Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1017: The shock of the Great Priest Association!

After leaving the torn space, the huge energy channel that emerged from the inside disappeared, and only the complete void was seen around, and there was no void in the sky. ~Vertex novel,

It is still far away from Xiaoxitian, and there are thousands of miles in it. The light and shadow in the void is filled, so the shadow of Xiaoxitian in the distance is not seen at all.

The sight can be seen, only the giant mountain in front of you!

Even Yang Dingtian can't describe it as big, and the span of the mountain directly reaches nearly a thousand miles.

The height is far from tens of thousands of meters, or even higher. There is a feeling of inserting into the city of Yunxiao and piercing the sky.

Looking up, you can't see the top.

This is a bleak giant mountain, and there is no green leaf safflower. Below, it is a bleak black boulders, a few kilometers.

Going up, the snow is getting thicker and thicker.

When I got to the back, it was completely covered by snow.

Therefore, this is also a huge snow mountain.

Desolation, solitary, arrogant, but full of beauty.

Yangdingtian directly enters the stealth state and then flies toward the giant mountain in front.

About a thousand miles away, Yangdingtian came under the giant mountain!

At this time, there is nothing else in the field of vision, only the giant mountain in front of you.

Of course, the direct flight of Yangdingtian is completely easy.

But he thought that there would be a quirk of a great priest association and hope to be respected by others. So if you fly up, people will definitely not be birds, you need to climb yourself.

Therefore, Yangdingtian gave up the flight and even gave up the mystery.

Honestly, with both hands and feet, climbed up.


This giant mountain, but there is no road. That kind of steepness can't be described in words.

Yangdingtian does not need mystery, no flight, so it is difficult to climb.

After two hours, I climbed the exposed place of the boulder below, and then went up, the snow began to thicken.

Yangdingtian continued to climb up.

The more you go up. The thicker the snow, the stronger the mountain wind.

In the end, the snow has even surpassed the height of the person, and it has become more difficult to climb up.

Suddenly, Yangding innocent almost wants to give up, and wants to fly directly with Xuanqi, which is too difficult.

However, biting his teeth, Yang Dingtian still persisted.

After a day and a night!

Yangdingtian climbed to the foot of the equivalent of 20,000 meters above sea level, more than two Everest.

but. At this time, it is less than half of the giant mountain.

It is full day and night.

Yang Dingtian climbed tens of thousands of meters of fear, still did not reach the top of the mountain.

Yang Dingtian has never really been so tired. The depth of the snow has already exceeded tens of meters, and it has been completely buried.

Even if it is fighting with the semi-classic strong, it is not so tired.

The decent and sacred, there is a feeling of exhaustion.

I climbed for two days and two nights.

Finally... finally...

When Yang Dingtian almost climbed numb, suddenly he looked up suddenly. It is already empty.

I have reached the peak!

Time. Yangding innocence has a feeling of pride.

I don't have to fly, I don't need mysteriousness, just relying on my own body, I really conquered this tens of thousands of meters of giant mountains.

At this time on the top of the mountain, Yangdingtian was instantly shocked by the beauty in front of you!

Less than a thousand miles ahead. It’s Xiaoxitian!

Really, it’s really beautiful, it’s exactly like a picture.

It is only a thousand miles away from Xiaoxitian.

From such a height, you can see Xiao Xitian over a few thousand miles. Although I can't see the house, I can see the city faintly, see the river, and see the mountains and rivers.

Moreover, Yangdingtian guessed that it was correct, and the whole Xiaoxitian was always turning slowly.

Of course, if you don't know, you will think that you are not turning around.

Yangdingtian was intoxicated for a while in this infinite danger.

Then he wondered!

Where is the Great Priest Association? This is not on the top of the mountain!

But who told you that you can find the Grand Priest Association when you climb the top of the mountain? This idea of ​​Yang Dingtian is really too much.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian began to recall the records in the book. However, it seems that for some reason, there is no place to write a great priest association.

This, this is a pit!

Do you want to find yourself in the mountains?

This, the span of the mountain, but there are nearly a thousand miles, the perimeter is full of thousands of miles.

If you still find it with this leg, then at least it will take several months.

However, how can you do this? Maybe a few days later, the Temple of Destroy will go to war, and the Battle of the World will start!

However, if I climbed up with my legs, I couldn’t directly break the ring. I started flying over the mountains and flying around to find it!

Where is this pottery priest association?

This, this is just the beginning! Then Yangdingtian found another very, very bad thing!

I don’t seem to have changed my body. I didn’t become a non-language, it’s still the appearance of Yangdingtian!

As long as he enters the special energy environment of Xiaoxitian, he will directly become a non-linguistic appearance, but here Yangdingtian has not changed.

This Yangdingtian can't be done anymore. Before the mermaid empire, he pretended to be a konjac, only need to sculpt a few imprints.

The appearance of the non-language is very weird, and Yangdingtian is really disguised.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian feels that the Great Priest Association is so powerful that he has entered the Zhoushan Mountains. They should know that they may have seen it.

Therefore, if you transform yourself, you will be deceived.

So, use the true face directly?


After deciding to use the true face to show people, Yang Dingtian has to decide how to find the Grand Priest Association.

It is impossible to find it by relying on your own two legs.

It’s impossible to fly all over the mountains.

Then the only way is to directly yell: "A visitor comes to visit, please come to the Grand Priest Association!"

However, this mountain is a thousand miles! Although Yang Dingtian is a semi-classic strongman, the voice wants to resound a thousand miles. Still a little difficult.

Of course, there is another way to directly use the Xuanhuo lightning to pull out a huge lightning that is hundreds of miles long.

This dazzling radiance is exactly like a nuclear bomb explosion, no matter where the Grand Priest Association is. It is difficult to not see it.

However, the Great Priest Association can see it, and the small West Heaven in the distance will be visible.

Yangdingtian does not want to let Xiaoxitian know that he has come to the Great Priest Association.

In the end, Yangdingtian thought of a way, no sound, but enough to let the people of the entire mountain know.

He pulled out the sword of the Emperor and slammed into the depths of the mountain.

Then, slamming out a powerful energy. Produce tremendously profound and profound vibrations.

Yangdingtian carefully controls the energy frequency and rhythm of the soul sword.

This, this is very dangerous.

Sure enough, resonance has begun!

Countless snow, began to tidy neatly.

Yangdingtian has increased its energy.

Suddenly, countless snows began to fly and tremble.

Yangdingtian is very very careful, and can not cause a huge avalanche at once. This will anger the Grand Priest Association.

Under the control of Yangdingtian, the whole snow is not in the mountains. They began to tremble with a strong vibration.

Countless snow fluttering, as if starting a fierce dance.

The whole is not Zhoushan, and a loud bang is heard!

The so-called low sound is that the sound is very low and not intense.

The so-called loud noise can be spread throughout the entire mountain.

This is a meeting of Yangdingtian!

How to manipulate the resonance of the snow. It caused a loud noise and trembling throughout the mountain, but did not cause an avalanche.

This is very, very intelligent and very difficult.

Even if a holy power is strong, there is no way to make the whole mountain tremble!

In this way, Yangdingtian proves that he is qualified and a great priest association. Have a meeting!


At this time, the snow dance of the whole mountain has arrived.

Numerous snows have been blasted into the sky for tens of meters, then layered and carefully dropped.

The whole grand scene has been shocked and cannot be described in words.

However, the people of the Great Priest Association still did not appear.

Yang Dingtian stopped the tremor of the Soul Sword, because if it continues, it will cause an earth-shattering avalanche.

The people of the Great Priest Association did not appear, but they responded.

A cold wind blew.

In the top of the sky, there was a dense whistling sound.


The sea breeze blew through the snow, and suddenly left a dense imprint!

Yang Dingtian saw this dense imprint, and suddenly felt very familiar, and very intimate and excited.

Because this is the most original code of the martial civilization.

It is also the most important threshold of the so-called realm of God!

However, at this time, the Grand Priest Association used this code to express meaning, rather than writing some kind of mystery, martial arts.

Yang Dingtian’s interpretation of the original code of the martial arts civilization has reached a certain level.

This code is still very, very simple.

Hey, where are you from?

Although simple, there are only a handful of things that can be answered in this world.

Because I can identify the original code of the martial arts civilization, there are not many people at all!

Of course, if you can't identify the code of the martial arts civilization, you will not be qualified to see the people of the Great Priest Association.

Yangdingtian controls the soul sword, and writes the source code with the vibration frequency, saying: "From the opposite side of Xiaoxitian!"

This answer came out, and suddenly the whole mountain trembled!

There is no doubt that this answer is very shocking, even shocking!

Because in history, only through the small West Heaven into the mountains.

However, Xiao Xitian entered the entrance of Zhoushan, but was blocked by the great priest and guarded. No one was allowed to enter without consent.

Some people now say that it is from the other side of Xiaoxitian!

This shock to the Great Priest Association is unprecedented!

So next, it is a long silence!

After a long time, the ice and snow on the ground gradually condensed a figure, toward the Yangding Tiandao: "Guest, please come with me!"

Then, these ice and snow condensed figures began to move forward.

Yangdingtian immediately chased it up! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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