Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1020: Breeding a half god, performing on the spot?

After two hours, the entire Grand Priest Association’s people all interrupted meditation and came to the cave hall to gather. ¥fVertical novel,

There are only thirty-nine people in Yangding. There are only thirty-nine people in total. This great priest association has been established for thousands of years. No member except the innocent father has passed away. Today, there are only thirty-nine people. How difficult it is to enter.

And it is different from Yang Tiantian's imagination.

He thought that these great priests must all seem to be old and ruthless. In reality, however, most people don't seem to be older than Yangdingtian.

Of course, there are also old and old.

However, most people use a gray robes to completely wrap themselves up. Not only can they not see the age, they can't even see men and women.

After being interrupted by meditation, these great priests did not show much anger, but they were filled with excitement and anticipation.

Because since meditation has been interrupted, it means that at least one of the three major problems has made a huge breakthrough.

Everyone, sitting on the stone bench in the cave hall, had a Yangdingtian in the hall. These high priests didn't even react, and even some people nodded to him.

After all sitting down, one of the great priests opened the hood and revealed his face.

No language, Yang Dingtian This is the first time I saw a real non-language. The appearance is similar to that of Xiaoxitian, but it seems to be more profound and thinner.

This non-language priest, the face can not see the age, but the depth of the eyes, but it seems to be longer than the entire small West.

This should be one of the leaders of the Great Priest Association. He looked at everyone and looked a little confused when he passed the face of Yang Dingtian. It seems as if I have never seen this person, but I have doubts that I have been meditation for too long, so I forget it.

"Who is this man, who entered the association in a year, I have no impression." This is not a language, he is not asking. It is not ironic, but a very serious conversation.

Yang Dingtian immediately got up and said: "This elder is good, my name is Yang Dingtian!"

The non-language thought for a while, as if he couldn't find the memory. He suddenly nodded. "Hello, God, no matter which year you joined the association, I have welcomed you, here. I will welcome you again."


Suddenly. All the great priests have to give up and nod.

The Yangding innocence is speechless. All the brains of this group of people are used for meditation. For the world, it is really nothing.

Sitting in the face of Yangdingtian, there is no doubt at all.

He is about to explain that the leader of the non-language said: "Which colleague aroused us? Oh, is Ms. Naru, congratulations. I made a breakthrough in the three major problems. Excuse me, you are in the first few questions. Have you made a breakthrough?"

Nalu said: "The third question!"

No language: "The origin and future direction of Xiaoxitian civilization? Although not as exciting as the spiritual field and large space technology. But after all, it involves the civilization of Xiaoxitian. It is not bad. What is the solution? problem?"

Nalu said: "The birth of the descendants of the half god!"

When the words came out, all the great priests who were present suddenly trembled.

This, this should be a problem that has plagued the entire Xiaoxitian race for thousands of years, so to speak. From the beginning of the birth of Xiaoxitian civilization, this problem has arisen.

Because, the race of Xiao Xitian, whether it is a demon or a non-language, is created by the fallen silver dragon in order to create a new demigod race.

in case. Both the non-language and the demon foxes are unable to breed the demigods, which means that the complete defeat of these two races means that these two races will eventually be wiped out of the garbage of history like other experimental races.

Therefore, this matter is not very big in Yangdingtian, but in the eyes of the Xiaoxitian race, it is bigger than the sky, and even related to the survival and existence of the entire race.

In fact, when I had three major problems at the time, I wanted to put this in the first one.

However, it was later suggested that this was too narrow, too much of a big picture, and too limited to its own interests.

Therefore, the spiritual field and the large space technique, these two high-level macro problems are ranked in the first two, and the issues related to the survival of their own race are placed in the third, indicating the selflessness and far-reaching nature of the Great Priest Association.

At this point, I heard that this is the most important issue to break through, they are naturally very happy!

The non-linguistic leader suddenly excited: "His Naru, please tell us your breakthrough!"

Nalu said: "It's not my breakthrough. In fact, a few years ago, Xiaoxitian's demon fox family successfully vaccinated humans and gave birth to a demigod. Only Xiaoxitian's parliament deliberately shielded us from this. In fact, although we have almost cut off any connection with Xiaoxitian in recent years, we sent people to Yindu a few years ago, but this big event has never been mentioned by the Xiaoxitian Parliament."

As soon as this was said, several of the great priests present were discolored.

"What happened to their speaker? What do the nine tribes want to go?" Suddenly, an elderly demon fox priest angered: "Yes, who is their current speaker?"

"It should be a young demon fox called the enchanting." Another great priest said.

The Yangding innocence is speechless. How much is this great priest association isolated from the outside world? Now even the little West Heaven is the speaker who does not know, even the enchanting death of such a big thing do not know!

Then, the leader of the non-language priest said: "His Naru, what is the situation? How did Xiaoxitian give birth to the demigods?"

Nalu pointed to Yangding Tiandao: "The genius who gave birth to the demigods is the enchanting sorcerer of the Shadow Ge and the young foxes of the geisha. Of course, the reason why they gave birth to the demigods has little to do with themselves. What is really purple is a human man called Yang Dingtian. His blood can be combined with the demon fox to breed a demigod!"

"So, where is this human man called Yangdingtian?" The leader of the non-language priests.

Yangding Tiandeng suddenly opened his mouth, and he was clearly here, and he has already introduced himself. My name is Yang Dingtian.

Are these people listening to people?

Nalu jade fingered him and said: "This is the lord of the sun from the human kingdom!"

"Brushing brush..." Suddenly, all eyes looked at him.

The leader of the non-language priest said: "Oh, you are not a member of the association. You are the great cloth breeder."

Cloth seed. Can this noun be difficult to hear?

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian felt that everyone looked at his own eyes and became burning, as if the hungry wolf saw the meat, which made him worry whether he would be immediately anatomically studied.

The non-language priest suddenly excited: "I would like to ask Mr. Yang Dingtian of human beings, do you have uniqueness in the human country? Because we know that the female foxes of the fox family have been vaccinated for thousands of years, and they are looking for There is no human being that can make the demon fox estrus."

Yangding nodded and said: "I think, I am unique. Because I am the only one who can make the demon foxes. The snakes are estrus and give birth to demigods."

Suddenly, all the great priests breathed heavily.

Another demon fox priest asked: "Excuse me, Lord Yang Dingtian, what do you think is the reason why you can let the demon fox breed a demigod?"

Yangdingtian thought for a while and said: "I don't know. I used to think that it was because of the dark mysterious fire. But then the east of the temple of annihilation also had a dark mysterious fire, but it could not make the Queen of the Sea of ​​the Snake Empire estrus. So, it is clear that the dark Xuanhuo is not the cause, so I began to doubt again. Will it be related to my Jiuyang Xuanmai!"

"You are the Jiuyang Xuanmai?" The eyes of the non-language priests shine.

Yangding nodded.

"The nine-yang Xuanmai that did not meet the millennium, although this reason is not rigorous, but it has a certain persuasive power."

Suddenly, there is a demon fox priest who said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, may you be able to perform your ability on this spot on the spot. Let us have a deeper understanding and make sure this thing!"

Yangding Tiandeng was completely speechless. How does this kind of thing happen?

However, the gaze of the great priest in the field turned out to be deep and he looked at the gaze of Yang Dingtian. They are full of desire.

This is a group of academic metamorphosis!

The non-language leader priest asked: "When we are there, there are women who are women, whether they are foxes or non-speakers."

Suddenly, there were three hands raised, one of which was Nalu’s hand.

These three hands are lifted from such a rough cloth robes, which is especially awkward.

These cloth robes are simple, and the outstretched hands, such snow jade slender, graceful and moving.

And Yang Dingtian noticed that Naru’s hand was not the most beautiful one.

There is also a hand that is really exactly like a white jade. The slenderness is so refined that even the nails are like jade, and they are quite sharp.

Generally speaking, the jade hand is just a description of a woman's hand.

But the hands in front of me are really jade hands, and Yangding genius has never seen such a moving jade hand.

The leader of the non-language priest: "When you are willing to be an experimenter, please continue to raise your hand!"

There is a hand down, of course Naru's hand! Although she has no desire for help now, she has vowed to be dedicated to her husband.

"The one on the left, if I remember correctly, you should be Ms. Demon Fox." The non-verbal leader, the priest said: "Excuse me, are you sure you are willing to be a volunteer?"

"Yes, sir." A soft and supreme woman voiced, the master of the jade hand.

Then she opened her hood and revealed her face.

Yangding Tianzhukong suddenly shrinks!

This, this is the first time Yang Dingtian saw it, so it is like a woman of a fox.

Yes, it’s a fox, not a fox.

As long as it is a woman who looks charming, it can be called a fox.

The woman in front of me, this face is like the face of a fox.

The narrow eyelids are not big, but when you look at it, you can remember that there is even a kind of power to capture the soul.

The slender nose is not very high, and for a woman, it seems a bit long. However, it is exquisite to the extreme.

Exquisite lips, as if transparent, will not give people a feeling of no blood.

Her face is actually a bit long and somewhat sharp.

The whole face is really like a fox.

So on the beautiful ~ ~ she certainly can not match Nalu.

However, this face is a glance, and you will never forget it!

In fact, Yang Dingtian only looked at her, and then the whole face was this face, and even squeezed out Naru's beautiful face.

This demon fox woman really has a very special charm.

The fox is a race name, but the name of the woman is called the fox.

After Yang Dingtian saw it, she was very sure that she could call this name.

Then, the demon fox went to the front of Yangdingtian.

The leader of the non-language leader: "Lord Yang Dingtian, you can do anything to the lady who is in front of you, showing your unique ability."

"Please!" The fox foxes toward Yangding. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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