies is basically a negative answer.

After all, in the last dark empire, it was only because of the sorrow of Naga Frost.


Get the Nether King's demon nucleus, at least your soul sword before you get the sea soul spar, you can have a powerful and abundant energy.

Even perhaps the last fatal blow of the Naga royal family has exhausted all of its spiritual energy, so it can be supplemented enough from the demon nucleus.

Naga frost has disappeared, and where is an unknown number.

However, the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family clearly knows the association of the great priests in Xiaoxitian.

Looking at the innocent and eager eyes, Yang Dingtian knows that if he does not go because he is afraid of the trap, then there is no doubt that he will lose points in the innocent mind.

"Small day, you don't want to go." Queen of Poisons couldn't help but say: "Now Xiaoxitian. It is too dangerous for you."

The mermaid's gaze is indispensable, but I still hope that Yangdingtian will go because she is very interested in the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family.

It can be seen from here that whether it is the mermaid queen or innocent, the feelings of men and women in Yangdingtian are very weak. The concern for things is more than the concern for Yangdingtian.

Only the Queen of Poison is worried about the danger, and does not want to let Yangdingtian go!

Yangdingtian thought for a while. Road: "I still want to go."

Nothing said: "If you want to go, then you must think about it, how to convince the Association of High Rituals. If there is nothing in this area to get the hand, then it is better not to go, it is also wasted."

Yangding nodded and said: "This, I should have."

Nothing said: "Well, after you entered Xiaoxitian, you have been invisible. It seems that only I am going to the Great Priest Association. This way, I have a good cover for you. Stop me from taking the Naga kings, but I can't take it for me."

Then, innocently toward the mermaid queen: "Queen of the Violet, then before this, the door of the human kingdom, you need to guard."

The mermaid queen was a little bit excited because he couldn’t take risks, but still agreed to guard the door of this human kingdom.

Then, Yangdingtian flew directly toward the depths of the taboo mainland.

Go ahead. Will enter the taboo mainland illusion, it will enter the skull hall!


at this time. Inside the skull hall!

Yongshe asked the day to shut down, sitting in the center!

Around him, there are four holy powerhouses!

"His Speaker, do you confirm that Yangdingtian will come in?"

Yongshe asked the day and nodded: "Maybe, if the Naga kings are related to Yangdingtian, then he will come. If nothing happens, he will not come. If he comes, he should be innocent. Come together, the two are clear and secret, trying to confuse my sight."

“Mr. Innocent?” The sage-strong man said: “If she comes, what should I do?”

Yongshe asked Heaven: "Learn directly. Abandon the repair."

The Holy Powerman trembled fiercely; "But she is yours..."

Yongshe asked Tiandao: "Yes, but she has betrayed. Moreover, she does not care too much about her cultivation, abolish her cultivation, but prevent her from making further mistakes!"

The Holy Powerman said: "That's good, as you wish!"

Yongshe asked Tiandao: "You can be sure that you can live in Yangdingtian and innocent."

The Holy Powerman said: "To be fully grasped! Because of entering the taboo of the mainland, there must be a period of ambiguity, although very short. But it is enough to capture the two."

"Working hard." Yongshe asked Tiandao, then slowly closed his eyes, his face showing a trace of pain.


Yangdingtian and Wudi continued to fly toward the taboo mainland waters.

Going forward tens of thousands of meters, it will enter the taboo of the mainland.

Once in the illusion, it is already into the skull hall.

"Oh..." The two jerked up, and they rushed straight into the head hall!

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s heart jerked!

At the same time, innocent and look at the side, and then violently seized the hands of Yangdingtian, quickly blasted back!

Soon, the two men quit a few hundred miles.

After a complete withdrawal, the two men looked at each other and took a breath of coldness.

Because, the two thought of a problem almost at the same time.

If Yongshe asks the heavens to guess that Yangdingtian is coming to Xiaoxitian to seek the Nagawang demon nuclear, why should he set up in the Great Sacrifice Association, where it is not his territory. There is only one place for the best setting, that is, the head hall.

When everyone enters the head hall, the first thing to enter is the taboo of the mainland.

Although it can quickly rush into the dark void, fly backwards, out of the illusion.

But in a short-lived illusion, the whole person is in a state of state, and there is absolutely no defense.

If you want to set aside here, you can grab yourself!

Therefore, if Yongshe asks the day to set up a cover, it must be in the head hall!

Well, just now Yangdingtian rushed in, it is self-investment!

"For the time being, I will give up the demon nucleus of the Naga kings!" Without a sigh, he slowly said: "Begin to take the initiative to contact the spiritual strength of the Naga royal family in the soul sword and make further exchanges!"

Yang Dingtian did not directly promise her. I thought about it for a while, then said: "Where is the innocent lord, where is the Grand Priest Association?"

"Not Zhoushan!" Nothing.

Yangding Tianyi, this is the same name as the giant mountain in ancient Chinese legend!

"Which position?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It is floating!" There is no such thing as saying: "This giant mountain floats in a void, completely independent of Xiaoxitian! It is always in motion, and it should be in the north of the Great East of Xiaoxitian... ”

Yangding Tianji got up. At the time of the silver palace, he had read many books, including the records of Zhoushan!

The entire Xiaoxitian is a scattered land and mountain peak that floats on the surface of the sea and is held in a special force field.

Only if it is not Zhoushan, it is in the void, and it is moving all the time. Rotating around Xiaoxitian.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian’s brain suddenly moved.

Take out the parchment from the space ring and have paper!

Very simple to draw a map of the small West!

The entire Xiaoxitian is an almost very regular circle, not the void of Zhoushan. In the book, it seems to be a square.

Yangdingtian pointed to Zhoushan Road: "The square that is not Zhoushan is always moving. And is it turning around Xiaoxitian? The whole movement process is very regular. Right?"

Nothing nodded and said: "Yes, it is just a year, turn around!"

It sounds like something like the moon turning around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun.

The eyes float directly in place and close their eyes. Fall into meditation and contemplation.

Innocent, on the side, waiting for his thinking.

Suddenly, Yangding Tianyi opened his eyes and said: "I have a very very bizarre idea!"

Nothing says: "You said."

Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, it is not that Zhoushan is turning around Xiaoxitian. But the whole Xiaoxitian world is spinning itself, and Zhoushan is not moving at all. So, it gives you the feeling that it is not rolling around the small west. ""

Innocent beauty trembles: "But, from the head hall into Xiaoxitian, each time is the same position. If Xiaoxitian is turning, then this position will change."

Yangding Tiandao: "No, the door of the small West Heaven of the skull hall is the door of energy, not the door of physics. This door is only symbolic, it is completely equivalent to a space channel. Therefore, it will always be fixed at a certain Position."

Nothing says: "If based on your guess, what does that mean?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Explain, not the Zhoushan area, does not belong to Xiaoxitian. The whole Xiaoxitian is below the sea. Without Zhoushan, it is completely nothing. The whole Xiaoxitian has no snow, not Zhoushan, perennial snow."

Nothing says: "And then?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If Zhoushan does not belong to Xiaoxitian, but it can enter Xiaoxitian. It proves that Zhoushan is the only passage in the world of Xiaoxitian and other planes. The small west gate of the skull hall is space. The door is not a real physical passage. It proves that you can enter Xiaoxitian from another place, not through Zhoushan! That is, I can go directly to the mountain without going through the head hall!"

I feel that my breath is rushing!

She likes this the most, the most obsessed with this kind of wisdom! In particular, when others open the door to knowledge that she never knew!

Innocent and gasping: "If you guess that everything is true, then where can you enter the Mountain and enter the Great Priest Association?"

Yangdingtian closed his eyes and immediately conceived a three-dimensional figure in his mind!

Tearing space, this is the product of the last era of the era. It has not become a dark field, but it has been worse than the tearing of the continent.

Moreover, the tearing space is the whole three-dimensional, it is bordered by the magic domain, and the east from the grassland, and the Yinyang mirror!

Well, it is very likely to border with Xiao Xitian!

Even Yangdingtian can make more bold guesses! The so-called not Zhoushan, just escaped the tearing space!

It does not belong to Xiaoxitian, nor does it belong to the tearing space, but the combination of the two!

Not Zhoushan is not so lucky, but there is no tearing space so bad!

Yes, if Yangdingtian guesses correctly! Not Zhoushan is the only channel of pity that tears space and Xiaoxitian, and the product of two spaces.

If Yangdingtian guesses correctly, Zhoushan should be bordered by the torn space.

Even Yang Dingtian began to do a lot of calculations in the brain, a lot of guesses, and a lot of composition.

In the end, if the tearing space is also a sphere, a sphere with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles. Then, the entrance to the mountain should not be the ultimate in the southwest corner of the torn space! Of course, it is also possible to be the ultimate in the northwest corner!

Because, for the spatial position of Xiaoxitian, Yangdingtian is still unable to fully confirm whether it is higher or lower.

Yang Dingtian opened his eyes again and turned to innocent: "The innocent lord, I am going to tear the space. If my bold idea is true, then I can find the entrance to the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association."

Nothing says: "If you succeed, do you know what it means?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I mean, I found the second entrance to Xiaoxitian."

Nothing nodded: "You should know how great this is."

"No, it's far more than that." Yangding Tiandao: "I even mastered the direct way to destroy Xiaoxitian."

The innocent face changed, and Yang Dingtian opened a door that she was completely unknown. Her eyes were completely bright.

At this time, Yang Dingtian deeply felt that innocent in apathy and calmness, in fact, there is also a crazy soul.

After hearing Yang Dingtian said that after completely destroying Xiaoxitian, she felt shocked and curious. Instead of worrying about the fate of Xiaoxitian, you must know that she also belongs to Xiaoxitian.

"You said, you said..." Innocently felt that their voices were shaking!

Yangding Tiandao: "Xiaoxitian's own energy is in a very abnormal range after a torn of a large Nirvana. It is constantly rotating, perhaps a self-adjustment, preventing further tearing of the entire torn continent. In short, its balance must be inseparable from the support of the torn space, and Zhoushan is the only channel to maintain the two spaces. It is the ultimate key to energy balance in Xiaoxitian. Once destroyed, it will not be destroyed. ~ The energy balance of the entire Xiaoxitian will be completely destroyed, and the whole Xiaoxitian will be destroyed in a short time!"

"It's crazy..." The innocent thought that the whole body was hot, and then directly rushed up, kissed the lips of Yangdingtian, and even extended the small tongue, and made a hot wet kiss.

After a long time, she released Yangding Tiandao: "You take me to prove this. If your point of view is correct, then you will be subdued by wisdom, maybe I will not stand by and stand on you completely. Here!"

Yangding Tian was shocked!

Innocent curiosity and exploration of the unknown, even crazy.

Her position is not from justice and evil at all, it is entirely from the exploration of the unknown!

"Go, I will prove it to you." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian rumors told the poisonous sand and the mermaid queen, and then flew directly toward the tearing space with the innocent! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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